Discover Jesus \ Events \Choosing Philip and Nathaniel as Apostles
On February 24, 26 CE, near Galilee, Jesus and four apostles met Philip and Nathaniel, potential followers of John the Baptist. Persuaded by Jesus and apostles, Philip and then Nathaniel joined as the fifth and sixth apostles, forming half of Jesus' team.
On February 24, 26 CE, as Jesus and his first four apostles journeyed toward Galilee, they encountered Philip of Bethsaida and his friend Nathaniel. Both were exploring the possibility of joining John the Baptist but were diverted by their meeting with Jesus. After a brief consultation, encouraged by Peter and Andrew, Philip decided to follow Jesus, becoming the fifth apostle. Subsequently, Philip convinced Nathaniel, a skeptic initially uncertain about the Messiah coming from Nazareth, to meet Jesus. Impressed by Jesus’ discerning and welcoming words, Nathaniel also decided to follow, becoming the sixth apostle. This event marked the assembly of half of Jesus’ apostolic team, blending familiar faces with the new addition of Nathaniel, introduced by Philip.
After Jesus welcomed Andrew, Simon Peter, James, and John as apostles on February 23, 26 CE, Jesus and his growing group of apostles journeyed toward Galilee, encountering Philip of Bethsaida with his friend Nathaniel along the way. Jesus had known Philip, and he was also well known by his first four apostles. Philip was delighted to run into Jesus as he had been an admirer of him ever since Jesus first came to Capernaum. Nathaniel, not knowing Jesus, rested beside the road while Philip went to say hello. Philip and Nathaniel knew each other through several business enterprises, and both, intrigued about rumors of the long-awaited Messiah, were on their way to inquire of, and perhaps join, John the Baptist.
Peter immediately took Philip to one side and let him know that he, Andrew, James, and John had all joined Jesus in the new kingdom and strongly urged Philip to join them. Philip deliberated and then Andrew suggested that they ask Jesus. At that moment, Philip decided that he would abide by Jesus’ answer. Philip asked Jesus frankly if he should go down to John or follow him. Jesus directly answered, "Follow me." Philip was thrilled, sure that he had found the promised Messiah, and reassured knowing his friends Andrew, Peter, James, and John also accepted Jesus as the Deliverer. Philip thus became the fifth apostle chosen by Jesus.
Philip hurried back to let Nathaniel know of his decision. Nathaniel sat ruminating on reports he had heard about John the Baptist and of the new kingdom to be ushered in, when Philip rushed in and interrupted his train of thought, exclaiming, "I have found the Messiah!" Nathaniel calmly asked him where. Philip specified that it was Jesus of Nazareth. Somewhat shocked, Nathaniel asked, "Can any such good thing come out of Nazareth?" But Philip, taking him by the arm, said, "Come and see."
Jesus looked benevolently into the face of the sincere doubter, expressing: "Behold a genuine Israelite, in whom there is no deceit. Follow me." Nathaniel looked at Philip and agreed that he was right, he is indeed a master of men. I will also follow, if I am worthy. Jesus nodded at Nathaniel, and reassured him, again stating, "Follow me." Nathaniel thus filled the sixth open position and became the last of the apostles to be chosen by the Master himself.
As so, on this Sunday morning, February 24, 26 CE, Jesus assembled one half of his apostles, five he had known for some time, and one stranger, Nathaniel, who was introduced by his friend Philip.
Location where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.
Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge