Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus Parts with Gonod and Ganid
Jesus said farewell to Gonod and his son Ganid after their 20-month tour of the Mediterranean together. It was a tearful goodbye and Ganid never knew that his mentor was Jesus of Nazareth that he heard of later in India.
Jesus, desiring to meet diverse people and better understand humanity, joined Gonod, an international businessman, and his son Ganid on a nearly two-year tour of the Mediterranean as a translator and personal tutor. This journey, ending in 23 CE at Charax, allowed Jesus to deeply influence Ganid, who viewed Jesus as embodying the divine qualities he taught.
After their emotional farewell, where both Ganid and his father acknowledged Jesus' profound impact, Ganid carried the teachings forward in his life and career in India. Jesus went by the name Joshua during the tour and Ganid never realized that his cherished mentor and Jesus of Nazareth were the same person.
Sometimes you find a job that matches what you were looking for. This happened to Jesus. Sometimes you have a teacher that you learn so much from, and one that you remember your whole life. That happened to Ganid.
Jesus wished to meet people from all over the world and better understand humans. He was offered to tour the Mediterranean with an international businessman, Gonod. Jesus served as a translator and as a teacher to his son, Ganid. Ultimately, Ganid was very fortunate to have Jesus as his personal tutor.
This period in Jesus’ life can be termed, "The mission of Joshua the teacher." Jesus accompanied Gonod and Ganid for almost two years, finally saying goodbye at Charax, a port at the head of the Persian Gulf in Mesopotamia, on December 10, 23 CE.
The day of separation had arrived. They were all brave, especially the lad, but it was a difficult experience. They were teary-eyed but courageous of heart. Ganid bid his teacher farewell, saying, "Farewell, but not forever. When I return to Damascus, I will look for you. I love you because I believe the Father in heaven is similar to you; at the very least, you resemble what you've told me about him. I will remember your teaching, but most importantly, I will never forget you."
The father went on to say, "Farewell to a great teacher, one who has made us better and helped us to know God." Then Jesus said, "Peace be upon you, and may the blessing of the Father in heaven ever abide with you." And Jesus stood on the shore, watching as the small boat took them out to their anchored ship.
Thus, the Master left his Indian friends at Charax, never to see them again in this world; nor would they ever know that the man who later appeared as Jesus of Nazareth was the same friend they had just left behind – Joshua, their teacher.
Ganid followed in his father’s business and became an influential man in India. In his business travels, he would spread the magnificent truths that he learned from his teacher, who so influenced him. Later in life, Ganid heard of Jesus of Nazareth, but he never fathomed that this strange teacher and his tutor were one and the same person. He fondly reminisced back to earlier days as some of the sayings of this man reminded him of his beloved teacher and companion.
A journey kept secret that lasted close to two years.
Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge