Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus Ordains His Twelve Apostles

Jesus Ordains His Twelve Apostles 

January 12, 27 CE (Sunday)

Jesus ordained the apostles as public preachers of the gospel. He gave them instructions and delivered an ordination sermon, known as the "Sermon on the Mount." It commissioned them to spread the gospel and represent him in the world.

Jesus Ordains His Twelve Apostles
  • Summary

    Just before noon on Sunday, January 12, 27 CE, Jesus called the apostles together for their ordination as public preachers of the gospel of the kingdom. He led them to the highlands north of Capernaum, where he proceeded to instruct them in preparation for their formal ordination. Following these preliminary remarks regarding the kingdom of heaven, the Master formally ordained each apostle, starting with Judas Iscariot and ending with Andrew.

    After he had completed the ordination, the apostles rose and embraced Jesus one by one, as a host of celestial personalities witnessed this extraordinary scene of the Creator of the universe placing the affairs of the kingdom of heaven under the direction of this group of twelve ordinary men.

    And then Jesus delivered his ordination sermon to these twelve apostles, charging them with instructions regarding the conduct and attitudes that would mark their activities for the kingdom of heaven from this day forward.

    This ordination sermon, sometimes referred to as the "Sermon on the Mount" offers many valuable teachings, but it is not the gospel of Jesus. This sermon was primarily Jesus' charge to the twelve apostles during their ordination. It serves even today as the Master's personal commission to all those who would spread the gospel and strive to represent him in the world, just as he was a remarkable and flawless representation of his heavenly Father.

  • Preliminary instructions

    Jesus addressed the twelve apostles before their ordination, telling them that the time for the kingdom of heaven had come. He told them that he had gathered them together this day to present them to the Father as ambassadors of the kingdom. He reminded them that the kingdom was not limited to a particular group; it was open to all. The power of the kingdom would reside in the divine spirit, teaching and guiding the hearts of its citizens. Love and righteousness prevail in this kingdom, and the goal of the kingdom was peace on earth and goodwill to all.

    Jesus emphasized that their lives, not just their words, would reveal their connection to him and the kingdom. He instructed them to prioritize seeking the kingdom and its righteousness, as that would ensure their eternal survival. The kingdom would not manifest with grand displays but would reside within each individual. Those who aspired to greatness in this kingdom should serve others, and once received into the heavenly kingdom, they would become sons of God. The kingdom's influence would expand until it reached the entire world, and the lives that they lived would demonstrate its reality. And then Jesus entrusted them with the solemn responsibility of representing him in the world when he would depart from this earth.

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  • The Ordination

    Jesus instructed the twelve apostles to kneel in a circle around him. He placed his hands on the head of each one of them and blessed them, starting with Judas Iscariot and ending with Andrew. Then Jesus raised his hands and prayed to the Father, asking that he love and be with the apostles, granting them wisdom to carry out the work of the kingdom. He expressed his desire to stay on earth to support them if it was the Father's will. Jesus thanked the Father for the apostles and entrusted them to his care while he completed his mission.

    After the prayer, the apostles remained bowed in silence for a time. And then they rose, embracing Jesus one by one. This sacred scene was observed by celestial beings, who witnessed the Creator entrusting the governance of the divine brotherhood of humanity and the affairs of the kingdom of heaven to human minds.

  • Jesus Delivers The Ordination Sermon

    Then Jesus spoke, saying: “Now that you are ambassadors of my Father’s kingdom, you have thereby become a class of men separate and distinct from all other men on earth. You are not now as men among men but as the enlightened citizens of another and heavenly country among the ignorant creatures of this dark world. It is not enough that you live as you were before this hour, but henceforth must you live as those who have tasted the glories of a better life and have been sent back to earth as ambassadors of the Sovereign of that new and better world.

    “Of the teacher more is expected than of the pupil; of the master more is exacted than of the servant. Of the citizens of the heavenly kingdom more is required than of the citizens of the earthly rule. Some of the things which I am about to say to you may seem hard, but you have elected to represent me in the world even as I now represent the Father; and as my agents on earth you will be obligated to abide by those teachings and practices which are reflective of my ideals of mortal living on the worlds of space, and which I exemplify in my earth life of revealing the Father who is in heaven.

    “I send you forth to proclaim liberty to the spiritual captives, joy to those in the bondage of fear, and to heal the sick in accordance with the will of my Father in heaven."

    “When you find my children in distress, speak encouragingly to them, saying:

    “Happy are the poor in spirit, the humble, for theirs are the treasures of the kingdom of heaven.“Happy are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.“Happy are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.“Happy are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

    “And even so speak to my children these further words of spiritual comfort and promise:

    “Happy are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Happy are they who weep, for they shall receive the spirit of rejoicing.“Happy are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.“Happy are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.“Happy are they who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Happy are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely. “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven.

    “You are the light of the world. A city set upon a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and be led to glorify your Father who is in heaven.

    “I am sending you out into the world to represent me and to act as ambassadors of my Father’s kingdom, and as you go forth to proclaim the glad tidings, put your trust in the Father whose messengers you are. Do not forcibly resist injustice; put not your trust in the arm of the flesh. If your neighbor smites you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Be willing to suffer injustice rather than to go to law among yourselves. In kindness and with mercy minister to all who are in distress and in need.

    “You are commissioned to save men, not to judge them. At the end of your earth life you will all expect mercy; therefore do I require of you during your mortal life that you show mercy to all of your brethren in the flesh. Make not the mistake of trying to pluck a mote out of your brother’s eye when there is a beam in your own eye. Having first cast the beam out of your own eye, you can better see to cast the mote out of your brother’s eye.

    “Discern the truth clearly; live the righteous life fearlessly; and so shall you be my apostles and my Father’s ambassadors. You have heard it said: ‘If the blind lead the blind, they both shall fall into the pit.’ If you would guide others into the kingdom, you must yourselves walk in the clear light of living truth. In all the business of the kingdom, I exhort you to show just judgment and keen wisdom. Present not that which is holy to dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample your gems under foot and turn to rend you.

    “I warn you against false prophets who will come to you in sheep’s clothing, while on the inside they are as ravening wolves. By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree brings forth good fruit, but the corrupt tree bears evil fruit. A good tree cannot yield evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is presently hewn down and cast into the fire. In gaining an entrance into the kingdom of heaven, it is the motive that counts. My Father looks into the hearts of men and judges by their inner longings and their sincere intentions.

    “In the great day of the kingdom judgment, many will say to me, ‘Did we not prophesy in your name and by your name do many wonderful works?’ But I will be compelled to say to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me you who are false teachers.’ But everyone who hears this charge and sincerely executes his commission to represent me before men even as I have represented my Father to you, shall find an abundant entrance into my service and into the kingdom of the heavenly Father.”

    Never before had the apostles heard Jesus speak in this way, for he had talked to them as one having supreme authority. They came down from the mountain about sundown, but no man asked Jesus a question.

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MaryJo Garascia, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

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