
Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus' Ninth Year

Jesus' Ninth Year 

3 CE

In Jesus' ninth year, he studied and lived in Nazareth, gaining diverse perspectives and a balanced understanding. Despite minor illnesses, he excelled in school and enjoyed trips with his father.

Jesus' Ninth Year
  • Summary

    During Jesus' ninth year, he had the opportunity to study and live in Nazareth, which provided him with a diverse environment and a balanced understanding of different perspectives. He faced minor illnesses but continued to excel in school and enjoyed trips with his father. However, trouble arose when Jesus challenged the teaching that prohibited drawings and images. He confronted the elders and defended his viewpoint. Jesus' artistic activities were eventually restricted at home, leading to one of the great trials of his young life.

  • Jesus' Education and Perspective

    Jesus' time in Nazareth provided him with a unique educational opportunity. While he might have received a better education in Alexandria, being in Nazareth allowed him to work out his own life problems in a supportive environment. He had the chance to interact with people from different backgrounds and cultures, which broadened his understanding of the world. This diverse exposure helped prepare him to better comprehend the perspectives of gentiles and to form a balanced view of Hebrew theology, incorporating both Eastern and Western influences.

  • Challenges at School and Personal Trials

    During this year, Jesus faced some challenges at school. His love for drawing and modeling with clay led to conflicts with the traditional Jewish teaching that considered such activities idolatrous. Jesus dared to challenge the interpretation that prohibited all images and drawings, leading to accusations against him.

    The most serious incident occurred when he was caught drawing a picture of his teacher on the schoolroom floor. This resulted in a confrontation with the elders, where Jesus fearlessly defended his viewpoint and declared his willingness to abide by his father's decision. Although Mary tried to influence Joseph to allow Jesus to continue his artistic pursuits at home, Joseph felt the rabbinical interpretation of the second commandment prevailed, and Jesus had to give up his favorite pastime, causing great disappointment and a personal trial for him.

  • Growth, Adventures, and Leadership

    Jesus’ year was filled with growth, adventures, and the display of his leadership abilities. He continued to excel in his studies, earning the admiration of his teachers and peers. He enjoyed regular trips with his father to neighboring cities, visits to his uncle's farm, and fishing excursions from Magdala.

    During this time, Jesus, in company with his father, climbed Mount Tabor for the first time, marveling at the expansive view before him. The family welcomed the arrival of his second sister, Martha, and Joseph began building an addition to their house, where Jesus had his own workbench and tools. He developed his skills in making yokes and contributed to household tasks. Furthermore, Jesus exhibited his leadership qualities by forming a society with seven other boys, focusing on physical, intellectual, and religious development. He introduced new games and recreational activities, displaying his original thinking and teaching abilities, even at a young age.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

Related People

  • Jesus

    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.

Related Locations

  • Nazareth

    The town of Jesus’ upbringing.


MaryJo Garascia, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

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