Discover Jesus \Pay it Forward

Pay it Forward

We hope you've been enjoying your exploration of the life and teachings of Jesus through our web application. Discover Jesus is a labor of love, created to provide you with free access to a wealth of knowledge from the Urantia Book.

We are committed to keeping Discover Jesus free and ad-free for everyone who seeks to deepen their understanding of this incredible journey. Our goal is to make this valuable resource accessible to as many people as possible, without financial barriers.

However, maintaining and expanding a platform like Discover Jesus comes with its own set of costs – from adding new content to server maintenance, we rely on the generosity of our community. If you're in a position to help, we kindly ask you to consider "paying it forward" by making a contribution to support the ongoing development and maintenance of this platform.

Thank you so much for your support!

With your support, we can...

With your support, we'll be able to add more content

Add More Content

Your contributions help us expand and enrich the content, including more persons, events, locations, and topics that are available and important in discovering the full life of Jesus.

With your support, we'll be able to provide additional features

Increase Access

Our goal is to provide a mobile-friendly version, add accessibility features, and translate Discover Jesus into all of the languages that the Urantia Book is currently translated.

With your support, we'll be able to remain advertisement-free

Remain Ad-Free

Your support allows us to keep Discover Jesus free from intrusive ads, providing an uninterrupted and focused experience.



How will my monetary contribution be used?

How can I make a monetary contribution?

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