Discover Jesus \Events
Read about the important events that occurred during Jesus' life and discover new details about their meaning and how and when they occurred.
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30 CE
Chosen from three couples that were nominated.
Joseph courts Mary while working for her father.
A divine visitation informs Elizabeth of a pending birth.
Mary received a visitation from the archangel Gabriel regarding her child.
Joseph finds resolution in a vivid dream.
John was born in 7 BCE to Elizabeth and Zacharias.
Born in Bethlehem, Jesus spent his first two years in Egypt.
Joseph and Mary escape to Egypt with Jesus.
Jesus welcomes the arrival of his brother James.
Jesus receives his divine spirit, a fragment of God.
Jesus begins to have “little talks” with God.
Jesus begins school and gains practical wisdom.
Jesus excels in school and learns to play the harp.
Excelling in school and gaining diverse perspectives.
Jesus becomes more introspective and inquisitive.
Jesus witnesses Joseph’s anger for the first time.
Striving for family harmony and diverse learning.
A shaping experience for Jesus as a teenager.
Jesus’ heavenly brother says to begin to be about his Father’s business.
Jesus’ earthly father dies when he is fourteen.
An optimistic year leading up to the accident.
John the Baptist became a Nazarite at fourteen.
Financial struggles set in for the Nazareth family.
Adolescent Jesus begins to plan for the future.
A patriotic movement challenges young Jesus.
Zacharias passed away when John was eighteen.
A trip to Jerusalem and another family tragedy.
Jesus solidifies his role as the household leader.
Rebecca proposes to Jesus when he is nineteen.
Jesus celebrates with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.
Jesus gradually realizes his divine nature.
A new job allows Jesus time away from his family.
An offer to lead a school of religious philosophy.
Jesus attends to work and family obligations.
Jesus shows patience for his younger brother.
Jesus cherished his time with little children.
Jesus prepares for his final departure from his family.
Jesus’ first full year, at 27, living apart from his family.
Elizabeth passed away when John was twenty-eight.
Jesus prepares for a two-year trip that is kept secret.
Follow the will of God; don’t run away from obligations.
Jesus helps repair a boat while teaching spiritual truths.
Jesus assists Ganid in the study of the world's religions.
Jesus teaches profound truths on reality, unity, and love.
Jesus helps a young man overcome his fears.
A lesson on time and space with a Mithraic priest.
Jesus helps individuals along his journey to Rome.
It was a tearful farewell for the three men.
Jesus continues his two-year secret journey.
Six months of uplifting contact with nearly 500 people.
Experiential truth and the pivotal role of faith.
Jesus advised on the ethical distribution of wealth.
An admirable philosophy lacking a personal God.
Jesus transforms a man's anger into respect for his wife.
Jesus aids courtesans, teaching compassion.
Jesus imparted tailored wisdom in Corinth, enriching lives.
Jesus' discourse bridged science and philosophy.
In Ephesus, Jesus explains the essence of the soul.
Jesus taught Ganid about mind's role in soul growth.
A year-long journey impacts diverse lives positively.
A representative global government for peace.
John began preaching at 32, baptizing over 100,000.
His 31st year marked a transition in his life.
Jesus effectively ends the Lucifer rebellion.
Jesus bides his time before going to John to be baptized.
Jesus was baptized with his brothers James and Jude.
Jesus spends forty days of solitude after his baptism.
John preached as interest in Jesus intensified.
Andrew and Simon Peter become the first two apostles.
James and John become the third and fourth apostles.
Philip and Nathaniel become the fifth and sixth apostles.
Jesus takes steps to prevent idolatry.
Jesus inadvertently turns water into wine out of sympathy.
Jesus appears with profound sermon, not dramatic power.
Jesus taught over a hundred sessions to his first six apostles.
John criticizes Herod and gets arrested as a result.
John was imprisoned for 18 months before his death.
Jesus introduced a spiritual kingdom in Capernaum.
The first six choose each nominate a new member.
Apostles organized roles to support their mission.
Apostles misunderstand Jesus' spiritual mission.
A period of fishing, preaching, and bonding with Jesus.
Apostles trained, worked, and learned from Jesus.
Jesus delivers an ordination sermon to his new apostles.
Exploring Jesus’ inaugural guidance to his apostles.
Jesus taught apostles love, sincerity, trust, and gospel mission.
Jesus teaches apostles about spiritual kingdom's true nature.
Jesus consecrates apostles and instructs on gospel mission.
Jesus teaches God's fatherhood, spiritual unity, and transformation.
Jesus taught, preached, and bonded across key cities.
Jesus approves Flavius' art collection, clarifies idolatry's context.
Jesus speak to Jacob about the loving, not wrathful, nature of God.
Jesus assures: true belief in his teachings guarantees eternal life.
A wealthy Sanhedrin meets privately with Jesus.
Jesus reveals his divinity to a Samaritan woman.
Jesus' mountain retreat rejuvenated apostles, solving group issues.
Jesus reassured discouraged apostles, inspiring renewed confidence.
Jesus teaches about self-forgetfulness and self-control.
Jesus and apostles retreat, prepare amid rising tensions.
Jesus reluctantly shares a model prayer with his apostles.
Jesus and John's apostles convene to align their teachings
John was executed by Herod at his wife's instigation.
A one-time mass healing of hundreds of individuals.
Jesus' knowledge led to a significant, non-miraculous, catch.
Jesus heals epileptic boy, misunderstood as demon expulsion.
Jesus heals leper deliberately in Iron, changes many lives.
In Nain, Jesus awakens a boy mistaken for dead.
A two-month initial tour of public and private teachings.
Jesus dispels myths about ghosts, ensures control over spirits.
Jesus' knowledge gives the impression of healing from afar.
Jesus updates the "golden rule" when discussing with apostles.
Jesus emphasizes spiritual truths over miracles at Bethesda.
Jesus teaches forgiveness at dinner with Simon the Pharisee.
Jesus explains suffering is not divine punishment.
Jesus and the apostles train new evangelists over five months.
Suffering stems from worldly imperfections and human decisions.
Jesus clarifies evil, sin; affirms humanity's divine ascent.
A hospital near Bethsaida served one thousand; Jesus visited.
A paralyzed man was lowered through the roof for healing.
Jesus' three-month preaching tour covered multiple Galilean cities.
Jesus heals on Sabbath and defies the Pharisees.
Jesus lifts up a group of women teachers.
Reached those that men couldn't, women expand outreach.
Jesus' Galilee tour has an expanded team, women included.
Jesus refutes superstitions during a question about a star.
Salvation through faith: God's gift for all believers.
An angry crowd creates a precarious situation.
Jesus' first parable used to teach the masses.
Jesus used parables to teach while avoiding accusations.
Jesus' parables reveal kingdom growth, challenges, and insights.
Jesus speaks calming words that coincide with an ebbing storm.
Jesus "heals" Amos in Kheresa; false tale of swine spreads.
A woman's faith miraculously heals her, touching Jesus's garment.
Jesus wakes Jairus' daughter and observers claim resurrection.
Jesus performs a true nature miracle by multiplying food.
A disappointed crowd disperses after believing Jesus would be king.
Peter's vision of Jesus walking on water was a dream.
A change in tone marks a turning point for Jesus.
Sanhedrin banned Jesus; synagogues forced to comply.
Avoiding arrest, Jesus hurts the feelings of his family.
After avoiding arrest, Jesus continues teaching in Galilee.
The importance of personal spiritual experience.
Living faith and spiritual experience surpass formal religions.
Jesus taught receptive gentiles in Sidon in June, 29 CE.
Persistent woman gets daughter healed by Jesus in Phoenicia.
Jesus' teaching in Tyre influences global spread of gospel.
Jesus's family visit thwarted; he urges faith and service.
When asked, Peter declares that Jesus is the Son of God.
Peter's confession marked the beginning of Jesus' final life phase.
Jesus converses with celestial beings on Mount Hermon.
The apostles attempt to heal a boy while Jesus is away.
Peter's attempt to reassure Jesus is harshly rebuked.
Jesus led a transformative four-week preaching tour.
Greek philosopher meets apostles; reshapes early Christian thought.
Jesus declares divinity at Tabernacles, frustrating religious leaders.
Jesus taught at tabernacles feast, challenging enemies safely.
Jesus teaches forgiveness and exposes hypocrisy in adultery case.
Jesus boldly proclaimed divinity in Jerusalem, despite threats.
Matadormus hesitated, missing fellowship; wealth hindered growth.
Preparing a group to assist the apostles in their work.
Good Samaritan parable challenges prejudices at Dedication Feast.
Jesus heals blind Josiah to challenge Jewish authorities.
Jesus preached trust in God and spiritual readiness.
Jesus assured apostles: Material needs met, focus on service.
Jesus warned against greed and prioritizing wealth over spirituality.
Jesus proclaimed himself the true shepherd, dividing listeners.
Abner led Perean Mission with the seventy and women's corps.
Jesus rebukes Pharisees' rituals; some plot death.
Jesus heals ten lepers; only Samaritan shows gratitude.
Philadelphia was a key site of Jesus' ministry and teachings.
Prioritizing spiritual calls over worldly distractions.
Jesus heals woman; challenges Pharisee's Sabbath restrictions.
Jesus heals a man during a Pharisee-hosted breakfast.
News of Lazarus prompts Jesus to plan an outward show of divinity.
Jesus blessed children; taught God-connection through nature.
Jesus critiques divorce laws, praises marriage's societal role.
Salvation is personal choice open to all sincere seekers.
An intentional demonstration of his divine power.
Lazarus' resurrection sealed Jesus' fate with religious leaders.
A father celebrates the return of his son.
The kingdom is a spiritual state of being available now.
Jesus' lesson: greatness comes through service, not position.
Jesus warned disciples of death; they remained hopeful.
Jesus departs the Pella camp with about one thousand disciples.
Discipleship costs everything; consider carefully before committing.
Blind Bartimeus, healed by Jesus, shared his miraculous story.
Jesus transforms Zaccheus, saving and restoring the lost.
Mary's anointing sparks praise and plots at the Bethany banquet.
Jesus chose a donkey for his triumphal entrance.
Jesus’ indignation is aroused at the temple.
Jesus answers question about his authority with another question.
Jesus taught unconditional forgiveness, independent of repentance.
Jewish leaders questioned Jesus, but he silenced them effectively.
Jesus welcomed Greeks before his final temple discourse.
Jesus' last discourse challenges enemies, bids followers farewell.
Sanhedrin decree death for Jesus and plan a secretive arrest.
Jesus foretold Jerusalem's destruction to his apostles.
Jesus spends a day in the hills with the lad John Mark.
Judas conspires with Caiaphas to arrest and execute Jesus.
Jesus gave a farewell discourse to fifty loyal followers.
The final meal that Jesus shared with his apostles.
Jesus’ final discourse to the remaining eleven apostles.
Jesus introduces the coming Spirit of Truth.
Jesus emphasized peace, love, spiritual growth, and triumph.
Jesus gave personalized blessings, preparing each for the future.
Jesus prayed for apostles' strength, prepared for betrayal.
Jesus seeks assurance from God in his final night.
Jesus willingly surrendered, accepting his fate.
Judas identifies Jesus with a kiss, leading to his arrest.
John remained by Jesus after his arrest through his death.
Ten apostles scattered; John stayed with Jesus until crucifixion.
Annas interrogates silent Jesus before sending to Caiaphas.
Peter wept after denying he knew Jesus three times.
Jesus' calm composure angered accusers, leading to conviction.
Jesus endured an hour of silent, unresisted abuse.
Sanhedrin formulate false charges against Jesus without him.
Pilate denies the Sanhedrin expedience in judgment.
Pilate knew Jesus did not deserve to die.
Herod mocked Jesus and sent him back to Pilate.
Pilate’s fear leads him to reluctantly order Jesus’ death.
Jesus showed dignity, faith, compassion, and self-control.
Overwhelmed by guilt, Judas hangs himself but dies by fall.
His followers scattered and David maintained communications.
Jesus carries crossbeam to Golgotha until Simon assists him.
Jesus’ death occurred in under five and a half hours.
Jewish law prohibited the burial of crucified individuals.
Jesus appeared 19 different times after his resurrection.
Resurrections end epochs, enable souls' ascension from sleep.
A group of women are the first to encounter the risen Jesus.
Mary Magdalene encounters Jesus a second time.
Jesus appeared to his brother James.
Appearance to his earth family and friends.
Appearance to twenty-five women believers.
Appearance to forty Greek believers.
Appearance to brothers Cleopas and Jacob.
Appearance to Simon Peter outside the Mark home.
Appearance to ten of Jesus' apostles.
Appearance to Abner, Lazarus, and synagogue in Philadelphia.
Appearance to Thomas and the other ten apostles.
Appearance to Rodan and eighty believers in Alexandria.
Appearance to ten apostles and John Mark in Bethsaida.
Appearance to eleven apostles at the Mount of Ordination.
Appearance to over 500 believers in Bethsaida.
Appearance to apostles, women's corps, and fifty believers.
Appearance to Nalda and seventy-five Samaritans.
Appearance to a group of believers in Tyre.
Final appearance to his eleven apostles at Mount Olivet.
Jesus ascended on May 18th, 30 CE.
Matthias is chosen as Judas' successor; apostles dispersed.
Jesus fulfills his promise following his ascension.