Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus' Twenty-First Year

Jesus' Twenty-First Year 

15 CE

At age 21, Jesus balanced his humanity and divinity, gradually realizing his divine nature and obediently following the Father's will. He celebrated Passover in Jerusalem with his brother Joseph, sharing stories of Jewish history.

Jesus' Twenty-First Year
  • Summary

    In 15 CE, at the age of 21, Jesus undertook a momentous mission to fully understand and master human life. This quest aimed to qualify him for universal rulership over his created universe. Jesus was keenly aware of his dual nature, combining humanity and divinity. He deliberately embraced the title "Son of Man" to emphasize his humanity, living a life without supernatural intervention until his baptism by John.

    Jesus gradually realized his divine nature. Throughout, he obediently followed the Father's will, even as believers began to worship him.

    In the same year, Jesus celebrated the Passover in Jerusalem with Joseph, journeying through the Jordan valley and Amathus. He shared Jewish history and tales of eastern tribes as Joseph inquired about his life mission, often responding, "My hour has not yet come." The Passover took place in Bethany, in line with Jesus's customary practice for such festivals.

  • The Coming of Age

    In the year 15 CE, Jesus, having reached the age of 21, embarked on a remarkable mission. His task was to fully master the knowledge of the life of his lowest form of intelligent creatures – humankind. By doing so, he would earn the right to unqualified rulership of the universe he had created. This was an immense endeavor, and Jesus was acutely aware of his dual nature. He had effectively merged these two aspects into one persona – Jesus of Nazareth.

    Jesus knew that he was indeed a man, a mortal man, born of a woman. He deliberately adopted the title "Son of Man" to emphasize his humanity. He experienced all aspects of human existence, from weariness and hunger to joy and sorrow. He was tested and tempted, just as humans are, but he lived his life within the confines of his human endowment, without resorting to supernatural powers, at least until his baptism by John.

    Jesus emptied himself of his prehuman attributes and grew in knowledge, experience, and wisdom, much like any mortal. His self-realization of divinity was a gradual process that began with supernatural occurrences at the age of thirteen and culminated with his baptism.

  • The Divine Incarnation

    Despite being truly divine, Jesus led a fully human life and refrained from using his inherent powers. His realization of divinity was a gradual revelation, unfolding over time. However, he accepted divine titles that emphasized his extraordinary nature, except for the designation "Immanuel," to which he responded, "Not I, that is my elder brother." Throughout this journey, he remained obedient to the Father's will, even as sincere believers began to worship him.

  • The Journey to Jerusalem with Joseph

    During this significant year, Jesus, accompanied by Joseph, celebrated the Passover in Jerusalem. Their journey took them through the Jordan valley on their way there and back through Amathus. As they traveled, Jesus shared stories of Jewish history and the experiences of tribes residing east of the river. Joseph was curious about Jesus' life mission, but he often responded with, "My hour has not yet come." The Passover was observed in Bethany, as was Jesus's customary practice for such festival gatherings.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

Related People

  • Jesus

    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.

  • Joseph

    One of Jesus’ younger brothers.

  • Mary

    Sister of Martha and Lazarus and enduring friend of Jesus.

Related Locations

  • Jerusalem

    Center of many pivotal moments in Jesus’ life.

  • Bethany

    Home to Lazarus, Martha, and Mary.


Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge, Trudi Cooper

References and Sources

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