Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus' Eighth Appearance
Jesus appeared to a despairing Peter in Elijah Mark's garden, affirming his faith and apostleship, rejuvenating his spirit to share the news. Andrew was dubious of Peter's claim, causing skepticism and support to divide the apostles.
Jesus’ eighth resurrection appearance was around 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 9, 30 CE, to Simon Peter in the flower garden of the home of Elijah Mark. On Friday morning, Peter denied his Master and no longer felt worthy of being an apostle. He wrestled with despair and finally declared that he believed Jesus had risen from the dead. At that very moment, the risen Jesus appeared to him. Peter was overjoyed and after conversing with Jesus for five minutes, he excitedly went to tell the other apostles in the upper chamber about his visit from the risen Jesus.
Perhaps no one needed to see the risen Jesus more than Peter. Peter left things in a mess. On the night of Jesus' arrest in the courtyard of the palace of Annas, he was trying to be clever in deflecting the accusations of servants that he was one of Jesus’ followers. He denied that he knew him multiple times. In so doing, Peter unwittingly betrayed Jesus. His mind was in turmoil, and he bordered on despair.
Peter could never, and would never, forget the face of Jesus looking at him by the fire as he passed by in the courtyard. Peter knew then that he did not live up to his calling of following Christ. Could he forgive himself? Could Jesus forgive him? Why didn’t Jesus come to the apostles if it’s true that he had risen? Was it because he was still with the others and he was no longer an apostle?
Peter remembered the loving look of the Master and the wonderful message brought to him early this morning by the women at the grave. "Go tell my apostles – and Peter" rose to the forefront, and like an erupting volcano, his faith overflowed in his soul. Peter, fists clenched, asserted out loud: "I believe Jesus has risen from the dead. I will go and tell my brethren."
At that moment, Jesus appeared in front of Peter. Jesus said, "Peter, the enemy desired to have you, but I would not give you up. I knew it was not from the heart that you disowned me; therefore I forgave you even before you asked; but now must you cease to think about yourself and the troubles of the hour while you prepare to carry the good news of the gospel to those who sit in darkness. No longer should you be concerned with what you may obtain from the kingdom but rather be exercised about what you can give to those who live in dire spiritual poverty. Gird yourself, Simon, for the battle of a new day, the struggle with spiritual darkness and the evil doubtings of the natural minds of men."
Peter and Jesus walked through the garden and spoke of things present and future for almost five minutes. Then Jesus disappeared from Peter’s sight, saying, "Farewell, Peter, until I see you with your brethren."
Peter paused to take it all in. It was like the gray clouds of gloom melted and the bright sun shone, and every flower danced. Peter was almost giddy realizing that he had just talked with the risen Master and got nothing but good news. He was still an apostle. He was needed to go on preaching the gospel. His heart overflowed. He couldn’t wait to tell his brethren.
Peter burst into the upper chamber among the other apostles and in breathless excitement exclaimed, "I have seen the Master; he was in the garden. I talked with him, and he has forgiven me." Peter's declaration that he had seen Jesus in the garden made a deep impression on his fellow apostles, and they were about to abandon their doubts when Andrew stood up and warned them not to be unduly influenced by his brother's report.
Andrew suggested that Peter had previously seen things that were not real. Although Andrew did not directly mention the night vision on the Sea of Galilee in which Peter claimed to have seen the Master walking on the water, he said enough to give all present the impression that he was thinking about it. Peter was deeply hurt by his brother's insinuations and fell into silence. The Alpheus twins felt sorry for Peter and went over to show their support, say they believed him, and reaffirm that their own mother, Mary Alpheus, had also seen the Master.
Apostle, brother of Andrew, and prominent preacher.
Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.
Jesus’ appearances spanned forty days.
Center of many pivotal moments in Jesus’ life.
Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge