Discover Jesus \Topics
Read about in-depth topics based on our enhanced understanding of Jesus' teachings and mission.
Divine wisdom balances accidents, free will, growth.
Developing a strong and unified personality.
The religion of Jesus becomes a religion about Jesus.
Aiding humans in a variety of ways.
Anger is spirit poison, depletes health, and hinders growth.
Self-respect, self-control, and self-mastery are cornerstones.
Rodan saw Jesus as the epitome of maturity.
The contrasts of a political and spiritual Messiah.
Jesus did not marry, following guidance about his mission.
God's omniscience makes forgiveness easy.
A doctrine originating from ancient rituals.
Faith inspires true righteousness and genuine moral integrity.
Jesus contrasts fatherly love and brotherly love.
Includes qualities such as love, joy, peace, and patience.
Choosing aligns with divine values.
Jesus explains how the concept of God has evolved over time.
Baptism originated in Babylon and Greek practices.
Jesus loved nature and enjoyed music, art, and storytelling.
Jesus treated women with love, fairness, and respect.
His teachings are an inspiration for any age.
A divine presence within the human mind.
God's love was unconditional before and after Jesus.
Jesus is a Creator Son of our local universe.
Jesus held disdain for social injustice and hypocrisy.
Jesus' mission was to understand humanity fully.
Celestials dissolved Jesus' body; cloths discarded over a cliff.
Jesus received four personal celestial visitations.
Jesus was fully human and fully divine.
His work begins after a year of training his apostles.
Jesus' love of music as a hobby humanizes him.
Jesus' ministry blended daily life with profound kindness.
An overview of 25 extraordinary events from 26-30 CE.
Parables simplified truths and engaged diverse listeners.
Jesus’s fragment of God was personalized at his baptism.
Jesus’ appearances spanned forty days.
Jesus' experience provides insight into our own resurrection.
His promised return to visit our world is true.
A journey kept secret that lasted close to two years.
Jesus taught that God is a loving Father, not a feared deity.
Jesus had important views on marriage, divorce, and child-rearing.
Jesus chose the experience of a human including a natural death.
Jesus taught personal growth, universal fraternity, and divine values.
Jesus practiced a religion of the spirit.
Materialism sees only matter; misses spiritual growth.
A rebellion to deny God's existence disrupts our universe.
Buddhism's strength is its emphasis on faith and truth.
The focus of Christianity was shaped by Paul and Peter.
Islam acknowledges Jesus as a prophet.
Jesus taught us how to live a life of self-mastery.
The Spirit of Truth was bestowed on the day of Pentecost.
Sonship with God is available to all, male and female.
The spirit presence of Jesus within us.
Star of Bethlehem legend born from ancient astronomy.
A variety of influences and writers contributed to the Gospels.
The kingdom is a spiritual state that can be enjoyed now.
Jesus taught that faith reveals God's loving presence within us.
Thief realizes Jesus' greatness, repents, finds eternal life.
A spiritual resurgence set the stage for Christianity.
Jesus trained followers with personal and public methods.
Balancing spiritual-material aspects for true values.
Jesus' birth was natural, his divinity chosen at conception.
It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Death transitions the soul to the mansion worlds.
Our essence that survives mortal death.
An epochal revelation for humankind.
Resentment and self-importance led to his betrayal.
His methods included positivity, respect, and divine love.
Jesus was born at noon on August 21, 7 BCE.
Spiritual roots deepen joy and enable enduring happiness.
Our evolving and imperfect world is by God’s design.
Jesus' peaceful entry highlighted his spiritual mission.
Affliction often results from human choices.
Their unique qualities led to their selection by Gabriel.
Prayer has a self-interest element and worship does not.