Discover Jesus \ Events \Birth of John the Baptist
John the Baptist was born to Elizabeth and Zacharias in 7 BCE near Jerusalem, fulfilling their prayers. His life's purpose was to prepare the way for Jesus, as foretold by Gabriel.
John, later known as John the Baptist, was born in the city of Judah, about four miles west of Jerusalem, on March 25, 7 BCE. His mother was informed beforehand, via a heavenly visit from Gabriel, that they would have a child. To Elizabeth and Zacharias, having been married many years and advanced in age, this was an answer to their prayers.
When John grew up, as promised by Gabriel, he set the stage for the lifework of Jesus.
Gabriel appeared to Elizabeth, and then later to Mary, the mother of Jesus, and informed each of his appearance to the other. Gabriel told her that her son would be a forerunner to a divine teacher, would dedicate his life to God, and would announce the arrival of a spiritual healer.
Elizabeth kept the visit a secret from her husband Zacharias for five months. When she told Zacharias, as she was now visible with child, he felt troubled. He later experienced an unusual dream and became reconciled with the situation. At the birth of their son on March 25, 7 BCE, they were both very happy.
On the eighth day, they presented the child for circumcision, and had him christened. As instructed by Gabriel, they officially named him John.
Except for the visit of Gabriel to Elizabeth and the dream of Zacharias, there was nothing unusual or supernatural connected with the birth of John the Baptist.
Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge