
Discover Jesus \ Events \The Third Preaching Tour

The Third Preaching Tour 

January 18 - March 10, 29 CE

Jesus' Third Preaching Tour covered central and southern Galilee, involving 24 apostles and 70 missionaries. Jesus formed a groundbreaking Women's Evangelistic Corps. The seven-week tour ended with Jesus' final, unsuccessful visit to Nazareth.

The Third Preaching Tour

Table of Contents

  • Summary

    Jesus’ Third Preaching Tour was to the cities in central and southern Galilee. The twelve apostles of Jesus, plus the twelve apostles of John the Baptist, along with seventy missionaries, preached the gospel and baptized believers.

    Two days prior to the start of the tour, Jesus announced the formation of a Women’s Evangelistic Corps, commissioning ten women to teach and minister alongside the others, marking a groundbreaking moment for women in religious work. The tour lasted seven weeks, culminating with Jesus visiting Nazareth for the last time and being ultimately rejected by his hometown.

  • Third Tour of Galilee

    On Sunday evening, January 16, 29 CE, Abner and the apostles of John arrived in Bethsaida for a joint conference with Andrew and the apostles of Jesus. They had been meeting periodically to discuss combining efforts. One topic discussed was the practice of anointing the sick with oil, which John’s followers used, while the apostles of Jesus did not agree to adopt this practice. Jesus did not participate in these discussions. On Tuesday, January 18, seventy-five tested evangelists of Jesus joined them at the Zebedee house in Bethsaida, preparing for the third preaching tour of Galilee.

    Jesus also announced the formation of a Women’s Evangelistic Corps, consisting of ten women chosen by him to preach the gospel. This was a revolutionary move, as women were not commonly recognized as religious teachers at the time. These women, including Susanna, Joanna, Martha, Rachel, and others, were commissioned by Jesus and organized their own group. They were equipped with funds and pack animals, and from this time forward, they managed their own finances. Over time, Mary Magdalene and Rebecca also joined this group.

    The preaching tour lasted seven weeks, during which they visited key cities in central and southern Galilee, including Magdala, Tiberias, and Nazareth. Jesus traveled with the twelve apostles, while the evangelists were sent out in groups of five. The apostles also went out in pairs to baptize believers when needed. Abner and his associates worked with the evangelistic groups for about three weeks, helping to guide and baptize new believers.

    During the tour, the women evangelists were especially effective, entering places like Magdala's evil resorts to preach the good news. Here, they gained a major convert, Mary Magdalene, who later became a significant teacher within the women’s group.

    In the evenings, Jesus spoke on various subjects, including "Magic and Superstition," where he addressed common superstitions of the time, debunking beliefs in astrology, charms, and omens. In addition, Jesus addressed the question of "What must I do to be saved?" by teaching that salvation is a gift from God, received through faith and acceptance of divine forgiveness, and that living a righteous life is the natural result of having already been saved. These teachings enlightened the group and boosted their spirits.

    Their last stop was in Nazareth, where Jesus was met with rejection. On Thursday, March 10, the entire group reassembled at Bethsaida. They returned, not as triumphant crusaders, but somewhat disillusioned preachers of the gospel of truth.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

Related People

Related Locations

  • Magdala

    On the western shore of the Sea of Galilee.

  • Nazareth

    The town of Jesus’ upbringing.

  • Galilee

    Region where Jesus spent most of his life.


Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 150:0.1-2 John’s followers and Jesus’ followers join forces.
  • 150:0.3-4 The twenty-four determine the logistics for their mission.
  • 150:1.1 Jesus adds women to his Third Preaching Tour.
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