Discover Jesus \ Events \One Day Alone with God

One Day Alone with God 

April 5, 30 CE (Wednesday)

The day before his arrest, Jesus spent a peaceful day with John Mark, discussing family life and the importance of a loving upbringing. Jesus praised John's parents and shared information about this world and the next.

One Day Alone with God
  • Summary

    On Wednesday, April 5, 30 CE, one day before he was betrayed and arrested, Jesus and the apostles observed a day of rest. Jesus told the others that he planned to be away for the day. David Zebedee wanted to send armed men with Jesus so that he would be protected, but Jesus refused, saying that he wished to go into the hills alone. But before he could go very far, John Mark, their young “boy of all chores” approached Jesus with a basket of food and water, saying that he might need these things before the day was done. So Jesus reached for the basket, but John held on to it, too, telling Jesus that it would be a good idea if he came along, just in case Jesus might forget the basket if he decided to go off to pray.

    After some discussion, Jesus finally relented, allowing the boy to accompany him. It was Jesus’ last day of peace and quiet on earth and he chose to fellowship this young, truth-seeking boy. In the celestial realms, this has come to be known as "the day which a young man spent with God in the hills."

    The two enjoyed the day tremendously. Jesus counseled the youth on family life, explaining to him the value of his loving upbringing and the impact it would have on his future. He praised John's parents for promoting love, wisdom, and a secure environment. He also discussed the significance of a stable home life in shaping a child's worldview, and intellectual, social, moral, and spiritual understanding.

    Jesus shared other private information concerning the affairs of this world and the next. John Mark never revealed the many things that were said to him on this day because Jesus asked him to tell no one.

  • The Day of Rest

    When the work of the kingdom allowed, Wednesdays were always a day of rest for Jesus and the apostles. On this day, Jesus told Andrew that he planned to be away for the day, and that he and the other apostles should feel free to spend the day doing whatever they wished to do.

    David Zebedee, aware that Jesus was in danger from the authorities since his arrival in Jerusalem, advised Jesus that he should take three armed men with him for protection. But Jesus refused this offer, saying "You mean well, but you err in that you fail to understand that the Son of Man needs no one to defend him. No man will lay hands on me until that hour when I am ready to lay down my life in conformity to my Father's will. These men may not accompany me. I desire to go alone, that I may commune with the Father."

    David and his men backed down, and Jesus started off alone. But before he could get very far, young John Mark approached Jesus. He was carrying a basket containing food and water and told Jesus that he might need these things since he might get hungry and thirsty during the day. So Jesus smiled at John and reached out to take the basket. But John did not let go, telling Jesus that if he would let him come along, he would carry the lunch basket and see to it that it didn’t get left behind if Jesus wanted to go off by himself to pray. He promised to be quiet and not ask questions.

    They were both still holding on to the basket by this time, but then Jesus let go of it, saying to John: "Since with all your heart you crave to go with me, it shall not be denied you. We will go off by ourselves and have a good visit. You may ask me any question that arises in your heart, and we will comfort and console each other. You may start out carrying the lunch, and when you grow weary, I will help you. Follow on with me."

  • One Day Alone With God

    And so, the Master spent his last day of peace and quiet with John Mark and with his heavenly Father, walking the hills together. They left that morning and did not return until after sunset that night. In the realms on high this day has come to be known as "the day which a young man spent with God in the hills."

    Jesus spent a lot of this day with John, engaging in open conversations about matters pertaining to both the present world and the eternal realm. During their discussions, John told Jesus how much he wished to be older so that he could have been an apostle. Nevertheless, he expressed his immense gratitude for the opportunity to accompany them. In response, Jesus cautioned the young man against becoming disheartened by upcoming events and reassured him that he would survive to become a powerful messenger of the kingdom.

  • Jesus Explains the Value of Family Life

    During part of this day alone with God, John Mark wanted Jesus to tell him more about how he knew that he would grow up to be a "mighty messenger of the kingdom." Jesus proceeded to explain to John how he knew John would be loyal and true. This is a beautiful treatise on the value of a good upbringing in a loving home.

    The words of the Master to John have been paraphrased here:

    “John, I believe you will remain faithful to the teachings of the kingdom because I trust in your current faith and love, which have been nurtured through your early upbringing at home. Your parents have created a loving environment where they genuinely care for you and for each other; your parents never indulged you too much or made you feel overly important. They never manipulated your loyalty and confidence by competing against each other for your affection. You have been blessed with the kind of parental love that promotes healthy self-confidence and a sense of security.

    “Moreover, your parents possess not only love but also wisdom. They made the wise decision to limit the indulgences and luxuries that wealth can provide by sending you to the local synagogue school and encouraging you to gain practical experience in the world. When you and your young friend Amos came to the Jordan River, where we were preaching and John's disciples were baptizing, both of you desired to join us. Upon returning to Jerusalem, your parents gave their consent, but unfortunately, Amos's parents refused. They loved their son so much that they denied him the blessed experience you are currently enjoying. Amos could have run away from home to join us, but in doing so, he would have hurt the love and loyalty he had for his parents. Wise parents, like yours, ensure that their children do not have to sacrifice love or loyalty in order to develop independence and enjoy the liberating experiences that come with reaching your age.

    “Love is a powerful emotion. It is the supreme reality, but sometimes parents can be misguided in the way they demonstrate love to their children, even to the point where their love becomes almost a selfish quality. When you grow up, get married, and have children of your own, always strive to demonstrate your love for them the way your parents have done - intelligently and with wisdom.

    “Although your young friend Amos shares the same belief in the gospel of the kingdom as you do, I cannot completely rely on him. I have doubts about his future actions because his early upbringing did not cultivate a consistently reliable individual. Amos resembles one of my apostles who lacked the benefit of a nurturing, loving, and wise home environment. On the other hand, your entire future will be happier and more trustworthy because you had the privilege of spending your first eight years in a normal and well-disciplined home. Your character is strong and resilient because you were raised in a household where love prevailed and wisdom guided the way. Such a childhood upbringing fosters a kind of loyalty that assures me you will remain committed to the path you have chosen.”

  • The Importance of a Stable Home Life

    This conversation between Jesus and John Mark continued for more than an hour. The Master proceeded to explain to John how a child relies entirely on their parents and the home environment for their initial understanding of intellectual, social, moral, and even spiritual matters. The family, in the eyes of a young child, represents their first exposure to both human and divine relationships, and thus plays a crucial role in shaping their worldview. The child's early impressions of the universe are formed through the care provided by their mother, while their initial understanding of the heavenly Father is derived from their earthly father. The subsequent life of a child is greatly influenced by their early experiences and emotional development within the family, impacting their overall happiness, ease, and difficulties. The first few years of existence have a profound and lasting impact on an individual's entire future.

    Despite the fact that parents in the twenty-first century possess abundant knowledge and improved understanding to enhance and uplift home life, it remains true that very few modern households provide the nurturing environment for children that would compare to Jesus' home in Galilee or John Mark's home in Judea. However, embracing Jesus' gospel will bring about immediate improvements in home life because it is based on the father-child relationship. As long as we teach children to pray, addressing God as "Our Father who is in heaven," a tremendous responsibility lies upon earthly fathers to live and organize their homes in a way that makes the term "father" truly cherished in the minds and hearts of their growing children.

    The loving atmosphere of a wise home and the devoted practice of true religion profoundly influence one another in a reciprocal manner. A nurturing home life enhances religion, and genuine religion always brings happiness and stability to the home.

  • Implications and Meaning

    This event serves as a timeless demonstration of the Creator's eagerness to engage with his created beings. Even a young person like John Mark, when their heartfelt desire is truly of supreme value, can capture the attention and relish in the affectionate companionship of the God of the entire universe. Anyone can genuinely experience the indescribable joy of being in solitary communion with God amidst the hills for an entire day. And this was precisely the extraordinary encounter that John Mark had on this particular Wednesday in the Judean hills.

    John Mark never forgot this memorable day that he spent with Jesus in the hills. And he never forgot what Jesus told him as they were getting ready to return to the Gethsemane camp. Jesus told him: "Well, John, we have had a good visit, a real day of rest, but see to it that you tell no man the things which I told you." And John Mark never did reveal any details of this wonderful day spent with Jesus. He became very close to Jesus in the final days and never lost sight of him; he was always nearby and he only slept while Jesus slept.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

Related People

  • Jesus

    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.

  • John Mark

    Young helper to the apostles during Jesus’ life.

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References and Sources

  • 177:0.3 Jesus prepares to go off to the hills alone.
  • 177:1.1-2 John Mark asks permission to go with him.
  • 177:1.3 John spends one day alone with Jesus.
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