Discover Jesus \What's New
Below is a listing of every essay on the site with an AI generated audio discussion about the content of the essay. After selecting an entry, you will be able to listen to that discussion.
Jesus was baptized with his brothers James and Jude.
Jesus fulfills his promise following his ascension.
Judas identifies Jesus with a kiss, leading to his arrest.
Born in Bethlehem, Jesus spent his first two years in Egypt.
Jesus and John's apostles convene to align their teachings
A two-month initial tour of public and private teachings.
Jesus spends forty days of solitude after his baptism.
Jesus seeks assurance from God in his final night.
Jesus inadvertently turns water into wine out of sympathy.
Jesus’ indignation is aroused at the temple.
Jesus lifts up a group of women teachers.
Jesus performs a true nature miracle by multiplying food.
Jesus delivers an ordination sermon to his new apostles.
Rebecca proposes to Jesus when he is nineteen.
Jesus’ death occurred in under five and a half hours.
The importance of personal spiritual experience.
Jesus chose a donkey for his triumphal entrance.
A shaping experience for Jesus as a teenager.
Peter wept after denying he knew Jesus three times.
Pilate’s fear leads him to reluctantly order Jesus’ death.
An intentional demonstration of his divine power.
Joseph and Mary escape to Egypt with Jesus.
Jesus taught at tabernacles feast, challenging enemies safely.
Jesus effectively ends the Lucifer rebellion.
A one-time mass healing of hundreds of individuals.
A disappointed crowd disperses after believing Jesus would be king.
The final meal that Jesus shared with his apostles.
Jesus appeared 19 different times after his resurrection.
Jesus' three-month preaching tour covered multiple Galilean cities.
Jesus converses with celestial beings on Mount Hermon.
Celestial messengers visited Jesus at pivotal life moments.
Rome-appointed chief priests opposed Jesus, securing his death sentence.
Unsung Hero: David's Messenger Ministry
John selected 12 of his followers to be his disciples.
Apostles eventually regained faith after Judas' betrayal.
Andrew, Peter, James, John, Philip, and Nathaniel.
Jesus embraced gentiles, successfully sharing his gospel.
Jesus had eight siblings, five brothers and three sisters.
Siblings and close friends of Jesus that lived in Bethany.
Religious guardians of Jewish oral law.
Their plot against Jesus inadvertently fostered Christianity's rise.
A religious and political group in Jesus’ time
The Jewish ruling council that largely opposed Jesus.
Training an additional group of evangelists to preach.
Sanhedrin spies sent to discredit Jesus; three converted.
The chosen followers of Jesus.
Magi visit Jesus, avoid Herod, and ensure his safety.
Jesus appoints a group of women as ministers.
Zealots favored revolt, clashing with Romans and pacifist Jews.
Zebedee's sons were John, James, and David.
A simple home marked Jesus’ humble upbringing.
Chief of John's apostles
The first apostle chosen and director of the twelve.
High priest of the Sanhedrin.
Brother of John and James, directed messenger service.
Mother of John the Baptist and cousin of Mary.
Chief executive of our local universe.
Jesus befriended Gadiah, inspiring him to embrace Christianity.
A young Indian boy and son of Gonod.
A wealthy Indian man who traveled with Jesus.
Son of Herod the Great, ruler of Galilee and Perea.
Brother of Jesus, second child of Mary and Joseph.
Ninth apostle and twin of Judas Alpheus.
Third apostle and brother of John Zebedee.
Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.
Young helper to the apostles during Jesus’ life.
Early apostle along with his brother, James.
One of Jesus’ younger brothers.
Father of Jesus and husband to Mary.
A wealthy Sanhedrin becomes a follower.
Apostle of Jesus with twin brother James Alpheus.
The twelfth apostle; betrayer of Jesus.
Brother of Jesus; political activist.
A devoted friend who Jesus raised from the dead.
Prepared our world for the arrival of Jesus.
Sister of Mary and Lazarus and enduring friend of Jesus.
Mother of John Mark, wife of Elijah.
The chosen mother of Jesus.
Sister of Martha and Lazarus and enduring friend of Jesus.
Member of the women’s corps and evangelist.
Seventh apostle; served as finance officer.
Jesus' oldest sister.
Sixth apostle; philosophical and humorous.
Saul of Tarsus; shaped early Christian theology.
Nicknamed the curious, Philip was the fifth apostle.
Proposed marriage to Jesus when he was nineteen.
Jesus' youngest sister.
Mother of James and John Zebedee.
Lucifer's lieutenant
A younger brother of Jesus.
Apostle, brother of Andrew, and prominent preacher.
Apostle and zealot; often spoke without thinking.
Stephen's death influenced Paul's pivotal conversion.
Apostle known for his logic and skepticism.
Father of apostles James and John and friend of Jesus.
At fourteen years old, Jesus became father-brother to James.
Jesus accepted Judas but Judas only superficially accepted him.
Mary and Joseph: Partners nurturing Jesus with faith.
Divine wisdom balances accidents, free will, growth.
Developing a strong and unified personality.
The religion of Jesus becomes a religion about Jesus.
Aiding humans in a variety of ways.
Anger is spirit poison, depletes health, and hinders growth.
Self-respect, self-control, and self-mastery are cornerstones.
Rodan saw Jesus as the epitome of maturity.
The contrasts of a political and spiritual Messiah.
Jesus taught a balanced character for strength and adaptability.
Jesus felt deeply, enriching his ministry through human experiences.
Jesus did not marry, following guidance about his mission.
God's omniscience makes forgiveness easy.
A doctrine originating from ancient rituals.
Faith inspires true righteousness and genuine moral integrity.
Family nurtures growth, love, wisdom, and spiritual progress.
Jesus contrasts fatherly love and brotherly love.
Includes qualities such as love, joy, peace, and patience.
Ganid, guided by Jesus, compiled global teachings on God.
Choosing aligns with divine values.
Jesus explains how the concept of God has evolved over time.
Baptism originated in Babylon and Greek practices.
Jesus loved nature and enjoyed music, art, and storytelling.
Jesus treated women with love, fairness, and respect.
His teachings are an inspiration for any age.
A divine presence within the human mind.
God's love was unconditional before and after Jesus.
Jesus is a Creator Son of our local universe.
Jesus held disdain for social injustice and hypocrisy.
Jesus' mission was to understand humanity fully.
Celestials dissolved Jesus' body; cloths discarded over a cliff.
Jesus received four personal celestial visitations.
Jesus was fully human and fully divine.
A curious student, multilingual, and excelled in diverse subjects.
His work begins after a year of training his apostles.
Jesus' love of music as a hobby humanizes him.
Jesus' ministry blended daily life with profound kindness.
An overview of 25 extraordinary events from 26-30 CE.
Parables simplified truths and engaged diverse listeners.
Jesus’s fragment of God was personalized at his baptism.
Jesus’ appearances spanned forty days.
Jesus taught divine truth through ministry and healings.
Jesus rose in a semi-spirit form, similar to mortals after death.
Jesus' experience provides insight into our own resurrection.
His promised return to visit our world is true.
A journey kept secret that lasted close to two years.
Jesus traveled incognito to deeply understand human nature.
Jesus taught that God is a loving Father, not a feared deity.
Jesus had important views on marriage, divorce, and child-rearing.
Jesus chose the experience of a human including a natural death.
Misunderstood teachings evolve; Jesus' true message endures.
Jesus foretells departure, promises eternal spiritual presence.
Jesus taught personal growth, universal fraternity, and divine values.
Jesus practiced a religion of the spirit.
Materialism sees only matter; misses spiritual growth.
Rodan blends Greek philosophy with Jesus' teachings.
Godless materialism fails; divine love unites humanity sustainably.
The Old Testament holds symbolic and timeless spiritual insights.
Religious leaders opposed Jesus' message in ancient Palestine.
Spiritual quotes offer concise wisdom to guide daily life choices.
A rebellion to deny God's existence disrupts our universe.
Buddhism's strength is its emphasis on faith and truth.
The focus of Christianity was shaped by Paul and Peter.
Islam acknowledges Jesus as a prophet.
Judaism emphasizes one God, covenant, Messiah, and peace.
Jesus taught us how to live a life of self-mastery.
The Spirit of Truth was bestowed on the day of Pentecost.
Sonship with God is available to all, male and female.
The spirit presence of Jesus within us.
Star of Bethlehem legend born from ancient astronomy.
A variety of influences and writers contributed to the Gospels.
The kingdom is a spiritual state that can be enjoyed now.
The Trinity is the Father, Son, and Spirit in eternal unity.
God's personality is incomprehensible yet intimate.
Jesus taught that faith reveals God's loving presence within us.
Thief realizes Jesus' greatness, repents, finds eternal life.
A spiritual resurgence set the stage for Christianity.
Jesus trained followers with personal and public methods.
Balancing spiritual-material aspects for true values.
Jesus' birth was natural, his divinity chosen at conception.
It is more blessed to give than to receive.
The apostles taught the gospel that later shifted to the resurrection.
Death transitions the soul to the mansion worlds.
Our essence that survives mortal death.
An epochal revelation for humankind.
Resentment and self-importance led to his betrayal.
His methods included positivity, respect, and divine love.
Jesus was born at noon on August 21, 7 BCE.
Spiritual roots deepen joy and enable enduring happiness.
Our evolving and imperfect world is by God’s design.
Jesus' peaceful entry highlighted his spiritual mission.
The Sanhedrin believed Jesus threatened their authority.
Affliction often results from human choices.
Their unique qualities led to their selection by Gabriel.
Prayer has a self-interest element and worship does not.