Discover Jesus \ Events \The Talk with Gonod & Ganid about Buddhism

The Talk with Gonod & Ganid about Buddhism 

23 CE

During his Mediterranean tour, Jesus discussed Buddhism, admiring its philosophy but critiquing its lack of a personal God. He contrasted Buddhism's and Judaism's approaches to divinity, inspiring Ganid to propose a new religion.

The Talk with Gonod & Ganid about Buddhism
  • Summary

    During his Mediterranean tour, Jesus, hired by Gonod to teach his son Ganid, had discussions about Buddhism on a visit to Switzerland, up in the mountains. Jesus revealed that he admired the development of a living philosophy found in Buddhism while noting its limitations by not recognizing a personal, loving God. He noted that Gautama Buddha's life was more instructive than his teachings as he rose above his trials and tribulations.

    Jesus highlighted the differences between Buddhism's rich philosophy without God and Judaism's recognition of God without fully embracing his spirit, noting both traditions' shortcomings in fully connecting with the divine. Inspired, Ganid proposed creating a new religion to unify these concepts, but Jesus emphasized that true religious revelation is instantaneous and deeply personal, a concept Ganid pursued in his spiritual journey, influenced by Jesus' teachings on inclusivity, fairness, and tolerance.

  • The Buddha

    Gonod, an international businessman from India, offered Jesus a position as an interpreter and teacher for his son Ganid which led to his tour of the Mediterranean world. Given the opportunity for extensive travel, Jesus readily accepted. Since Buddhism is an ancient Indian religion, it was natural for the two to be curious about what Jesus thought of the teachings of Gautama Buddha, an "Awakened One." Throughout the trip, Jesus provided Ganid with quick responses on the topic. However, it was only in the Swiss mountains that the father, in his son's presence, directly sought Jesus' opinion, to which Jesus responded with a clear and thorough answer.

    Jesus expressed that the life of Buddha was more instructive than his teachings. And that life was tragic. Buddha went through the trials and challenges of living and intellectually rose above them. He was a great man and a prophet to his people. He offered a wonderful philosophy and he left instructions on how to build a masterpiece in one’s mind. However, he stopped short of discovering God, never knowing a heavenly Father who loved him personally. Buddha tried to live and teach as a messenger of God, without God.

    Jesus compared Budda to a ship of salvation which he guided perfectly on up to the safe harbor, where one can see the docks leading to the seashore of mortal salvation, but the ship ran aground due to faulty navigation charts. For many generations, it has remained motionless and almost hopelessly stranded. Many followers of Buddhism have remained there over the years. They live within hailing distance of the safe waters of rest but refuse to enter because the noble craft of the good Buddha ran aground just outside the harbor. If his followers would embrace his noble spirit, they could arrive at a place of spirit tranquility, soul rest, and assurance of salvation.

  • Buddhism and the Jewish Religion

    Jesus contrasted Buddhism with the Jewish religion. Buddhism enjoys a fertile philosophy without a God. Buddha knew God in spirit but failed to discover him in mind. The Jews discovered God in mind but subsequently failed to know him in spirit. They struggle in fear of this God since they lack a saving and liberating philosophy that would upgrade their concept of God from the light that comes from knowing that there is a God. They would then discern his goodness and be directed by his spirit into the art of living. Today, the followers of Buddha flounder because they fail to envision God as a spirit and as a Father. Budda’s teachings lack the moral energy and spiritual impetus that regenerates a person, who then helps revitalize the nation.

    Ganid suddenly exclaimed to Jesus, "Why don’t we create a new religion that would appeal to India, Rome, and the Jews!" Jesus replied that religions develop over long periods of time, while a revelation flashes instantly into the lives of those who reveal God to their fellows. However, the meaning of his prophetic utterance was not fully understood by Ganid or his father. From that day forward, Ganid continued to evolve a religion of his own. He was deeply moved by Jesus' open-mindedness, fairness, and tolerance. In all of their philosophical and religious discussions, this youth never felt resentment or antagonism.

    This interaction of the Indian youth proposing to the Creator of a universe that they establish a new religion was quite a remarkable scene. Ganid had no idea that he was participating with Jesus in the process of starting a new religion. Ganid was unconsciously doing exactly what he wanted to do. And so it always is. The aspirations that the enlightened and reflective human imagination has for spiritual teaching and leading, pursued wholeheartedly and unselfishly, become creatively real to the extent of one's dedication to fulfilling the divine will of the Father. When individuals collaborate with God, great achievements can, and do, unfold.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

Related People

  • Ganid

    A young Indian boy and son of Gonod.

  • Gonod

    A wealthy Indian man who traveled with Jesus.

  • Jesus

    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.

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References and Sources

  • 132:7.3 Jesus is asked about Buddha.
  • 132:7.4 Buddha was better than Buddhism.
  • 132:7.5 Buddha knew God in spirit.
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