Discover Jesus \ Events \Preparation for the Crucifixion

Preparation for the Crucifixion 

April 7, 30 CE (Friday)

After Jesus' arrest, his followers scattered. Temple guards burned their camp, assuming no further threat. David Zebedee maintained communications, updating believers about Jesus' impending fate. Pilate handed Jesus to Roman soldiers, who mocked him.

Preparation for the Crucifixion
  • Summary

    After Jesus was handed over to Roman soldiers, a detachment of temple guards went to Gethsemane to arrest his followers, but they had already dispersed. Some went into hiding, others to homes, while David Zebedee moved tents to maintain a communication center. The guards burned the deserted camp and reported to the Sanhedrin, who believed there would be no further threat of uprising. David, however, sent messengers to inform distant believers of Jesus' impending crucifixion and continued to update the apostles and Jesus' family throughout the day.

    Meanwhile, Pilate handed Jesus over for crucifixion after trying to absolve himself of responsibility. The Roman soldiers, though mocking, refrained from further physical harm, and Jesus endured their ridicule in dignified silence. Finally, a delay occurred when the Roman captain decided to crucify two thieves alongside Jesus, who were brought into the courtyard.

  • Following Jesus' Arrest

    Shortly after Jesus was handed over to the Roman soldiers, a detachment of temple guards hurried to Gethsemane to disperse or arrest his followers, but they had already scattered. The apostles went into hiding, the Greeks went to various homes, and other disciples disappeared.

    David Zebedee anticipated the return of Jesus’ enemies and moved several tents further up the ravine to maintain a communication center. After David left, the guards arrived, found no one, burned the camp, and returned to report to the Sanhedrin, who felt assured that there would be no uprising. Upon hearing of Jesus' fate, David dispatched messengers to distant cities, informing believers that Jesus was to be crucified. Throughout the day, David continued to send updates to the apostles and Jesus' family. Believing Jesus would rise on the third day, David kept this view largely to himself but instructed his messengers to be ready Sunday morning.

    Meanwhile, the followers of Jesus scattered and remained in seclusion for the Passover and Sabbath.

  • Preparation for the Crucifixion

    After Pilate publicly washed his hands, attempting to free himself of the responsibility for condemning an innocent man simply because he feared the demands of the Jewish leaders, he handed Jesus over to the Roman soldiers, instructing them to proceed with the crucifixion. The soldiers led Jesus back to the courtyard of the praetorium, removed the elaborate robe that Herod had mockingly placed on him, and dressed him again in his own clothes. Although they continued to mock and ridicule him, they refrained from further physical abuse. By this time, Jesus was completely alone – his closest followers had scattered in fear, and even John, who had stayed with him longer than the others, was no longer at his side.

    It was shortly after eight o’clock when Pilate turned Jesus over to the soldiers, and it was not until almost nine o’clock that they began the journey to the site of the crucifixion. During this interval, Jesus remained silent, uttering not a single word. As time passed, the soldiers began to notice his remarkable composure and the dignity with which he endured their taunts. His calm, uncomplaining demeanor stood out to the hardened soldiers, who were accustomed to witnessing fear and desperation in those condemned to die.

    Part of the delay in setting out for the execution site came from the captain's last-minute decision to crucify two thieves alongside Jesus. Since Jesus was already scheduled for execution that morning, the captain reasoned that the criminals might as well be put to death at the same time rather than wait until after the Passover festivities. Once the thieves were prepared, they were brought into the courtyard, where they were introduced to Jesus – one seeing him for the first time, while the other had previously heard him teach both in the temple and at the camp in Pella.

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References and Sources

  • 186:3.1-4 David Zebedee kept everyone informed.
  • 186:3.5 The followers of Jesus remained in seclusion.
  • 186:4.1-3 Pilate ordered Jesus to be crucified immediately.
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