Discover Jesus \ Events \The Draught of Fishes

The Draught of Fishes 

January 16, 28 CE (Friday)

Jesus expertly guided David Zebedee to a lucrative fishing spot on the Sea of Galilee, demonstrating his profound knowledge of natural patterns. This event, perceived as miraculous, inspired David and others to follow Jesus.

The Draught of Fishes
  • Summary

    Jesus demonstrated an exceptional understanding of natural patterns, which was evident when he precisely directed David Zebedee to a fruitful fishing location on Sea of Galilee. Even though this wasn't a miracle in the typical sense, people thought it was because Jesus knew so much about how the fish in the lake behaved. This significant catch was pivotal, persuading David and others to dedicate themselves to following Jesus from this day forward.

  • Jesus Teaches by the Seashore

    On January 13, 28 CE, Jesus and the apostles arrived at Zebedee’s home in Bethsaida to prepare for their inaugural public preaching tour. By the seaside that Friday morning, Jesus, pressed by the throngs eager to hear him, signaled to nearby fishermen for assistance. He stepped into the boat, named "Simon," which had been constructed by Jesus himself and was being maintained by David Zebedee and two colleagues after an unsuccessful night of fishing. Using the boat as his platform, Jesus taught the multitude for over two hours, providing a respite for the weary fishermen.

  • Jesus Goes Fishing with David

    Following his teachings, Jesus, acknowledging the fishermen's fruitless efforts, proposed to assist them in fishing. Despite initial skepticism from Simon, one of David’s assistants, who remarked on their lack of success, they acquiesced to Jesus’ suggestion after David’s encouraging gesture. At Jesus’ guided location, they cast their nets and were astonished to capture such an abundance of fish that their nets nearly tore, and they required help from shore to haul the catch. Overwhelmed by the haul, Simon recognized his unworthiness in Jesus’ presence and declared his sinfulness. This profound experience led David, Simon, and others to abandon their fishing trade to follow Jesus.

  • "Event - The Draught of Fishes" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge"Event - The Draught of Fishes" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge
  • Interpretation and Impact

    This event, though not miraculous in the conventional sense, was perceived as such due to Jesus' intimate knowledge of the lake's fish patterns. His directive was based on a deep understanding of nature, contrasting with the typical unpredictability of fishing results. The substantial catch that day reinforced the disciples' belief in Jesus' exceptional leadership and insight, culminating in their commitment to his ministry.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

Related People

  • Ruth

    Jesus' youngest sister.

  • David Zebedee

    Brother of John and James, directed messenger service.

  • Jesus

    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.

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Related Locations

  • Sea of Galilee

    A lake in Israel where many important events took place.


Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 145:0.1 Jesus prepares for his first open and public preaching tour of Galilee.
  • 145:1.1 Jesus summons a fishing boat to teach from.
  • 145:1.2 David catches a record number of fish.
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