Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus' Eighteenth Appearance

Jesus' Eighteenth Appearance 

May 16, 30 CE (Tuesday)

Jesus appeared to believers in Tyre, teaching about eternal sonship and emphasizing the need for truth-seeking, God-finding, and showing the fruits of the spirit through loving service. He promised guidance and peace before vanishing.

Jesus' Eighteenth Appearance
  • Summary

    Jesus appeared to a group of believers in the city of Tyre on Tuesday, May 16, 30 CE, just about nine o’clock in the evening. It was his eighteenth resurrection appearance and it was three days following his seventeenth appearance.

    The Master spoke to them of the importance of being born again of the spirit, salvation, and the fruits of the spirit. He promised to go before them and dwell in their hearts, as the Spirit of Truth.

  • Jesus Appears to Believers in Tyre

    A group of believers in Tyre had just finished their meeting a little before nine o’clock in the evening on Tuesday, May 16, 30 CE. They were getting ready to separate and go home when Jesus appeared and began speaking to them.

  • The Path to Eternal Sonship

    Jesus began with a greeting of peace and discussed the path to eternal sonship. In modern phraseology: "I greet you with peace. It makes you happy to know that the Son of Man has risen from the dead because it assures you and your fellows of also surviving mortal death. However, your survival depends upon having previously embraced the spirit of truth-seeking and the quest for God. The bread and water of life are only given to those who earnestly thirst for truth and hunger for the righteousness of God.

    The resurrection of the dead is only a part of the kingdom's gospel. This great truth is interconnected with the gospel of the kingdom, and it is a crucial part of the outcome for those who, through faith, genuinely become the eternal sons of God in both word and action. I was sent by my Father into the world to proclaim this salvation of sonship to all humankind. And now, I send you forth to spread this message of sonship and salvation to others.

    Salvation is freely offered by God, and those born of the spirit will naturally manifest the fruits of the spirit through loving service to others. The divine spirit yields fruits in the lives of those who are spiritually reborn and acquainted with God, and these fruits of the spirit include loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance, and enduring peace."

  • "Jesus' Eighteenth Appearance" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge"Jesus' Eighteenth Appearance" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge
  • Demonstrating Fruits of the Spirit through Service

    Jesus continued, emphasizing the importance of demonstrating the fruits of the spirit through service to others: "If you say you are a believer, you must begin to show forth this evidence of the divine spirit in your lives. Otherwise, your words ring hollow; you are useless and will wither and die, like a dead branch on a living tree. Our heavenly Father wants you to produce this living fruit; if you don’t, he will prune your roots and cut away the branches that resist producing these fruits.

    As you progress towards the kingdom of God, you must increasingly manifest these fruits of the spirit. Although you may enter the kingdom as a child, the Father desires that you grow up into full spiritual adulthood.

    When you journey from here to proclaim the good news of this gospel to all nations, I will go before you, and my Spirit of Truth will dwell within your hearts. I leave you with my peace."

    And then, the Master disappeared. Like others to whom he appeared in previous resurrection visitations, these believers did not instantly recognize the risen Jesus, even though they had known him in the flesh. But when he began to teach them, they quickly identified him by his personality.

    The next day, those who saw and heard the Master spread the story of this appearance to nearby Sidon and even as far as Antioch and Damascus.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

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    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.

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    Jesus taught in Tyre and later makes resurrection appearance.


MaryJo Garascia, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 193:2.1-3 Jesus’ eighteenth resurrection appearance.
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