
Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus Receives and Blesses the Little Children

Jesus Receives and Blesses the Little Children 

February 29, 30 CE (Wednesday)

Jesus welcomed and blessed children despite his apostles' objections. He also taught that children connect with God through nature, not formal churches. Jesus himself communed with the Father in natural settings, exemplifying this approach.

Jesus Receives and Blesses the Little Children
  • Summary

    Jesus and the apostles were on their way to Bethany on March 2, 30 CE, when Jesus was faced with a large group of mothers and their children who desired his blessing. Although the apostles tried to discourage them and even yelled at them to go away, Jesus welcomed them, blessed each child, and spoke to each mother.

    Jesus counseled the apostles that children will find and appreciate God through nature better than by introducing them to God through cold, impersonal churches. He exemplified this teaching through his own life – choosing to commune with the Father among the trees, the mountains, and in the contemplation of the starry night skies.

  • Blessing the Little Children

    On March 2, 30 CE, Jesus and the apostles left Jericho on their way to the home of Lazarus in Bethany, where, later that day, Jesus would perform the greatest demonstration of his power over life and death by resurrecting Lazarus. But early on this Thursday morning, a group of women and their children were waiting for Jesus to come out of his quarters even before breakfast time. These women had heard of Jesus’ discussions about marriage and children, and they all wanted him to bless their children.

    The apostles tried to send them away, but the women were insistent. When the apostles began yelling at the women to go away, Jesus heard the noise and came out to see what was happening. He scolded his apostles for treating the women as they did and spoke the beloved line: "Suffer little children to come to me; forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." In other words, let the little children come to me; don’t stop them because the kingdom of heaven belongs to those like them.

    Jesus proceeded to receive all the children, laying his hands on each child and speaking encouragement to their mothers. It was a remarkable scene, the Creator Son of the universe ministering to the little children of Jericho. However, the mothers and children only knew that they wanted Jesus’ blessing.

  • Helping Children Find God

    It was also at Jericho, in connection with discussions of the early religious training of children in habits of divine worship, that Jesus impressed upon his apostles the great value of beauty as an influence leading to the urge to worship, especially with children. He emphasized that the beauty of the natural world, in particular, can be powerful in bringing children to an appreciation of God; nature can be a pathway to superior worship experiences. He taught this principle by example: Jesus frequently chose to commune with the heavenly Father in natural surroundings like mountainsides, lakes, and forests, among the birds and other lowly creatures of the natural world. He also found great inspiration while thinking about God and beholding the starry expanses of the night sky.

    When worshiping God in nature is not possible, parents should at least try to create places of beauty – simple yet artfully designed sanctuaries that inspire spiritual connection and elevate the soul. This may be best accomplished through exposure to natural places away from the bustle of life: forests, prairies, mountains, seashores, etc. True communion with God is not advanced by excessive ornamentation or overly elaborate displays of human art. Beauty is most spiritual when it is simple and natural. It is unfortunate that many children are first introduced to worship in cold and barren places of worship that lack warmth and natural beauty. A child’s early experience of worship should ideally take place outdoors in nature, followed by visits to religious spaces that are as warm, welcoming, and at least as aesthetically pleasing as the home where they live.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

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    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.

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References and Sources

  • 167:6 Blessing the little children.
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