
Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus Heals Bartimeus

Jesus Heals Bartimeus 

March 30, 30 CE (Thursday)

In Jericho, Jesus heals blind Bartimeus, who sought him out after hearing about Josiah's healing and how faith restored his sight. Bartimeus then followed Jesus and shared his miraculous healing story with others.

Jesus Heals Bartimeus
  • Summary

    When approaching the city of Jericho, Jesus and the apostles encountered a group of beggars. One of them was a blind man named Bartimeus. This man, who had been blind since his youth, had heard of Jesus and how he had restored the sight of Josiah sometime before, and he aimed to seek healing for his blindness, too.

    When Bartimeus realized that Jesus was passing by, he cried out to him, making sure that Jesus heard his pleas. When his friends brought the blind man before Jesus, the Master asked him what he wanted him to do, and Bartimeus told Jesus that he wished to have his sight restored.

    Jesus perceived his strong faith and told Bartimeus that he would receive his sight and that his faith had made him whole. His sight was restored immediately, and he stayed close to Jesus all that day. Later, he told everyone that Jesus had healed him.

  • Healing Bartimeus, the Blind Man at Jericho

    On Thursday afternoon, March 30, 30 CE, shortly before the Master’s last sojourn into Jerusalem, Jesus and his apostles came to the gate of the city of Jericho. There, they encountered a crowd of beggars, among them a blind man whose name was Bartimeus. Bartimeus had been blind since youth and had heard the story of Jesus healing Josiah of blindness a few months before. He was determined to seek healing for himself, too.

    A huge multitude had come out to welcome Jesus. Bartimeus could hear the loud noises of the crowd’s feet tramping and knew something was happening. He asked aloud what was going on, and one of the other beggars replied that Jesus was passing by. With this knowledge, Barimeus cried out: "Jesus, Jesus, have mercy upon me!" He made such a racket that people tried to make him be quiet but that only made him cry out all the louder.

    Jesus heard Bartimeus’ cries and stood still. As he looked over the crowd, he saw the blind man and asked his friends to bring the man to him. So these friends went to Bartimeaus and said: "Be of good cheer; come with us, for the Master calls for you." Bartimeus threw his cloak aside and leaped into the street, and his friends guided him until he stood before Jesus, who said to him, "What do you want me to do for you?" Bartimeus answered: "I would have my sight restored."

    When Jesus heard this request and saw that he had strong faith, he said, "You shall receive your sight; go your way; your faith has made you whole." He received his sight immediately and stayed close to Jesus, glorifying God, until the next day, when the Master started for Jerusalem. And he told all of the multitudes around the town that Jesus had restored his sight in Jericho.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

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  • Jesus

    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.

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    Historic city integral to Jesus's teachings and healings.


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References and Sources

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