Discover Jesus \ Events \The Visit with Nicodemus

The Visit with Nicodemus 

April, 27 CE

Nicodemus, a wealthy member of the Sanhedrin, sought a private meeting with Jesus to learn about the coming kingdom. Jesus explained being "born of the spirit" to enter God's kingdom.

The Visit with Nicodemus
  • Summary

    One evening, Nicodemus, a wealthy and elderly member of the Jewish Sanhedrin, sought a private meeting with Jesus. He had heard much about Jesus' teachings and wanted to know more about the coming kingdom. The Master calmly and earnestly engaged with Nicodemus, explaining the concept of being "born of the spirit" as a prerequisite for entering the kingdom of God. Although Nicodemus was deeply impressed, he was also bewildered. He was accomplished and moral, but he struggled to fully submit his will to the divine Father, hindering his spiritual progress.

  • Nicodemus' Interest and Visit

    Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish Sanhedrin, sought a private meeting with Jesus due to his sincere interest in the Master's teachings. He wanted to know more about the coming kingdom but feared being seen with Jesus publicly, given the conflicts between the rulers and Jesus. Thus, he arranged to meet Jesus at the home of Flavius in Jerusalem after nightfall.

  • The Discussion on Spiritual Rebirth

    Nicodemus, upon being introduced by Flavius, said, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher sent by God, because no mortal man could teach in such a way unless God were with him. And I am eager to learn more about your doctrines concerning the impending kingdom."

    Jesus replied to Nicodemus, "Truly, truly, I say to you, Nicodemus, a man cannot see the kingdom of God unless he is born from above." Then Nicodemus responded, "But how can an old man be born again?" He cannot be produced a second time from his mother's womb."

    Jesus said, "However, I tell you that unless a person is born of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. What is born from the flesh is flesh, while what is born from the spirit is spirit. However, you should not be surprised that I stated you must be delivered from above. When the wind blows, you can hear the leaves rustling, but you cannot see the wind — where it originates from or where it goes. The same is true for those born of the spirit. You can see the manifestations of the spirit with your physical sight, but you cannot perceive the spirit itself.

    Nicodemus responded, "But I do not understand – how can that be?" Jesus asked, "How is it possible that you are a teacher in Israel and are unaware of all this?" Those who understand the spiritual realities owe it to those who perceive only the manifestations of the material world to inform them of these truths. But if we tell you divine truths, will you believe us? Have you the fortitude, Nicodemus, to believe in one who has descended from heaven, the Son of Man?"And Nicodemus asked, "How can I begin to grasp this spirit that will transform me in preparation for my entrance into the kingdom?" Jesus replied, "You already possess the spirit of the Father in heaven. If you were led by this spirit from above, you would soon begin to see with the eyes of the spirit, and you would be born of the spirit if you chose spirit guidance wholeheartedly, since your sole purpose in life would be to do the will of your heavenly Father. Therefore, having been born of the spirit and living joyfully in God's kingdom, you would begin to manifest the abundant fruits of the spirit in your daily life.

  • Nicodemus' Faith and Progression

    Despite his challenges, Nicodemus summoned enough faith to lay hold of the kingdom. He protested when his fellow Sanhedrin members sought to condemn Jesus unjustly and later boldly acknowledged his faith by claiming Jesus' body after the crucifixion, even when many disciples had fled in fear. Though he still had much to learn, Nicodemus had made significant progress in his spiritual journey.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

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    A dedicated Sanhedrin follower of Jesus.

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