Discover Jesus \ Topic \Jesus' Return – the Master’s Second Coming

Jesus' Return – the Master’s Second Coming 

Jesus promised to return to this world where he lived and won sovereignty over his universe. However, the timing of his return is known only in the councils of Paradise.

Jesus' Return – the Master’s Second Coming
  • Summary

    Of all the Master's teachings no one phase has been so misunderstood as his promise to come back in person to this world. It is not strange that Jesus should be interested in someday returning to the planet where he experienced life as a mortal of the realm. It is only natural to believe that Jesus would be interested in coming back, not only once but even many times to the world where he lived such a unique life and won for himself universe sovereignty, power, and authority. On numerous occasions and to many individuals, Jesus declared his intention of returning to this world.

    When Jesus lived on earth, he studied scripture as a boy, and he knew the quotes that referred to the Messiah as returning in the clouds could not be about him as he lived in mortal form. He discounted that the quotes were referring to him at that time. He turned these things over in his mind and as he grew into manhood and fully realized who he was, he regained the memory of who he was before the incarnation. Gradually he became clearer in his understanding and by the day of his baptism in the Jordan River, he was shown a vision of heavenly grandeur that forever removed all doubt about his mission and destiny. The prophets saw visions of the Messiah as they beheld Jesus in future visits, knowing it was the Son of God in all of his glory, all yet to be fulfilled.

  • Who Was Jesus? What Was His Purpose?

    Jesus was born as Joshua ben Joseph, the first-born son of Mary and Joseph on August 21, 7 BCE in the city of Bethlehem of Judea.

    During Jesus' lifetime in the flesh, he proclaimed the love of a heavenly Father for all of mankind. At first, he denied being the Messiah because he knew the people expected a king, and he boldly denied any interest in becoming a king. He repeatedly said his kingdom was not of this world; his was a spiritual kingdom.

    As time passed and his followers understood that he was here as a truth-revealer, he openly acknowledged that he was the Son of God, that he came forth from the foundations of eternity, that he was one with God, and for all time he represents the I AM. He proved his power over death by raising Lazarus from the dead after four days, and he took up his own life after death, appearing to over 1,000 people before he ascended to his usual place on high.

    Jesus gained precious understanding and experience of the human condition, our limitations, and our struggles. He revealed himself as a perfected human being to God the Father. By living a life in constant communion with God, he revealed our potential, our inspiration, and our destiny. He healed the sick, cast out demons, calmed our spirits, soothed our souls, left us with hope, new truth, and with proof that there is the possibility of life after death. In addition, he made forever clear the truth that he is the one who holds that creative power. His purpose embraced all of this and more.

  • Why Did Jesus Leave the World?

    The guidelines given to Jesus regarding his mortal incarnation on earth included instructions to complete his human education, fulfill his mission on our planet, and eventually ascend to his Father. Jesus was advised to terminate the rebellion in the system of Satania, assume the role of Planetary Prince, and bring an end to the misrepresentations caused by the fallen Sons. He was also directed to teach, inspire, and heal the people of earth, contribute to the sovereignty of the Supreme, and pour out the Spirit of Truth on the planet.

    Throughout his mission, Jesus was reminded to live a life that served as an example to all beings in the universe. He willingly dedicated himself to the bestowal ministry and chose to live a complete mortal life on earth, approved by the heavenly Father. Jesus embraced death as an inevitable part of life and decided to die as an ordinary human, foregoing the use of his supernatural powers. Despite having the ability to end his life or seek celestial assistance, he opted to die as a man, fully conscious of the moment and obedient to the Father's will.

    Jesus had already fulfilled the necessary requirements of perfecting his mind and aligning his spirit before his baptism. His subsequent life and manner of death were solely driven by his personal ministry to benefit and uplift his mortal creatures on earth and other worlds. The exceptional way in which he lived and faced death represents the invaluable treasures of his human bestowal experience.

  • "Jesus at the sea of galilee" - by and Gary Tonge"Jesus at the sea of galilee" - by and Gary Tonge
  • Why Would Jesus Return?

    Jesus will always have a sentimental attachment for this world as the planet where he technically ended the rebellion and lived his mortal life in the flesh. Jesus takes a personal interest in everything going on here and closely follows the news of our struggles. The counsel of twenty-four elders keep him closely in touch with their programs to assist us, but he now personally lives within each mortal heart and soul on this planet. He is our bestowal son, and only one planet in ten million inhabited worlds can have that privilege. Our world holds a conspicuous place in the universe for having put to death our Creator Son, but we have a glorious destiny because of his love and special attention.

    Many of us are inclined to believe that Jesus will return many times during the ages to come. We do not have his specific promise to make these plural visits, but it seems most probable that he will because he now carries the unique title of Planetary Prince among his other titles.

  • Jesus Promised Two Things

    Jesus made many promises to us as individuals, such as the promise to prepare a place for us in heaven, and the promise of eternal life if we only had faith; but two promises were extremely important to the entire world. He promised to do two things after he ascended to the Father:

    1. He most certainly promised his followers that he would someday return to this world.
    2. He promised to pour out the Spirit of Truth so we would not feel alone.

    Jesus didn't want us to feel like cosmic orphans. He understood how we clung to him and couldn't bear to see him go. It was the first time in thousands of years that we had felt a connection to God, a real and tangible presence from heaven. He wanted to give us hope for a future visit and connection with him. How many generations have lived in hope that they might be the generation that will be blessed with his return.

  • What Circumstances Would Cause Jesus to Return?

    When Jesus talked to his followers about his return, he was trying to tell them on the same evening and during the same discussion he tried to warn them about the impending trouble they would encounter in Jerusalem when the civil unrest was bound to bring Roman soldiers in greater numbers to keep the peace. Jesus could foresee the eventual destruction of Jerusalem as the natural consequences of the nationalistic movement that was forming. It could only end in destruction. His followers confused his instruction about his possible future visits with the destruction of Jerusalem. Many of them thought he would return before they died. When he didn't return, they questioned their understanding of what he had said about the destruction of Jerusalem at the hands of the Romans as possibly being the end of the world.

    However, Jesus gave us some clues about his return that really point to possible multiple visits. On one hand, we are told that he intimated on numerous occasions that he may return in connection with a planetary crisis. There has likely never been a crisis on this planet when we didn't wish Jesus was present to help us find our way through the difficult decisions. We could use his wisdom and leadership right now.

  • When Will Jesus Return?

    Jesus told us: "But the times of the reappearing of the Son of Man are known only in the councils of Paradise; not even the angels of heaven know the time this will occur. However, you should understand that, when this gospel of the kingdom shall have been proclaimed to all the world for the salvation of all peoples, and when the fullness of the age has come to pass, the Father will send you another dispensational bestowal, or else the Son of Man will return to adjudge the age." He will return, and the exact time depends upon the heavenly Father's will and Jesus' will related to his promise. Collectively, we may also play an important part in the timing if a condition is that the gospel has been proclaimed to all peoples.

    What if we all pledged our hearts and souls to Jesus and supported his wise plans for our world? This world is what we make of it from now on. We might learn hard lessons from allowing our civilization to plunge into the depths of darkness, or we might save ourselves the heartache and suffering by quickly embracing the ideals of peace, love, light, brotherhood, truth, beauty, and goodness – truly living the fruits of the spirit.

    On the other hand, we know that Jesus spoke of a time when the "signs of the times" would reveal a spiritual awakening and a new age of peace; encouraging all of us to be ready when the time came upon us suddenly. We should all stand ready to greet him if he comes here just as he stands ready to greet us in heaven if we should go to him first. The children of light are all destined to see him.

    We know that Jesus will attend the consecration ceremonies of the heavenly temple when the time comes in the future as we enter upon the ages of light and life. He will be present to confer the great honor of the sovereignty of the planet to Melchizedek. That is the normal process, and it may be the occasion he was talking about when he mentioned "the signs of the times" and "the springtime of a new spiritual age."

  • How Will We Know it is Jesus When He Returns?

    We know without a doubt that whenever a Bestowal Son returns to the world of his nativity, he always returns in glory. All of the world will likely know about it. There will be no baby in a manger or human form; we will see Jesus in all of his glory as a Creator Son of God, Christ Michael, the Sovereign of his time-space creation and will return as the supreme ruler of a universe. Prophecy reveals an image of Jesus' return as the sky parting like a scroll and the unimaginable and indescribable glory of heaven. He said: "You behold me now in weakness and in the flesh, but when I return, it shall be with power and in the spirit. The eye of flesh beholds the Son of Man in the flesh, but only the eye of the spirit will behold the Son of Man glorified by the Father and appearing on earth in his own name."

    He is a being who exists from the foundations of eternity, hundreds of billions of years old, with creator prerogatives that include the powers of the Universal Father, one who transcends time, who created the planet we live on, who has power over life and death. He even warned his followers not to believe it when they were told "here is the Messiah" or "there is the Messiah" because he will never return as a human again.

    However, Melchizedek lived among us in human form in the times of Abraham. We are not sure of the form that he will take when he assumes the reins of government as the Vicegerent Planetary Prince. He may come in visible form or he may not be seen and use visible liaisons on his staff to work with the planetary mortals.

  • Does Jesus' Return Mean the End of the World?

    Jesus spoke of the destruction of Jerusalem. All generations since Jesus have been wrong in believing the end of the world would be something Jesus would tolerate. We have free-will choices, and living in the twenty-first century, perhaps we understand just how dangerous that can be. But Jesus and our heavenly Father will not let our race end, under any circumstances. Even in the event of planetary destruction, we would be moved to another world, so we have every reason to believe we will move civilization forward to achieve our planetary goals. Jesus said each generation must carry on their work, in view of the Son of Man, exactly as each individual believer carries forward his lifework in view of inevitable and ever-impending natural death. When you have by faith once established yourself as a child of God, nothing else matters regarding the surety of your survival. But make no mistake: survival faith is a living faith that increasingly manifests fruits of the spirit.

    You can be assured and find hope in the fact that there is a normal cycle of spiritual growth and ever-heightened civilization that awaits us. We will slowly evolve into the gentler ages of light and life over time, with the proper leadership and the desire to succeed. Progress has been extremely slow for us, but as John saw a future era of glory in Revelation, we become a holy nation who all live for God and the heavenly temple is established on earth. How can we let ourselves doubt our wonderful destiny and the plan God has for us?

Suggested Reading from this Essay

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  • Jesus

    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.


Susan Lyon, Roland Siegfried, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

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