Discover Jesus \ Events \Healing the Leper at Iron
Jesus and the apostles joined miners in Iron, Galilee. Jesus, known for healing, miraculously healed a leprous man who pleaded for cleanliness to join Jesus' kingdom. This event marked Jesus' first deliberate miracle.
In the spring of 28 CE, Jesus and the apostles spent time in the small village of Iron in connection with the first preaching tour of Galilee. There were many mines in this village, and since he had never experienced that kind of life, Jesus spent most of his time working alongside the miners below ground while the apostles ministered to people in their homes and public places. Jesus' fame had preceded him, and many sick people sought the Master’s healing touch. Some experienced healing through faith, but no healing was miraculous except for his healing of a leper.
One day, when Jesus returned from his labors in the mines, he was approached by a leprous man. He had heard of Jesus and knelt before him, imploring that Jesus heal him, promising to enter the kingdom when he had been made clean. He mistakenly believed that he could not be part of the kingdom unless he were cured of his leprosy. In worship, the man stretched out in front of Jesus, and the Master took pity on him, saying, "I will – be clean." And the man was instantly cured. This was the first miracle that Jesus deliberately and intentionally caused up to this point, and it involved an actual case of leprosy.
A couple of months after the healing of the multitude at sundown, in the spring of 28 CE, Jesus and the apostles were engaged in the first public preaching tour of Galilee. During this tour, Jesus and the twelve spent time in the small village of Iron. Jesus would speak at the synagogue on Sabbath days, but during the week – since he had never experienced the life of a miner – he spent most of his time working underground alongside the town’s miners, working closely with them and ministering to their souls while the apostles visited peoples’ homes and preached in public places. Even in this remote village, the people knew of Jesus as a healer, and many sick people sought help from him. Some benefited greatly from his healing ministry, believing themselves healed by just being in his presence.
But Jesus performed no miraculous healings except for one – the leper.
One afternoon, as he was returning from the mines, Jesus happened upon a miserable dwelling place down a sidestreet where a leprous man lived. This man, who had heard of Jesus, boldly approached the Master as he passed his doorway and said as he knelt before him: "Lord, if only you would, you could make me clean. I have heard the message of your teachers, and I would enter the kingdom if I could be made clean." Jewish law prohibited lepers from even entering the synagogues. Therefore, this man truly believed that unless he could be healed of this terrible disease, he would not be welcomed into the kingdom that Jesus spoke of. When Jesus beheld him in his affliction and witnessed his faith, his human heart was moved by pity. And as Jesus looked upon him, the man fell on his face in worship, and Jesus stretched his hand out and touched the man, saying: "I will – be clean." Immediately, the man was completely healed of his leprosy.
This cleansing of the leper was the first so-called miracle that Jesus had intentionally and deliberately performed up to this time. And this was a case of real leprosy.
Jesus lifted the man up and counseled him to show himself to the priests and make the offerings that were required in witness of his healing. But the man did not go to the priests. Instead, he went all over town, proclaiming that he had been healed of his leprosy. He was known in the town, and everyone could see that he had been healed. Soon after, Jesus was mobbed by so many sick people that he had to leave town early the next day. But even though he left town, he stayed near the mines on the outskirts and continued ministering to the underground miners for two more days.
Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.
The chosen followers of Jesus.
An overview of 25 extraordinary events from 26-30 CE.
Jesus works in the mines at Iron and heals a leper.
MaryJo Garascia, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge