
Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus' Final Period of Waiting

Jesus' Final Period of Waiting 

October, 25 CE

Before beginning his public ministry, Jesus visited Jerusalem with John Zebedee. He then returned to working as a boatmaker until declaring "My hour has come" when he journeyed to Pella to be baptized by John the Baptist.

Jesus' Final Period of Waiting
  • Summary

    Even though Jesus was traveling alone for most of his year of solitary wandering, he did have occasion to meet briefly with his family in Capernaum for a Sabbath day. This meeting took place in September of 25 CE, following his six-week sojourn on Mount Hermon.

    Then, Jesus and John Zebedee embarked on a three-week trip to Jerusalem for the day of atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles. It was hard for Jesus to witness the emptiness of the rituals, but he was advised by his inner spirit to keep his own counsel about it. John could see that Jesus had undergone some significant changes; and before the three-week time of ceremony and ritual was completed, Jesus left John so that he could return to the hills and be alone with God once more.

    During his final waiting period, Jesus worked as a boatmaker with his brother James, solidifying James's faith in him. Hearing of John the Baptist's preaching in the Jordan Valley, he continued working until January 26 CE, then proclaimed "My hour has come" and journeyed to Pella to present himself to John to be baptized.

  • Jesus and John Zebedee in Jerusalem

    When Jesus returned from Mount Hermon and his experience with the "great temptation," it was September of 25 CE, and summertime was about over. Jesus met with his family in Capernaum and then started on a three-week trip to Jerusalem with John Zebedee for the day of atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles. On the way to Jerusalem, they spent the night at Bethany with Lazarus and his sisters. When they arrived in Jerusalem, John spent much of his time in and around the city; but Jesus preferred to be alone, wandering the hills and communing with the Father in heaven. They did not do a lot of visiting together; John could see that Jesus had undergone a great change.

    For several years, Jesus had been undergoing a great transformation of mind and spirit – a transformation that was completed during his time on Mount Hermon. This change was so profound, that people who had known him during these times of his travels and personal ministry often did not recognize him in his later role as a public teacher of spiritual truth.

    On the day of atonement, John thoroughly enjoyed the ritual and ceremonies, but Jesus just stood by, a silent spectator. Because of what he knew of the heavenly Father, he viewed the ceremonies as somewhat pitiful. He saw the rituals as sad distortions of the Father’s justice and mercy. He longed to tell the multitude assembled there the real truth of the heavenly Father’s loving character and his merciful nature, but his indwelling spirit advised him against it, telling him that his hour had not yet come. Later that night, Jesus said some pointed things that were disturbing to John, but John did not understand the comments that Jesus made.

    Nevertheless, Jesus did enjoy the remainder of his time in Jerusalem with John as they celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles for nearly the whole week; it was clear to see that he delighted in the lighthearted enjoyment of both the young and the old.

    Jesus left John before the festivities in Jerusalem were finished and headed off alone once more to the hills near Bethany, where he spent another week in solitude. John wanted to go with him, but Jesus told him: "It is not required of you to bear the burden of the Son of Man; only the watchman must keep vigil while the city sleeps in peace."

    On his way back to Capernaum, he spent one night in the hills of Mount Gilboa, and when he got home he seemed more cheerful than he was when he and John parted in Jerusalem.

  • The Final Period of Waiting

    Jesus, while awaiting his destined hour, returned to Zebedee’s workshop and immersed himself in boatmaking alongside his brother James. This period, lasting until January of the following year, solidified James's faith in Jesus' mission, despite future doubts. Jesus dedicated himself to crafting, finding satisfaction in completing quality work, and focusing on important aspects of each project.

    Amidst rising rumors of John the Baptist baptizing and preaching in the Jordan Valley, Jesus continued his work until January of 26 CE. At that point, he laid down his tools, declared, "My hour has come," and journeyed to Pella with his brother James and Jude to present himself to John for baptism.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

Related People

  • Jesus

    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.

  • John Zebedee

    Early apostle along with his brother, James.

Related Locations

  • Capernaum

    Jesus’ residence after departing Nazareth.

  • Jerusalem

    Center of many pivotal moments in Jesus’ life.


MaryJo Garascia, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 134:9.1-5 Jesus and John Zebedee travel to Jerusalem together.
  • 134:9.6-8 The final period of waiting before his baptism.
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