Discover Jesus \ Topic \How Did Jesus Treat Women?
Jesus challenged societal norms by empowering and respecting women. He established a group to train, minister, and work alongside men. He defended women's rights, showed compassion, and valued their worth.
Jesus had a revolutionary perspective on women, challenging social norms of the time. He allowed women to be trained in the teachings of the kingdom and minister to the sick. Jesus respected and empowered women, recognizing their worth and equal partnership. He defended women in various situations, advocated for their rights, and showed compassion to those in difficult circumstances. Jesus established a women's corps and had unwavering support from women who followed him. He exemplified high ideals and treated all people, including women, with love, fairness, and respect.
Jesus' first declaration of his divinity was to Nalda, the Samaritan woman at the well. He was not a person who would prefer men over women. He defended women who were being taken advantage of. Unfairness to women aroused his indignation. Jesus was fully supportive of women serving the new revelation of the gospel of the kingdom and working publicly alongside the men at a time in history when it was almost impossible to do. Jesus helped educate his sisters when girls were not allowed to go to school. Jesus' own mother was a well-educated woman for her time and Jesus saw the discrimination of women as being wrong. He did everything he could to bring respect, value, and honor to women.
One of the most astonishing, but little-known, qualities of Jesus was his unheard-of attitude toward women at a time when a man could not even acknowledge his own wife in public. Jesus brought much ridicule upon himself and his followers by taking this bold stand to allow women to train in the teachings of the new kingdom. He knew that they could minister to the sick and to other women much more effectively than his male apostles could have done during those times of strict adherence to social mores. Jesus not only boldly stood by the women, but he provided the opportunity for them to excel and achieve things unknown to women at that time.
Jesus' mother Mary was educated far above the women of her day. Mary was related to Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, who was also highly educated because she belonged to the priesthood through a women's group called the "Daughters of Aaron." We suspect this was the case with Mary as well as all of the women in their extended family.
Mary was an exceptional and capable woman of great positivity and enthusiasm. Jesus gained a large share of his cheerfulness from his mother and he met other women who impressed him with their devotion and willingness to serve.
Hailing from the liberal city of Nazareth, Jesus encountered his first real situation of his mother being treated unfairly when she was denied access to witness his graduation ceremony at the Temple. It had never occurred to him that such an injustice would prevail, especially in such a special moment in a young man's life. He tried to object but it was of no use. He was greatly saddened for his mother's sake and it was a disappointment to the lad on what should have been a special day and wonderful experience. Jesus did a lot of thinking about this event afterward, and he was determined to make things better for his people when he was grown.
Jesus was left behind in the Temple when Joseph and Mary left for Nazareth, and this was another example of the social code being so strict that women were required to travel separately from the men during their journey to Jerusalem. Jesus was considered a child before arriving for his graduation, so he was allowed to travel with the women and lead the pack animal that Mary rode. After his graduation, it was intended for him to return to Nazareth with the men, however when he was not with the group, Joseph assumed that Jesus decided to lead Mary's animal as he had on the way there; and Mary assumed that Jesus had taken his rightful place with the men. It was a few days before they could return to Jerusalem and find their son. Ultimately, this rule led to unnecessary confusion and temporary panic.
Mary and Joseph set up a homeschool for Jesus' sisters and Jesus fully approved of such a plan as he was growing up