Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus' Fourteenth Appearance

Jesus' Fourteenth Appearance 

April 22, 30 CE (Saturday)

Jesus appeared to his eleven apostles on April 22, 30 CE, near Capernaum where their original Ordination took place, reiterating their charges with majesty and power, having fulfilled his Father's will and received all glory and dominion.

Jesus' Fourteenth Appearance
  • Summary

    Jesus’ fourteenth appearance occurred at noon on Saturday, April 22, 30 CE, near Capernaum on the mount where their ordination had taken place years earlier. While the eleven apostles knelt, Jesus repeated those charges that had first set these men apart. When the Master prayed, he was majestic. Jesus spoke powerfully now that he had fully satisfied his Father’s will and all glory and dominion were placed in his hands.

  • All Eleven Apostles Present

    The morning before, Jesus talked to his apostles on the beach in Bethsaida, minus Simon Zelotes, during his thirteenth appearance. He told them to get Simon Zelotes to be with them. Jesus arranged when and where: The Master would appear to them the next day at noon. Jesus appropriately chose the mount on the highlands north of Capernaum, where Jesus ordained his apostles and their ministry began on January 12, 27 CE.

  • On the Mount of Ordination

    The apostles again knelt in a circle. Jesus reenacted the solemn occasion of the apostles’ ordination. The apostles’ minds flooded with memories of when they were ordained. There, before God, they renewed their vows, consecrating themselves to the Father’s service. Jesus placed his hands on each of their heads, blessing them as he did when they began their ministry. When Jesus now prayed, the apostles trembled at his majesty and unquestioned authority. Jesus was not merely a man among men, but the sovereign of a universe, with all authority and power placed in his hands.

    These eleven men never forgot this experience of becoming authorized representatives of the gospel of the kingdom.

    The Master was present for an hour, and affectionately said goodbye and vanished from their sight. Following this appearance, no one saw the Master for a full week. The apostles had no idea what to do and remained in a state of uncertainty. They were afraid to go fishing and risk missing another visit. So, they stayed in Bethsaida.

    One week would pass before his fifteenth appearance. During this period, the Master returned to the experience of the afterlife of a mortal, meeting with the many spirit personalities involved in our next stage of advancement. He was experiencing the same transitions that we will go through after our own passing from this world.

  • "Jesus' Fourteenth Appearance" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge"Jesus' Fourteenth Appearance" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge

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  • Capernaum

    Jesus’ residence after departing Nazareth.


Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 192:2.14 Jesus sets the next visit.
  • 192:3.1 Jesus appears to the apostles where they were first ordained.
  • 192:3.2 The apostles rededicate themselves as ambassadors.
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