Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus Counsels the Rich Young Man
Andrew introduced Matadormus, a wealthy Sanhedrin member, to Jesus. Though invited to sell his possessions and follow him, he hesitated, missing an opportunity. Later, he did so but learned that it was the love of wealth that hindered spiritual growth.
Andrew introduced Matadormus, a wealthy young Sanhedrin member, to Jesus, seeking ordination. After affirming his faith, Matadormus asked to become a messenger. Jesus, loving him deeply, challenged him to sell his possessions and give to the poor, promising him treasure in heaven. Unable to part with his wealth, Matadormus left sorrowfully, missing the opportunity to join the seventy messengers.
Though he later obeyed Jesus' command and became treasurer of the Jerusalem church, it was too late for closer fellowship with the Master. Jesus taught that wealth is not inherently wrong, but the love of it can hinder spiritual progress. He emphasized that true growth requires personal choice, not coercion, and condemned exploitation of the vulnerable.
Andrew introduced Matadormus, a wealthy and devout young man from the Jerusalem Sanhedrin, to Jesus, hoping he would be ordained. After learning the gospel from Peter and the other apostles, Matadormus sought ordination. Jesus asked him to carefully consider the decision before proceeding. The next morning, Matadormus found Jesus and asked, "Master, I would know from you the assurances of eternal life. Seeing that I have observed all the commandments from my youth, I would like to know what more I must do to gain eternal life." Jesus replied that while keeping the commandments was good, salvation required faith, not just works. When Matadormus affirmed his belief in the gospel, Jesus welcomed him as a disciple, but the young man expressed his desire to become a messenger.
Looking at Matadormus with love, Jesus said, "I will have you to be one of my messengers if you are willing to pay the price." Matadormus assured Jesus, "Master, I will do anything if I may be allowed to follow you." Jesus kissed the young man’s forehead and told him, "Go and sell all that you have and, when you have bestowed the proceeds upon the poor or upon your brethren, come and follow me, and you shall have treasure in the kingdom of heaven." Matadormus’s face fell, and he left sorrowfully, unable to part with his wealth. Although Jesus did not require all disciples to relinquish their possessions, those aspiring to become apostles or among the seventy messengers needed to do so. Jesus sought to free Matadormus from the love of wealth, but the young man could not yet let go.
Matadormus, raised to believe wealth was a sign of divine favor, struggled with the idea of giving it up. Jesus understood that if Matadormus had relinquished his wealth, he likely would have been given stewardship over it again as treasurer of the seventy. However, by clinging to his riches, Matadormus lost the chance for deeper association with Jesus and the apostles. Years later, after the establishment of the Jerusalem church, Matadormus obeyed Jesus’ command, but it was too late to join the seventy. He instead served as treasurer of the Jerusalem church under the leadership of James, Jesus’ brother.
Jesus taught that wealth itself was not a barrier to the kingdom of heaven, but the love of wealth could prevent spiritual progress. While he only required the apostles and the seventy to dedicate all their possessions to the cause, Jesus encouraged responsible financial management for others. He did not condemn wealth but the exploitation of the vulnerable, emphasizing that such injustice was incompatible with the ideals of the brotherhood of the kingdom. Ultimately, Jesus respected the free will of individuals like Matadormus, knowing that spiritual growth requires personal choice and cannot be forced. Although Matadormus eventually chose the right path, his delayed decision cost him the personal experience of following Jesus during his earthly ministry.