Discover Jesus \ Events \James and John Zebedee Welcomed as Apostles
James and John, after unsuccessfully searching for Jesus in the hills, discovered Andrew and Simon Peter were chosen as the first apostles. Feeling slighted, they confronted Jesus, who reassured them of their place as two of his apostles.
Jesus took a position as a boatbuilder in Zebedee’s enterprises and became like another son in the Zebedee family and a friend to James and John. James was older than his brother, John, who at twenty-four was the youngest of the apostles. James most admired Jesus for his sympathetic affection, taking an interest in everything and everyone he met. John was overwhelmed by the Master’s love and unselfishness. James and his brother John enjoyed the advantage of knowing Jesus longer than any of the other apostles.
Having known Jesus longer than the other apostles, James Zebedee and John Zebedee were initially hurt not to be chosen first as apostles after Jesus selected Andrew and Simon Peter. Upon confronting Jesus about their concerns, he taught them to seek the kingdom within themselves, reassuring them of their significant roles and advising them to focus on doing God's will rather than harboring anxieties about status. Embracing this guidance, they, along with Andrew and Simon Peter, discussed the emerging new order with John the Baptist, marking the beginning of their journey with Jesus as his first four apostles.
After Jesus spent forty days in the hills, he returned to John the Baptist’s encampment. There Andrew and Simon Peter expressed their desire to be part of the new kingdom, and Jesus made them his first two apostles on Saturday, February 23, 26 CE. When James and John came into camp that night after a long and unfruitful search in the hills to find Jesus, Simon Peter exclaimed to them that they had become Jesus’ first apostles. James and John were hurt that they were not the first asked and immediately left to see Jesus who was the guest of a family in nearby Perea.
When they reached the home, Jesus was asleep, and they awoke him and asked, "How is it that, while we who have so long lived with you are searching in the hills for you, you prefer others before us and choose Andrew and Simon as your first associates in the new kingdom?" Jesus answered them, "Be calm in your hearts and ask yourselves, ‘Who directed that you should search for the Son of Man when he was about his Father’s business?’" After they had recited the details of their long search in the hills, Jesus further instructed them: "You should learn to search for the secret of the new kingdom in your hearts and not in the hills. That which you sought was already present in your souls. You are indeed my brethren—you needed not to be received by me—already were you of the kingdom, and you should be of good cheer, making ready also to go with us tomorrow into Galilee."
John was still unsatisfied and asked if they would be associated in the new kingdom at the same rank as Andrew and Simon. Jesus laid a gentle hand on their shoulders and explained that they had already achieved entrance into the kingdom and had no need to make a request. You have been there spiritually since the beginning. I numbered you first and second even before you came to me. You would have been the first in sequence before men had you not been absent in a well-intentioned but self-appointed task of looking for someone who was not lost. Learn from this. Do not concentrate on things that make you anxious, but rather concern yourself only with doing the will of our Father who is in heaven.
James and John received the rebuke in good grace and harbored no ill will towards Andrew and Simon. Later that evening, James, John, Andrew, and Simon Peter held converse with John the Baptist, who beheld the beginnings of the founding of a new order, which was to include some of John’s top pupils. The next morning, this chosen family of four set off to learn from a new teacher, the Son of God.
Third apostle and brother of John Zebedee.
Early apostle along with his brother, James.
Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.
Jesus taught divine truth through ministry and healings.
Location where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.
Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge