Discover Jesus \ Events \Gabriel Chooses Jesus' Parents

Gabriel Chooses Jesus' Parents 

March, 8 BCE

Gabriel studied the people of earth and then picked Mary and Joseph from three equally qualified couples for the honor of being Jesus’ earthly parents.

Gabriel Chooses Jesus' Parents
  • Summary

    In order to fully appreciate the process by which Gabriel made his choice of Mary and Joseph as the earth parents of Jesus, it is helpful to know that Jesus himself first chose this world for his bestowal mission, setting into motion the process by which their selection was facilitated.

    After Christ Michael (Jesus) made his choice of our world for his incarnation mission, Gabriel, chief executive of our local universe, was the personality charged with choosing the couple who would become the earth parents of the divine incarnation of God. Gabriel visited our world and studied its people and its other relevant features. He came to the conclusion that the Hebrews were the right choice as the race into which Christ Michael would be born. He was then entrusted with choosing one of three prospective couples who were equally qualified for the honor of being Jesus’ earth parents.

    Gabriel personally chose Mary and Joseph to become Jesus’ parents. Subsequent to this decision, he appeared to Mary to announce to her that she had been chosen as the earth mother of the bestowal child.

  • Christ Michael Chose Our World

    When it came time for Christ Michael to plan his seventh and final bestowal mission, a special report was prepared for him regarding the conditions of various quarantined worlds in the universe of Nebadon – the universe of his creation. And in light of this report, Christ Michael, in consultation with Gabriel, chose earth as the planet on which to enact his incarnation in the form of a helpless human baby.

    It wasn’t that our world needed Jesus to fix all of our manifold problems. Instead, our world appealed to Jesus because it provided a unique background of confusion, darkness, and turmoil against which the love, mercy, and patience of the heavenly Father would stand out in striking contrast.

    It is not possible to cite all of the reasons that Mary and Joseph were chosen to be Jesus’ earth parents; nor is it possible to fully explain why Palestine was chosen as the geographical location for the momentous event of the Son of God’s incarnation as an infant of the realm. But what can be grasped is the care and thought that went into these decisions.

  • Gabriel Surveys Our World

    Once the decision had been made that earth was to be the home world for the bestowal of Christ Michael, Gabriel personally visited our world. He surveyed the spiritual, intellectual, racial, and geographic qualities of the world and its human groups. As a result, he chose the Hebrew race as the one that possessed the most advantageous characteristics for the bestowal mission.

    Michael approved of Gabriel’s recommendation; thereafter, Gabriel sent a group of personalities of the higher orders who were to make a study of Jewish family life. This group presented their report to Gabriel after completing their study and nominated three prospective couples that would be equally favorable for the honor of fostering the incarnated Son of God.

  • Gabriel Chooses Mary and Joseph

    From the three couples nominated, Gabriel chose Mary and Joseph to be Jesus’ earthly parents. Of all the couples living in Palestine around the time of his projected bestowal, Joseph and Mary had the best mix of widespread racial connections and above-average personality traits. The plan of Jesus was to come to earth as an average person so that regular people could understand and accept him. That's why Gabriel chose Joseph and Mary to become his parents.

    Subsequently, Gabriel personally appeared to Mary to announce to her that she had been selected as the earth mother of the incarnated child – Joshua ben Joseph – Son of God, Son of Man, Jesus of Nazareth.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

Related People

  • Joseph

    Father of Jesus and husband to Mary.

  • Mary

    The chosen mother of Jesus.

  • Gabriel

    Chief executive of our local universe.

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Related Locations

  • Nazareth

    The town of Jesus’ upbringing.


MaryJo Garascia, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 76:5.7 Why Christ Michael chose earth for his bestowal.
  • 122:0.1-3 Gabriel chooses Mary and Joseph.
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