Discover Jesus \ Events \Healing the Paralytic in Bethsaida

Healing the Paralytic in Bethsaida 

October 1, 28 CE

When a paralyzed man was unable to reach Jesus due to crowds, he ingeniously had himself lowered through a roof directly in front of Jesus, who healed and forgave him, leading some onlookers to convert and others to cry blasphemy.

Healing the Paralytic in Bethsaida
  • Summary

    Word spread quickly that Jesus had cured many sick and afflicted people. When a paralyzed man heard about these healings, he asked his fellows to carry him on his bed to Jesus. They arrived at the home where he was teaching, but there was a packed crowd and no way to approach the Master. The paralyzed man would not give up and thought that if he couldn’t reach Jesus on the ground, he might be able to from above. He instructed his bearers to take him to the roof above Jesus. There, they removed roof tiles and, with ropes, lowered the sick man in his bed through the hole and set him down directly in front of Jesus.

    Jesus stopped teaching as the man was being lowered. The man apologized for the interruption and asked Jesus to restore his health. Jesus rewarded the man for his faith; his paralysis ended when Jesus said, "Arise, and take up your bed." Jesus also forgave this man’s sins, sins that resulted in his paralysis. Some of Jesus’ enemies were present and declared this was blasphemy, that he had no right, and that only God can forgive sins. But others who witnessed the healing converted to faith in Jesus and were baptized.

  • Journey to Bethsaida

    A paralytic man living in Capernaum on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee had heard that Jesus was teaching nearby in Bethsaida. He had spoken with a stone mason who had recently been cured by Jesus. Then and there, he resolved to be carried into Jesus’ presence, hoping he might also be healed. He asked a group of friends and relatives to take him to Jesus, and they agreed.

    The men reached Bethsaida on Friday afternoon, October 1, 28 CE, carrying the paralytic on his bed. When they arrived, Jesus was teaching a group of followers at the home of two of his apostles, John and James Zebedee. The house had a large room where the Master was speaking, but the room, even the house, was overflowing with people, many of them outside straining their ears to hear. Some of Jesus’ enemies were also present. Six spies, ones sent by the Jerusalem religious authorities to entrap Jesus, were seated in the front row.

  • Lowering the Man before Jesus

    The ones carrying the paralytic pushed through the crowd outside and tried to gain entrance by the front and back doors, but the whole house was too tightly packed. The paralytic refused to accept defeat; he noticed there were ladders and ropes nearby and directed his carriers to take him up to the roof over the room in which Jesus was speaking. Once there, they loosened and removed tiles, then boldly lowered the sick man on his bed by ropes until he rested on the floor immediately in front of the Master.

    When Jesus saw what was being done, he ceased speaking and watched. Everyone in the room marveled at the perseverance of the sick man and his friends. The paralytic looked at Jesus and said: “Master, I would not disturb your teaching, but I am determined to be made whole. I am not like those who received healing and immediately forgot your teaching. I would be made whole that I might serve in the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus knew this man’s affliction had been brought on by his own misspent life, but seeing his faith, he told the paralytic: “Son, fear not; your sins are forgiven. Your faith shall save you.”

  • Accusation of Blasphemy

    The six spies were sitting nearby, and when they heard Jesus pronounce the forgiveness of the man’s sins, they began to say among themselves: "How dare this man thus speak? Does he not understand that such words are blasphemy? Who can forgive sin but God?" Jesus heard their criticism and spoke to them, saying: "Why do you so reason in your hearts? Who are you that you sit in judgment over me? What is the difference whether I say to this paralytic, your sins are forgiven, or arise, take up your bed, and walk? But that you who witness all this may finally know that the Son of Man has authority and power on earth to forgive sins, I will say to this afflicted man, 'Arise, take up your bed, and go to your own house.'" When Jesus said the final words, the once paralyzed man stood up, the crowd parted, and he walked away carrying his bed. Everyone there was amazed by what they witnessed, and many prayed and glorified God.

    Around this time, messengers of the religious rulers arrived with an order for the six spies to return to Jerusalem. When they heard this message, they began debating among themselves. After they had finished their discussions, the leader and two of his associates returned with the messengers to Jerusalem. But the other three stayed and confessed faith in Jesus and were baptized by Peter that day in the Sea of Galilee.

  • "Event - Healing the Paralytic in Bethsaida" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge"Event - Healing the Paralytic in Bethsaida" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge
  • Lessons and Insights

    This story teaches several lessons, the most important of which is the power of faith. The paralyzed man and his friends had faith in Jesus' ability to heal, and their actions demonstrated their belief. Jesus was moved by their faith and responded with understanding and healing. This insight, that faith and believing in the power of God can bring about miraculous transformations, is a central theme of Jesus’ teachings.

    The story of healing the paralytic man is a powerful example of Jesus' healing ministry. It is a lesson about the power of faith, Jesus’ love for all people regardless of their sins, and his authority to forgive them. Unfortunately, his enemies mistook the Master’s power and authority as a threat to their beliefs and claimed he was an agent of evil. But for those honest of heart and without prejudice, this healing and the forgiveness of sin was an inspiration to have faith in God and reason to extend compassion and love to all who are in need, irrespective of their past errors or present condition.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

Related People

  • Jesus

    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.

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  • Bethsaida

    Apostolic headquarters and central to many events.


Rick Warren, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 148:9.1 Jesus teaching at the Zebedee home.
  • 148:9.2 The paralyzed man is lowered from the roof in front of Jesus and asks to be healed.
  • 148:9.3 Jesus rebukes his accusers.
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