Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus' Seventeenth Appearance

Jesus' Seventeenth Appearance 

May 13, 30 CE (Saturday)

Jesus appeared to Nalda and seventy-five Samaritans near Jacob's well. He spoke of humanity's universal kinship as God's children, the importance of faith for salvation, and worship in spirit and truth, urging them to spread the gospel.

Jesus' Seventeenth Appearance
  • Summary

    Jesus’ seventeenth appearance occurred around four o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday, May 13, 30 CE, near Jacob’s well in Sychar. He appeared to Nalda and around seventy-five Samaritan believers. They had been talking about the resurrection when Jesus appeared, saying, "Peace be upon you."

    Jesus spoke to them about the universal kinship of humanity as God's children, underscoring the necessity of faith for salvation and the need to worship God in spirit and truth. He highlighted the importance of living the fruits of the spirit through love and service to others as an extension of God’s family. Finally, Jesus charged them to disseminate the good news, assuring them of his ongoing spiritual presence and support, inspiring the Samaritans to spread the word of their transformative encounter.

  • Meetings at Jacob’s Well

    Three years earlier, in June of 27 CE, Jesus spoke with Nalda at Jacob's well about the living waters: the spirit within. Jesus must have made a lasting impression, for seventy-five Samaritan believers were in the habit of meeting her near the well. On the Sabbath, Saturday afternoon, May 13, 30 CE, they were discussing the resurrection of Jesus. Just as they had finished their conversation, Jesus suddenly appeared before them.

  • Jesus Speaks of Spiritual Life

    Jesus greeted them, "Peace be upon you," and then shared that all humans are God's children and that they must worship in spirit and truth, with faith ensuring their salvation, saying: "You rejoice to know that I am the resurrection and the life, but this will avail you nothing unless you are first born of the eternal spirit, thereby coming to possess, by faith, the gift of eternal life. If you are the faith sons of my Father, you shall never die; you shall not perish. The gospel of the kingdom has taught you that all men are the sons of God. And this good news concerning the love of the heavenly Father for his children on earth must be carried to all the world. The time has come when you worship God neither on Gerizim nor at Jerusalem, but where you are, as you are, in spirit and in truth. It is your faith that saves your souls. Salvation is the gift of God to all who believe they are his sons."

  • "Jesus' Seventeenth Appearance" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge"Jesus' Seventeenth Appearance" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge
  • Love Others as You Love Yourself

    Jesus continued, emphasizing the importance of bearing fruits of the spirit and loving others as one would oneself: "But be not deceived; while salvation is the free gift of God and is bestowed upon all who accept it by faith, there follows the experience of bearing the fruits of this spirit life as it is lived in the flesh. The acceptance of the doctrine of the fatherhood of God implies that you also freely accept the associated truth of the brotherhood of man. And if man is your brother, he is even more than your neighbor, whom the Father requires you to love as yourself. Your brother, being of your own family, you will not only love with a family affection, but you will also serve as you would serve yourself. And you will thus love and serve your brother because you, being my brethren, have been thus loved and served by me."

  • Deliver the Good News

    Jesus concluded with a decree to deliver the good news: "Go, then, into all the world telling this good news to all creatures of every race, tribe, and nation. My spirit shall go before you, and I will be with you always."

    These Samaritans were astounded to see Jesus for themselves. After Jesus vanished, they shared abroad the exciting news that they saw and talked to Jesus, a man who was dead and then spoke to them in his resurrected form.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

Related People

  • Nalda

    Nalda met Jesus at Jacob's Well.

  • Jesus

    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.

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References and Sources

  • 143:5.1 Jesus Meets Nalda – the Woman at the Well.
  • 193:1.1 Jesus appears to Nalda and others.
  • 193:1.2 Jesus speaks to the Samaritan believers.
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