Discover Jesus \ Events \Foretelling the Destruction of Jerusalem

Foretelling the Destruction of Jerusalem 

April 4, 30 CE (Tuesday)

On the evening the Sanhedrin condemned Jesus and Lazarus, Jesus predicted Jerusalem's destruction as he left the temple. His prophetic warning detailed the trials and ultimate fall of Jerusalem, highlighting the consequences of spiritual blindness.

Foretelling the Destruction of Jerusalem
  • Summary

    Jesus shared a prophetic warning about the destruction of Jerusalem on the same evening that the Sanhedrin voted to impose a death penalty on both Jesus and Lazarus. As Jesus and his apostles departed the Jerusalem temple, he vividly predicted the complete demolition of the temple structures, stirring both awe and confusion among his apostles. His response to Nathaniel's question that followed offered a detailed premonition of the trials and the ultimate fall of Jerusalem, reflecting his concern for the spiritual blindness of the Jewish people and the dire consequences that would follow.

  • Tuesday While Departing the Temple

    On Tuesday, April 4, 30 CE, on the same day that the Sanhedrin would vote unanimously to impose the death sentence upon both Jesus and Lazarus, Jesus and the apostles were leaving the Jerusalem temple on their way to the Gethsemane camp. During their departure, Matthew pointed out the temple construction and said, "Master, observe what manner of buildings these are. Can it be that these buildings, with their massive stones and beautiful adornment, will be destroyed?" As they approached Olivet, Jesus said, "You see these stones and this massive temple; truly, truly, I say to you: In the days to come, not one stone will be left upon another. They will all be thrown down." As the apostles walked behind the Master, these remarks depicting the destruction of the sacred temple piqued their interest; they could not imagine any event short of the end of the world that would cause the temple to be destroyed.

    To avoid the crowds passing through the Kidron Valley toward Gethsemane, Jesus and his companions planned to climb up the western slope of Olivet for a short distance before following a trail to their private camp near Gethsemane. As they turned to leave the road leading to Bethany, they saw the temple, which was illuminated by the rays of the setting sun; and while they lingered on the mount, they saw the lights of the city appear and beheld the beauty of the illuminated temple. There, under the mellow light of the full moon, Jesus and the twelve sat. The Master spoke with them, and Nathaniel eventually asked, "Tell us, Master, how shall we know when these events are about to come to pass?"

  • The Coming Destruction of Jerusalem

    In response to Nathaniel's question, Jesus said, "Yes, I will tell you about the times when this people shall have filled up the cup of their iniquity; when justice shall swiftly descend upon this city of our fathers." I am about to leave you and go to the Father. After I leave, be careful that no one deceives you, because many will come as deliverers and lead many astray. When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; even though all of these things will occur, the end of Jerusalem is not yet imminent. You should not be alarmed by famines or earthquakes, nor should you be concerned if you are arrested and persecuted for preaching the gospel. For my sake, you will be thrown out of the synagogue and imprisoned, with some of you being killed. When you are brought before governors and rulers, it will be as a testimony to your faith and steadfastness in the gospel of the kingdom. And when you stand before judges, don't worry about what you'll say ahead of time, because the spirit will teach you how to respond to your adversaries in that moment. During these trying times, even your own family, led by those who have rejected the Son of Man, will deliver you to prison and death. For a time, you may be despised by everyone for my sake, but even in these trials, I will not abandon you; my spirit will not desert you. Be patient! I have no doubt that this gospel of the kingdom will triumph over all enemies and eventually be proclaimed to all nations."

    Jesus paused as he looked down at the city. The Master realized that rejecting the spiritual concept of the Messiah, as well as clinging persistently and blindly to the material mission of the expected deliverer, would soon bring the Jews into direct conflict with the powerful Roman armies and that such a contest could only result in the Jewish nation's final and complete destruction. When his people rejected his spiritual bestowal and refused to accept the light of heaven that so mercifully shone upon them, they sealed their fate as independent people with a unique spiritual mission on earth. Even Jewish leaders later acknowledged that it was this secular concept of the Messiah that directly contributed to the turmoil that ultimately led to their demise.

    Because Jerusalem was to become the cradle of the early gospel movement, Jesus did not want its teachers and preachers to perish in the terrible overthrow of the Jewish people that would accompany Jerusalem's destruction; thus, he gave these instructions to his followers. Jesus was very concerned that some of his disciples would become involved in the upcoming revolts and thus perish with Jerusalem.

    Then Andrew asked: "But, Master, if the Holy City and the temple are to be destroyed, and if you are not here to direct us, when should we forsake Jerusalem?" Jesus said, "You may remain in the city after I have gone, even through these times of travail and bitter persecution, but when you finally see Jerusalem surrounded by Roman armies following the revolt of the false prophets, you will know that her desolation is near; then you must flee to the mountains. Let none who are in the city or nearby linger to save anything, nor should those who are outside dare to enter. There will be great tribulation, as these are the days of gentile vengeance. And after you have deserted the city, this disobedient people will fall by the sword and be led captive to all nations, and Jerusalem will be trodden down by the gentiles. Meanwhile, beware of deception. If anyone comes to you and says, 'Behold, here is the Deliverer,' or 'Behold, there is he,' do not believe him, because many false teachers will arise and many will be led astray; but you should not be deceived, because I have told you all this beforehand."

    The apostles sat in silence in the moonlight for a long time, as the Master's astounding predictions sank into their bewildered minds.

  • What Happened Next

    Just forty years after the crucifixion of Jesus, the Roman army destroyed Jerusalem and crucified thousands upon thousands, day by day, of the Jewish race. Thanks to Jesus' warning, practically all the believers fled Jerusalem when the first legion of Roman troops arrived, escaping to Pella in the north. A harvest was reaped from the seeds that were sown on the terrible day when the religious and government leaders murdered Jesus to protect their own power. The path of evil eventually leads to self-destruction.

    The Jewish nation, as a group, paid the terrible price of rejecting the Prince of Peace. Since that day in history, individuals have continued to seek and find God in all the nations, including Israel. Jesus’ love for the individual knows no boundaries.

  • "Event - Foretelling the Destruction of Jerusalem" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge"Event - Foretelling the Destruction of Jerusalem" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge
  • The Fruits of Spiritual Blindness

    The inevitable downfall of Jerusalem was not merely a political event but a spiritual lesson on the perils of ignoring divine guidance. The Jews' adamant expectation of a militant Messiah to overthrow their Roman oppressors was a tragic misinterpretation that ignored the peaceful and spiritual nature of Jesus' teachings. By clinging to this militant expectation, they set themselves on a collision course with the immense power of Rome, which could only end in their societal and spiritual decimation.

    Jesus, knowing the catastrophic events that would unfold due to these misinterpretations, sought to prepare his followers. He instructed them to remain vigilant and to flee the city when they saw the encroaching Roman legions, emphasizing the importance of spiritual preservation over temporal power or geographical location. His prophecies and instructions were aimed at safeguarding the spiritual future of his teachings and ensuring the spread of his message of peace and redemption.

    The destruction of Jerusalem thus serves as a profound reminder of the consequences of neglecting spiritual truth in favor of temporal power. Jesus’ foresight allowed his followers to escape physical harm and continue spreading his teachings, affirming that the kingdom of God is not tied to any earthly city but is a pervasive realm of the spirit, accessible to all across the globe who embrace his message of unconditional love and peace.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

Related People

  • Jesus

    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.


Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 175:0.1 Jesus gives his last appeal and the final indictment.
  • 175:1.2 You shall make no compromises with evil.
  • 175:1.12-21 Woe upon you, scribes and Pharisees.
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