Discover Jesus \ Events \Discourse on Sonship and Citizenship

Discourse on Sonship and Citizenship 

April 6, 30 CE (Thursday)

On the morning of April 6, 30 CE, Jesus privately addressed fifty loyal followers, discussing the kingdom of heaven's relationship to worldly governments and delivering a farewell message on what would become his final day of freedom.

Discourse on Sonship and Citizenship
  • Summary

    Early on the day of the last supper, April 6, 30 CE, Jesus spoke to about fifty of his followers – Jews and gentiles alike – in a secluded spot above the Gethsemane camp. In this group were some of Jesus’ most loyal and devoted disciples, plus all of the apostles except Judas.

    Jesus talked to them about the relationship of the kingdom of heaven to worldly kingdoms and the relationship of sonship with God and citizenship in earthly governments. In truth, it was also a farewell discourse to these followers since this was the Master’s last day that he enjoyed freedom during his earthly life.

    The following encapsulation of the Master’s teachings remains relevant to our 21st-century world

  • Harmony Between Sonship and Citizenship

    There is no inherent conflict between spiritual sonship in the kingdom of heaven and citizenship in a secular government; render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. There is no conflict between these obligations unless a secular ruler demands the kind of reverence that rightfully belongs only to God. In such cases, they worship God alone while seeking to enlighten such misguided rulers, leading them to recognize the Father in heaven. Believers must never give spiritual worship to earthly rulers, nor should believers ever use the force of earthly governments to further the causes of the spiritual kingdom of heaven, even if an earthly ruler may be a believer.

    The kingdoms of this world, being material, may often find it necessary to employ physical force in the execution of their laws and to maintain order. But, in the kingdom of heaven, true believers will not employ the use of physical force. The kingdom of heaven is a spiritual brotherhood of spirit-born sons of God, and as such, it can only be advanced by the power of the spirit. This comparison refers to the relationship between the kingdom of believers and secular governments but does not invalidate the right of believers to maintain order and administer discipline among their own members and organizations.

    As sons and daughters of the kingdom, believers should strive to be exemplary citizens of earthly kingdoms. Brotherhood and service, the cornerstones of the kingdom's gospel, should inspire you to live lives that reflect love and peace. And this stance should prove an effective counterpoint to those who are war-minded and who deal in the politics of fear and discord. The spiritual light that you possess should guide you to serve others unselfishly, including those who may not yet share in the kingdom's truths. By drawing very near in sincere social service, you are uniquely positioned to shine the light of truth to any who sit in darkness.

  • Loving Service and Spiritual Responsibility

    As both material men and women and spiritual sons of God, you bear a dual responsibility: duty to the earthly kingdom in which you live and duty to God. Being a spirit-born son or daughter of the heavenly kingdom should make you an honorable citizen in your community whose spiritual allegiance is to God alone. Additionally, you have a sacred obligation to serve the brotherhood of believers. This service must be carried out without worshiping temporal rulers or using earthly power to further the spiritual kingdom.

    Believers should embody the ministry of loving service, both to believers and unbelievers alike. Soon, my promised Spirit of Truth will empower all believers to uplift humanity through sincere and selfless service, transforming society as a natural outgrowth of their spiritual lives. Showing forth the fruits of the spirit will become a mighty lever that can lift mankind out of darkness, and the Spirit of Truth will become the fulcrum of that lever, multiplying your power.

    In dealings with unbelieving rulers, believers should become experts at modeling wisdom, patience, and peace. Always take the high road when smoothing out disagreements and minor arguments. As you navigate your relationships with secular authorities, maintain your unwavering spiritual allegiance to God while striving to live in harmony with all others.

  • Citizenship, Leadership, and Government

    Believers, as enlightened citizens, should be better equipped to serve their earthly governments. In the same way, rulers of secular governments who embrace the kingdom’s gospel should be better leaders. The values of service and devotion to God should make believers better world citizens and their responsible citizenship should make them more receptive to the call of the spiritual kingdom of heaven.

    Believers should expect persecution and suffering under earthly rulers who seek to act as religious dictators. However, the manner in which you bear witness to the gospel of the kingdom, even through suffering, will enlighten the world and will gradually lead to the separation of religion and politics, bringing unimaginable liberation and religious freedom to all nations.

    Even though persecutions by those who hate the gospel may be harsh at this present time, they will not extinguish the kingdom. But there will come a time when many will speak well of the kingdom and even accept the gospel, if only by name. Always remain faithful to the kingdom even during times of peace and prosperity, as these periods can present a danger of spiritual complacency. Continue to proclaim the gospel and avoid allowing comfort to weaken your devotion. Take care not to tempt your angels to lead you in ways that will require loving discipline.

  • The Supreme Duty and Proclaiming the Gospel

    The primary mandate of believers is to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom, the supreme desire to do the Father’s will, and the joy of knowing one’s sonship with God. While you may engage in humanitarian efforts, these efforts must not overshadow your duty to preach the gospel.

    Believers must avoid using civil government or secular laws to establish righteousness. Instead, they should labor to persuade others through fairness and reason, always adhering to the law of human fairness: Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    When called to serve civil government, believers should act as enlightened citizens who are aware of being indwelt by the spirit of God. Excel in your service by embodying the spiritual enlightenment that comes from your inner relationship with God. Your service to the government should reflect the strength of your spiritual roots. Consciousness of sonship with God should accelerate and enhance the entire life service of any man, woman, or child.

  • Active Engagement in the World

    You are not to become passive mystics or reclusive hermits, relying on an imagined providence to provide the necessities of life. Engage in the world with gentleness, patience, and forbearance, but also with courage, truth, and aggressive preaching of the gospel, carrying the message to the ends of the earth.

    The gospel of the kingdom is a living truth, constantly unfolding and adapting to meet the needs of each generation, just as the living DNA of each generation of mankind manifests itself in myriad ways and adapts to meet a myriad of needs. This living revelation should exhibit increasing vitality and spiritual power through every generation. It must never be permitted to become merely a tradition or a memory of these times of the Son of Man on earth.

  • Approach to Authority and Conflict

    We have never launched a direct attack on the individuals or authority of those who hold positions of religious leadership. Instead, we have simply offered them a new light, which they have fervently rejected. Do not forget that your mission is to go forth and preach the good news, not to challenge the old ways directly. Your task is to subtly and skillfully introduce new truths within the framework of existing beliefs, allowing the Spirit of Truth to work. Let controversy arise only when those who oppose the truth force it upon you. And when you are attacked by unbelievers, do not hesitate to defend the truth that has saved and sanctified you with strength and conviction.

  • Loving One Another

    Finally, throughout all the challenges of life, remember always to love one another and show mercy to all, even those who persecute you. Don’t struggle with others, even unbelievers. Remain loyal citizens, upright workers, devoted family members, and faithful believers in the brotherhood of God’s kingdom, with the assurance that my Spirit will be with you – now and forever.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

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