Discover Jesus \ Events \Jesus' Ninth Appearance
Jesus made his first appearance to his apostles, urging faith over fear, outlining his death and resurrection prophecy, and promising guidance on their new mission in Galilee before vanishing, leaving them in reverent praise.
Jesus’ ninth appearance was shortly after 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 9, 30 CE. Amid disbelief and skepticism, the apostles were debating Jesus' recent appearance to Peter and his appearance to the brothers on the road to Emmaus. Then, without warning, Jesus appeared to the apostles who were locked away in the upper chamber of the home of Elijah and Mary Mark. He urged them to have faith over fear and doubt, recounting his prophecy of death and resurrection, and promising to guide them into their new mission in Galilee before vanishing. They all then fell to their knees, venerating their vanished Master and praising God.
In the upper chamber of the home of Elijah and Mary Mark, the apostles hid away behind locked doors for fear of arrest. Jesus had just talked to Simon Peter a half hour before, his eighth appearance. The two brothers, Cleopas and Jacob, had just left after telling the apostles about meeting Jesus on the road to Emmaus, his seventh appearance. The overall atmosphere was one of disbelief, a cautious skepticism of what seemed too good to be true. James and Judas Alpheus supported Peter’s story, and Nathaniel challenged Andrew’s position of not believing Peter.
Suddenly, the Master in his resurrected body, appeared amid the ten, saying: "Peace be upon you. Why are you so frightened when I appear, as though you had seen a spirit? Did I not tell you about these things when I was present with you in the flesh? Did I not say to you that the chief priests and the rulers would deliver me up to be killed, that one of your own number would betray me, and that on the third day, I would rise? Wherefore all your doubtings and all this discussion about the reports of the women, Cleopas and Jacob, and even Peter? How long will you doubt my words and refuse to believe my promises? And now that you actually see me, will you believe? Even now one of you is absent. When you are gathered together once more, and after all of you know of a certainty that the Son of Man has risen from the grave, go hence into Galilee. Have faith in God; have faith in one another; and so shall you enter into the new service of the kingdom of heaven. I will tarry in Jerusalem with you until you are ready to go into Galilee. My peace I leave with you."
Jesus then instantly vanished from their sight. The apostles fell on their faces, praising God, and in reverence to their living Master.
Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.
Jesus’ appearances spanned forty days.
Center of many pivotal moments in Jesus’ life.
Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge