
Immanuel, Michael's brother and advisor, embodies divine wisdom and oversees universe administration. Assisting with spiritual evolution, Immanuel ensures God’s plan is executed, caring for all beings as individually cherished creations.

  • Summary

    God and his co-creators can and do create many orders of beings, such as angels, Melchizedeks, and Ancients of Days. Immanuel belongs to an order called Unions of Days. These beings, and many others, help the Universal Father administer our vast universe to ensure that every living creature is cared for, watched over, and loved as if they were the only living creature in the universe.

    The name Immanuel appears in the Bible’s Old and New Testaments and relates to protecting the Jewish nation and the appearance of Jesus. As we understand now, Immanuel is the brother of Michael, and Michael is the creator son and administrator of our local universe. When Michael incarnated as Jesus, Immanuel stepped in as the universe administrator.

    Immanuel is Michael’s brother and advisor. He is a figure of immense spiritual significance. His wisdom, guidance, and embodiment of divine attributes make him a central figure in the administration of our local universe. Immanuel's counsel and oversight ensure that the divine plan is faithfully executed. He helps facilitate the spiritual evolution and enlightenment of countless beings who begin the journey to God in our local universe.

  • Origin of Unions of Days

    "Unions of Days" are an order of high spiritual beings who represent the Paradise Trinity in local universes. Immanuel was created by the Trinity, which consists of the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit – three Gods-in-one who reside in Paradise at the center of the universe of universes.

    Michael, Immanuel’s brother, is a dual origin being, embodying the characteristics of God the Father and God the Son. Michael descended from Paradise to create our local universe of ten million inhabited planets, and Immanuel came with him. Michael regards Immanuel not only as a brother but also as an advisor and counselor.

    Above Immanuel in administrative authority are Recents of Days. Below him are Faithfuls of Days. All beings with Days in their titles are of Paradise origin, perfect representatives of the Trinity to their respective domains. There are 700,000 Unions of Days, one for each of the 700,000 local universes that make up the seven superuniverses of time and space, known collectively as the Grand Universe.

  • Status and Attributes

    Nebadon, our local universe, is a segment of the universes of time and space, a realm where our world resides. Nebadon is blessed with just one Union of Days, Immanuel. He is one of the many divine beings who assist Michael, Nebadon’s creator. He functions as an adviser to Michael, but only when Michael requests it. Immanuel’s presence and influence are pivotal in Nebadon’s governance and spiritual administration. He possesses profound wisdom, patience, and an unwavering commitment to the will of the Paradise Trinity. He personifies divine love, mercy, and justice, and his presence brings a sense of stability and order to our universe.

    Our Union of Days is number 611,121 of the sixth order of Supreme Trinity personalities, a being of sublime dignity and such superb condescension that he refuses the worship and adoration of all living creatures. He bears the distinction of being the only personality in all Nebadon who has never acknowledged subordination to his brother Michael, Nebadon’s sovereign.

  • Roles and functions

    Unions of Days represent God in the courts of the local universe to which they are assigned. But they are not subject to the jurisdiction of the local universe government. Neither do they exercise jurisdiction except in the affairs of the Faithfuls of Days, those below them in rank who speak for God in the one hundred constellations that make up a local universe. Unions of Days and Faithfuls of Days represent the Paradise Trinity, but they function only in advisory roles. Immanuel is Michael’s trusted counselor.

    In his role as advisor and Trinity representative, Immanuel provides divine guidance to Michael. His wisdom and insight are invaluable in aligning Nebadon’s policies and actions with the overarching divine plan laid out by the Paradise Trinity. Unions of Days take origin in perfection and, therefore, are perfect administrators, but they differ from their brothers, the Michaels, in that they do not create local universes or the beings who inhabit them.

    Our Union of Days is also the administrator of advanced spiritual schools located on Salvington, our local universe headquarters world. He works in association with other Salvington schools, the Melchizedek university, the colleges of the Universe Sons, the seraphic universities, and the schools of the Teacher Sons.

    Immanuel also coordinates Nebadon's administrative activities with the Recents of Days above him and the Faithfuls of Days below. The Faithfuls of Days report to him, and he, in turn, reports to his direct superiors, the Recents of Days. Immanuel also reports to those even higher in authority, the Perfections of Days and the Ancients of Days.

    Since Unions of Days are Trinity-origin beings, all Paradise communication circuits are available to them. They are always in touch with each other and, when needed, with all other personalities up to the supreme councils of Paradise. And because of Immanuel’s high status in our local universe, he is a member of and advisor to all its primary councils and assemblies.

    Immanuel has one other arena of supervision. Nebadon has a vast corps of messengers who carry communications to its widely separated parts, even to locations outside the local universe when needed. This corps functions under his watchful eye, and its members report directly to him.

    When any local universe has completed its evolution, it becomes settled in "light and life." Its Union of Days then becomes the head of a supreme council with unlimited authority. The glorified beings inhabiting a settled universe may associate freely with the Union of Days, who functions in an enlarged capacity in such a realm of evolutionary perfection. But he is still primarily a Trinity ambassador and Paradise counselor.

  • Immanuel and Michael

    Immanuel is constantly at Michael’s side and performs his duties at his brother's specific request and invitation. Immanuel becomes the local universe’s senior administrator when Michael is temporarily absent. Michael bestowed himself upon the worlds of his making seven times, actually incarnated as one of their inhabitants. During these incarnations, Immanuel safeguarded Michael's interests until the day of his return to his place on high.

    Immanuel and Michael reside at the capital of our local universe, on an immense and beautiful world called Salvington. From this central location, they minister to the needs of millions of worlds and their inhabitants. The inhabitants who have spiritual potential, such as human beings, receive the unwavering attention of both Michael and Immanuel to elevate them from their lowly world of origin to the spiritual heaven of Salvington.

    Michael’s seventh self-bestowal occurred here on our world. Before incarnating as the babe of Bethlehem, Michael conferred with his trusted brother. At that time, Immanuel offered the advice of the Paradise Trinity concerning the methods that would be most beneficial to our world and Nebadon as a whole.

  • The Bestowal Commission

    Immanuel’s bestowal instructions emphasized the importance of Michael’s bestowal mission to reveal God's nature to humanity and experience mortal life to its fullness. This advice from the Union of Days underscores the gravity of Michael’s mission and the necessity of demonstrating divine love and truth through his earthly life and teachings.

    This bestowal was intended to deepen Michael’s understanding and compassion, qualifying him to rule his universe with the love, wisdom, and grace of God. It was designed to give Michael, the creator of millions of worlds inhabited by countless beings, the opportunity to experience life from a creature’s point of view with all its joys and sorrows, triumphs and disappointments. And it permitted his onlooking universe a chance to see what life is like when God’s will is followed to perfection.

  • Immanuel and the Rebellion

    Two hundred thousand years ago, a war in heaven broke out, and many angels and lower-level administrators went astray and departed from God’s plan. The rebellion was led by Lucifer, the administrator of more than 600 worlds, and assisted by his lieutenant, Satan. The governors of thirty-seven of these worlds followed Lucifer in rebelling, one of which was ours.

    When the rebellion began, Michael sought Immanuel’s counsel. Before the rebellion, Immanuel knew that Lucifer’s mind was not right, and Michael asked for his advice. He counseled Michael to remain aloof from the rebels and allow the rebellion to pursue a natural course of self-obliteration.

    Michael knew the advice of his Union of Days reflected the united wisdom of the Paradise Trinity, and he announced that he would pursue a policy of noninterference. Michael continued in this policy until he incarnated on our world as Jesus. When he grew to manhood, Jesus met the traitors and defeated them.

  • Interactions During Jesus’ Life

    When Michael leaves his universe or bestows himself on one of its worlds, the direction of its government is taken over by his first-born son, the local universe chief executive, Gabriel. The advice and counsel of Immanuel are invaluable at such times. Gabriel and Immanuel kept the operation of our local universe smooth and flawless during all seven of Michael’s bestowal missions. Michael entered his bestowals with the complete assurance that Immanuel would exercise the full authority of the Paradise Trinity in the administration of his universe during his absence.

    Friday, April 8 of 7 CE, was one of Jesus' most extraordinary days in the flesh. That evening, for the first time in his earthly career, a messenger appeared to him, commissioned by Immanuel, who said: "The hour has come. It is time that you began to be about your Father’s business." This unforgettable event caused young Jesus to begin contemplating his life’s purpose and how to balance his family's needs with God's will.

    Immanuel’s message also caused Jesus to realize and remember who Immanuel was. When Jesus was twenty-one, someone called him Immanuel, and he replied, "Not I, that is my elder brother." A year later, Jesus recalled much of Immanuel’s bestowal commission that had been given before he was incarnated.

    After his baptism, Jesus spent forty days alone in the hills, planning the rest of his life on earth. He fully remembered Immanuel’s bestowal advice and understood that his elder brother wanted him to finish his earth career as he had so nobly begun it, always subject to the Father’s will. Near the end of the forty days, Jesus had a long conversation with Gabriel, and he sent greetings to Immanuel, assuring him that, in the work he was about to undertake, he would be ever mindful of Immanuel’s counsel.

    Jesus completed his life’s mission according to Immanuel’s advice and God’s will. After he died and his body lay in the tomb, the records show that at least one message passed between Michael and Immanuel. After Jesus resurrected, his first act was to greet Gabriel and instruct him to continue in executive charge of universe affairs under Immanuel. Then he directed the chief of the Melchizedeks to convey greetings to his beloved brother and trusted counselor, our local universe’s one and only Union of Days.

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