Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus Chooses Andrew and Simon as Apostles

Jesus Chooses Andrew and Simon as Apostles 

February 23, 26 CE (Saturday)

Andrew and Simon were brothers who transitioned from being John the Baptist's disciples to Jesus' first apostles. John endorsed this move. Jesus welcomed them but cautioned Simon (renamed Peter) to balance his enthusiasm with thoughtfulness.

Jesus Chooses Andrew and Simon as Apostles
  • Summary

    Jesus’ first two apostles were Andrew and Simon, two dedicated disciples of John the Baptist who left John to follow Jesus. These two brothers were amazing in that they appreciated each other’s special talents without a hint of envy. Andrew held the apostles together through his administrative skills and keen understanding of men, and Simon, unrestrained, became Peter the “rock” of faith, a key catalyst in the spread of Christianity.

  • Jesus Welcomes Andrew as His First Apostle

    After forty days of planning his future work, Jesus came down from the hills to rejoin John’s followers on Saturday, February 23, 26 CE. John was at the height of his popularity, and all that day, Jesus mingled with the multitude. Two of John’s leading disciples, Andrew and Simon, spent much time talking with Jesus. Andrew became profoundly impressed with Jesus. When Jesus helped a lad who fell and hurt himself and then took him to the nearby village of Pella to his family, Andrew went with him. Along the way, he asked Jesus many questions. When the two stopped for a short talk before returning, Andrew presented Jesus with his insights. Andrew, a keen observer of human nature, believed that Jesus was the new teacher and expressed his ardent desire to follow him. Andrew implored, “I would sit at your feet and learn the whole truth about the new kingdom.” Jesus, giving Andrew full assurance, welcomed him as his first apostle.

  • Should We Just Abandon John?

    When they returned to camp, Andrew went to his brother, Simon, and told him of his allegiance to Jesus and advised him to do the same. Simon agreed with Andrew, admitting that ever since Jesus came to work in Zebedee’s shop, he knew he was sent by God. But what about John the Baptist? Simon asked, "Are we to forsake him? Is this the right thing to do?”

    Andrew was a sincere believer in John’s work and one of John’s chief supporters. His enthusiastic brother, Simon, was one of John’s foremost disciples. This would be a heavy blow to John’s ministry. The two brothers concurred to go to John to consult with him. John was saddened to lose two of his most valuable helpers and encouragers, but he realized he was the harbinger of someone greater and fully understood that Jesus was that someone greater. John answered prophetically, saying “This is but the beginning; presently will my work end, and we shall all become his disciples."

    That evening, John said goodbye to Andrew and Simon, teary-eyed but with a steady voice, this stalwart messenger surrendered two of his leading disciples to become apostles of Jesus.

  • Simon Presented to Jesus as His Second Apostle

    Andrew went to Jesus and announced that his brother also wished to join and serve to build this new kingdom. In welcoming Simon, Jesus said, “Simon, your enthusiasm is commendable, but it is dangerous to the work of the kingdom. I admonish you to become more thoughtful in your speech. I would change your name to Peter.”

    While Jesus spent the night in Pella at the invitation of the grateful parents who offered to make their house his home, Andrew and Simon were trying to figure out what their roles might be in establishing this new kingdom. Andrew and his brother were fishermen partners with James and John Zebedee, and when James and John returned from searching for Jesus in the nearby hills, Simon Peter told them that they had become the first accepted apostles, and they were to leave with Jesus in the morning for Galilee.

    Disappointment showed on James and John’s faces. Jesus had worked in their father’s boat shop, and these two considered Jesus a brother. Why were they not called first? They were hurt and set off to find Jesus.

  • The Apostles Andrew and Simon Peter

    Andrew was ultimately designed as the chairman of the apostles, being called a term the equivalent of chief. Andrew most admired Jesus for his consistent sincerity. Simon Peter had a reputation for being erratic and impulsive. Jesus had humorously dubbed him Peter the "rock," the exact opposite of one who cannot hold back his emotions. Simon Peter most admired Jesus for his forgiving character, his supernal tenderness, and his endless forbearance.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

Related People

  • Andrew

    The first apostle chosen and director of the twelve.

  • Jesus

    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.

  • The Twelve Apostles

    The chosen followers of Jesus.

Related Locations

  • Pella

    Location where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.


Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 136:0.1 John is at the height of his popularity.
  • 137:0.1 Jesus helps a lad who got hurt.
  • 137:1.1 Andrew commits to follow Jesus.
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