Discover Jesus \Tag \Superhuman
Many celestial beings were involved in some aspect of Jesus' life with most having roles related to the guidance, support, and the spiritual administration surrounding his earthly mission.
Divine wisdom balances accidents, free will, growth.
Aiding humans in a variety of ways.
Jesus did not marry, following guidance about his mission.
Chief executive of our local universe.
A divine presence within the human mind.
Jesus is a Creator Son of our local universe.
Jesus' mission was to understand humanity fully.
Jesus received four personal celestial visitations.
Jesus was fully human and fully divine.
Jesus’s fragment of God was personalized at his baptism.
Jesus’ appearances spanned forty days.
Jesus rose in a semi-spirit form, similar to mortals after death.
Jesus' experience provides insight into our own resurrection.
Prepared our world for the arrival of Jesus.
Resurrections end epochs, enable souls' ascension from sleep.
The kingdom is a spiritual state that can be enjoyed now.
Jesus converses with celestial beings on Mount Hermon.