Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus' Fifteenth Appearance
Jesus appeared to over 500 believers in Bethsaida was followed by the apostles' journey to Jerusalem, where they learned of Elijah Mark's death. This period marked a pivotal shift from promoting Jesus' teachings to focusing on a religion about Jesus.
Jesus’ fifteenth appearance occurred at three o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday, April 29, 30 CE, seaside at Bethsaida to more than 500 believers. After a stirring testimony delivered by Simon Peter, Jesus appeared, simply saying, "Peace be upon you, and my peace I leave with you," and then vanished. This was the largest group to see the resurrected Jesus in all of his appearances.
The apostles left for Jerusalem the next morning and arrived at the home of Elijah Mark late on May 3 and discovered that Elijah had passed away from a sudden hemorrhage in the brain that morning. While mourning the loss of their steadfast supporter, the apostles made the Mark home their base, debating the future of their mission in a meeting where they decided to publicize the gospel of the risen Master, marking the beginning of the shift from preaching the religion of Jesus to a religion about Jesus.
The news of Jesus' appearances was rapidly spreading across Galilee, and each day a growing number of believers came to the Zebedee home to inquire about the resurrection of the Master and to seek the truth regarding these alleged sightings. Peter, at the beginning of the week, announced that a public gathering would take place by the seaside on the upcoming Sabbath at three o'clock in the afternoon.
On Saturday, April 29, at three o'clock, over five hundred Capernaum believers gathered at Bethsaida to hear Peter preach his first public sermon since the resurrection. The apostle was at his best, and after his persuasive speech, few doubted the Master's resurrection.
Peter concluded his sermon: "We affirm that Jesus of Nazareth is not dead; we declare that he has risen from the tomb; we proclaim that we have seen him and talked with him." Just as he finished declaring his faith, the Master appeared in spirit form and said, "Peace be upon you, and my peace I leave with you." After appearing and speaking, he vanished.
When Jesus spoke with the apostles a week earlier at his fourteenth appearance on the Mount of Ordination near Capernaum, they left with the understanding that Jesus would make a public appearance, after which the apostles should return to Jerusalem. Accordingly, early Sunday morning, April 30, the apostles departed Bethsaida.
They engaged in extensive teaching and preaching while traveling along the Jordan River, resulting in their arrival at the home of Elijah Mark in Jerusalem being delayed until late on Wednesday, May 3.
On the morning of their arrival, Elijah Mark died suddenly from a hemorrhage in the brain. His son, John Mark, arrived home that evening to discover his father had passed. While the apostles found solace in the certainty that the dead would be resurrected, they also genuinely mourned the loss of their loyal friend, who had consistently supported them even during times of immense hardship and disappointment. John Mark made every effort to console his mother and, on her behalf, extended an invitation to the apostles to continue residing in her home.
Although they grieved for the loss, the apostles were unable to attend his funeral for fear of the Jewish leaders.
The eleven apostles made this upper chamber in the Mark home their headquarters until after the day of Pentecost. On Thursday night, May 4, the apostles met and pledged to go forth in public preaching the new gospel of the risen Lord, with the notable exception of Thomas, Simon Zelotes, and the Alpheus twins, James and Judas. Already, the first steps had been taken to transform the kingdom gospel – sonship with God and brotherhood with man – into a proclamation of Jesus' resurrection. Nathaniel was opposed to this shift in the burden of their public message, but he was unable to withstand Peter's eloquence or the disciples' enthusiasm, particularly that of the women believers.
Subsequently, under Peter's strong leadership, and before the Master ascended to the Father, his well-meaning representatives began the subtle process of gradually and unmistakably changing the religion of Jesus into a new and modified form of religion about Jesus.
Apostle, brother of Andrew, and prominent preacher.
Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.
Apostles eventually regained faith after Judas' betrayal.
Jesus’ appearances spanned forty days.
Apostolic headquarters and central to many events.
Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge