Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus' Twenty-Ninth Year

Jesus' Twenty-Ninth Year 

23 CE

In 23 CE, Jesus continues his Mediterranean tour with Gonod and Ganid during his twenty-ninth year. This journey exposed him to diverse peoples and strengthened his spiritual mastery, solidifying his identity as the Son of God.

Jesus' Twenty-Ninth Year
  • Summary

    Jesus left Jerusalem with Gonod and his son Ganid on April 26, 22 CE, when he was twenty-eight years old. His entire twenty-ninth year was spent with these Indian travelers as the three of them continued their tour of the Mediterranean regions. During this tour of the Roman world, Jesus was known as the Damascus scribe.

    Jesus never told anyone about this trip except for Zebedee of Bethsaida. There was a lot of speculation as to his whereabouts during that time, but only Zebedee knew the truth.

    Jesus used his experiences on this momentous journey to get to know all sorts of people. At its end, he had come in contact with all the diversified peoples of the world at that time. In addition, Jesus became ever more skilled at mastering his human mind, and his indwelling spirit presence was ever more able to assist him in mastering its spiritual guidance over that same mind. Jesus began recalling his existence in the times before his incarnation, and by the time the trip had ended, Jesus knew for certain that he was the Son of God, a Creator Son of the Universal Father.

  • The Mediterranean Tour

    Jesus' entire twenty-ninth year (23 CE) was spent with Gonod and Ganid, the Indian travelers, as they continued on the tour of the Mediterranean regions which they began in the spring of 22 CE.

    This was a very important time in the life of the Master. As he traveled with his companions, he had contact with scores of his fellow men, ministering as he went along; however, no one from his home ever knew about this trip. He never told anyone – even his family or the apostles – about this time in his life. The only person who knew about it was Zebedee of Bethsaida, and Jesus asked him to keep this extensive trip a secret, which he did. There was speculation about where he had gone during this time; some people wondered if he had gone to Damascus, and some thought he had gone to India. His family thought that he had probably gone to Alexandria because at one time he had been invited there for the purpose of becoming an assistant chazan. And when he returned home, he did not contradict what they believed. Only Zebedee knew the truth, and Zebedee revealed it to no one.

  • Lessons from the Mediterranean Tour

    When trying to understand Jesus' life on earth, it's crucial to keep in mind why he came here. To grasp the significance of some of his seemingly unusual actions, you must understand the purpose of his time on our planet. He made a deliberate effort not to draw too much attention to himself or build a self-centered career. Instead, his focus was on revealing God the Father to us humans while living an earthly life subject to God's will.

    Also, it's important to remember that Jesus didn't just live his life for us on earth; he did it for the entire universe. His life had a special and inspiring significance for every inhabited world in the universe, both during his time and for all future worlds that may become inhabited. During his travels around the Roman world, he gained invaluable knowledge about how people lived and experienced life on earth.

    The primary purpose of his Mediterranean journey was to understand humanity. He came into close contact with countless individuals from various walks of life. He encountered people from different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs, enriching his understanding of human nature.

    Throughout this journey, Jesus made significant progress in mastering the human mind and spirituality. By its conclusion, he had a deep certainty that he was a Son of God, a Creator Son of the Universal Father. His indwelling spirit also helped him gradually recall his divine past, bringing back memories of his former divine existence throughout the almost endless epochs of the past.

  • The Human Jesus

    The Mediterranean journey was the most captivating experience of Jesus' life before his crucifixion. It was a time of Jesus’ personal ministry before the later times of his public ministry. He was still the carpenter from Nazareth, the boatbuilder of Capernaum; he was still the Son of Man. His personal spiritual growth peaked during his twenty-ninth year and was solidified by his baptism in the Jordan sometime later.

    Jesus perfected his personal communication with the indwelling presence of the Paradise Father. In its totality, he lived a genuinely human life, experiencing a wide range of emotions from joy to sorrow, becoming intimately familiar with the entirety of human existence. He lived through the phases of human development, from infancy to adulthood, and even experienced death. Jesus didn't come to set a detailed example for everyone to copy but to show that living a true and noble human life is possible by the same means he employed. While he may not be a technical template for all people, he remains an everlasting inspiration and guide for those journeying from the realms of initial ascension to the perfection of eternity, serving as the bridge from humanity to divinity, from earth to Paradise.

    By the end of his twenty-ninth year, he had completed his sojourn as a human mortal, embodying both the fullness of God and the perfection of man.

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