Discover Jesus \ Events \Ten of the Apostles Go into Hiding
After Jesus' arrest, most apostles fled, but Peter and John followed him. Others gathered at the olive press, debating rescue. Ultimately, they scattered, with David Zebedee relaying information while John remained with Jesus until the crucifixion.
When Jesus was arrested and bound, most of his followers fled. Peter and John Zebedee followed the mob to Annas' home while the remaining apostles gathered at the olive press. There, Simon Zelotes proposed a rescue attempt, but Nathaniel and James Zebedee advocated nonviolence, and Thomas convinced the group to scatter.
The shocked apostles split up: Nathaniel, Matthew, Philip, and the Alpheus twins, James and Judas, hid in Bethpage and Bethany; Thomas, Andrew, James, and Simon Zelotes concealed themselves in the city. David Zebedee maintained the camp, coordinating information between John Zebedee (who stayed with Jesus throughout), the scattered apostles, and Jesus' family. Peter, in despair, was sent to his brother Andrew, while John faithfully witnessed every detail until the crucifixion's end.
On the night of Jesus’ arrest, the captain bound him like a hardened criminal and then ordered his followers to be seized out of fear that they might attempt a rescue. Hearing this, Jesus’ followers fled into the ravine. David Zebedee, when informed of the situation by John Mark, together ran to the tents of the eight sleeping apostles and conveyed what happened. Simon Peter and John Zebedee hid nearby so they could follow the mob. John slipped in close behind the soldiers, guards, and servants, and Peter kept his distance. They soon reached the home of Annas. James Zebedee got separated, so he joined the other apostles who had gathered at the olive press to figure out what to do.
Everyone looked to Andrew for advice. A few hours earlier, at the Last Supper, Jesus released Andrew from this responsibility, so he remained silent. This left an opening for Simon Zelotes to rally the troops to action in the rescue of Jesus. The majority were ready to follow Simon’s aggressive leadership had Nathaniel not intervened and reminded them of Jesus’ personal path of nonresistance and their instructions to preserve their lives for the more important work of proclaiming the gospel. James Zebedee supported Nathaniel’s point by recounting how Jesus told Peter and others who drew their swords to sheathe their blades.
Ultimately, it was Thomas who spoke up and said that Jesus counseled Lazarus against exposing himself to death. Since the Master refused to allow his friends to defend him and adamantly refused to employ his divine powers against his enemies, Thomas persuaded them to scatter every man for himself. He explained that David Zebedee would remain at camp and keep them informed. Indeed, by 2:30 AM, the camp was deserted except for David and three or four messengers, having sent others in his corps to report on Jesus.
The apostles suffered a state of shock and were unable to think clearly. Even being forewarned, the suddenness and unbelievable horror of Jesus being helpless in the hands of his enemies contradicted everything they thought was rational. Nathaniel, Matthew, Philip, and the Alpheus twins went into hiding in Bethpage and Bethany. Thomas, Andrew, James, and Simon Zelotes hid in the city. Simon Peter and John Zebedee followed along to the home of Annas.
After daybreak, Simon Peter returned to the Gethsemane camp, a dejected picture of deep despair. David Zebedee assigned a messenger to take him to his brother Andrew at the home of Nicodemus. Jesus’ brother Jude arrived, out of breath from running ahead of the family, only to learn that Jesus had already been taken into custody. David requested Jude gather his family at the house of Martha and Mary in Bethany and promised to keep them updated.
John Zebedee faithfully remained near at hand, as Jesus had directed. John witnessed every horrible detail and was able to provide David’s messengers with up-to-date information. Every hour, David relayed news to the hiding apostles and Jesus’ family. John Zebedee stayed with Jesus until the very end of the crucifixion.
This was the situation during the last half of Thursday night and the early morning hours of Friday as regards the apostles, the chief disciples, and the earthly family of Jesus.