Discover Jesus \ Topic \Jesus' Post-Resurrection Appearances

Jesus' Post-Resurrection Appearances 

After Jesus' resurrection, he appeared in his glorified form to friends, family, and followers. Over forty days he made nineteen appearances to believers in a recognizable form, witnessed by nearly a thousand people.

Jesus' Post-Resurrection Appearances
  • Summary

    When Jesus resurrected from the tomb on Sunday, April 9, 30 CE at 3:02am, he quickly began appearing in his glorified form to those who knew and loved him during his life. His first appearance was to the five women who had come to the tomb to anoint his body; his second appearance was to Mary Magdalene.

    From the time that he resurrected from the tomb until the time of his ascension, Jesus appeared nineteen times to his believers on Earth over a forty-day period ending on Thursday, May 18, 30 CE. He was in a glorified form, but was made visible to them. He was changed in appearance, but he was recognized and communed with those to whom he appeared. Nearly one thousand human beings witnessed these appearances.

    Jesus only appeared to his friends, family, and followers; he did not appear to his enemies, nor to anyone who was not able to spiritually benefit from witnessing his resurrection manifestation.

    The following is a brief overview of his nineteen post-resurrection appearances. Greater detail can be found in the links to each individual appearance.

  • The First Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' First Appearance: Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and the women at the tomb at half past three on Sunday morning, April 9, 30 CE as they discussed the unsettling discovery of the empty tomb. He appeared in the dawn light as a stranger, but when he spoke, Mary Magdalene recognized him immediately.

  • The Second Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Second Appearance: Jesus appeared again to Mary Magdalene at six in the morning. She had returned alone to the tomb, longing to see him again, and he spoke to her, telling her not to doubt.

  • The Third Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Third Appearance: Jesus appeared to his brother, James, at noon in Lazarus' garden at Bethany. They walked and talked together for about three minutes.

  • The Fourth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Fourth Appearance: Shortly thereafter, at two o’clock, Jesus appeared to his family and friends gathered at Martha and Mary's home in Bethany. He appeared at the back door and addressed them.

  • The Fifth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Fifth Appearance: This appearance was to the twenty-five women believers at the home of Joseph of Arimathea at four-fifteen in the afternoon. This group included Mary Magdalene, who had now witnessed four of Jesus’ five appearances.

  • The Sixth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Sixth Appearance: At four-thirty in the afternoon, Jesus appeared to forty Greek believers at the home of Flavius. Although the doors were locked, Jesus appeared in their midst and spoke to them.

  • The Seventh Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Seventh Appearance: Jesus approached two brothers of Emmaus as they were walking home at five o’clock in the afternoon. He addressed them and came into their home for dinner at their invitation. As they gave him bread to bless, they suddenly recognized him, and he vanished from their sight.

  • The Eighth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Eighth Appearance: Jesus appeared to the Apostle Peter at eight-thirty in the evening in the garden of the Mark home. He appeared as a stranger, but spoke loving words of forgiveness to Peter. They walked and talked together for about five minutes.

  • The Ninth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Ninth Appearance: At nine o’clock on that Sunday evening, Jesus appeared to the ten apostles (less Thomas) in the upper room, which had been bolted shut. After speaking to them, he vanished from their sight.

  • The Tenth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Tenth Appearance: On Tuesday, April 11, at eight in the morning, Jesus appeared at the Philadelphia synagogue to Abner and Lazarus and some one hundred and fifty of their associates, including more than fifty of the evangelistic corps of the seventy. He spoke to them and then vanished as quickly as he had appeared.

  • The Eleventh Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Eleventh Appearance: Jesus appeared to Thomas and the other apostles who were gathered for their evening meal at six o’clock on Saturday, April 15. Thomas had been brought back to the upper room from his week of isolation and was in doubt about the stories of the Master’s resurrection. But Jesus appeared and addressed Thomas personally, erasing his doubts.

  • The Twelfth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Twelfth Appearance: On Tuesday, April 18, Jesus appeared to Rodan and some eighty other believers in Alexandria, who had just been informed of the Master’s resurrection from Nathan, one of David Zebedee’s runners. He appeared in their midst at eight-thirty in the evening and spoke to them.

  • The Thirteenth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Thirteenth Appearance: Jesus appeared to the eleven apostles on the shore of the Sea of Galilee at six o’clock in the morning of Friday, April 21. They all recognized him and he walked and talked with them, two-and-two. This appearance lasted almost four hours.

  • The Fourteenth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Fourteenth Appearance: Jesus appeared to the eleven apostles on the mount of ordination on Saturday, April 22 at noon by pre-arrangement. The Master re-enacted the ordination ceremony and spent about one hour with his apostles.

  • The Fifteenth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Fifteenth Appearance: On Saturday, April 29, at three o’clock in the afternoon, Jesus appeared to Peter and the five hundred people who had assembled in Bethsaida to hear Peter’s first sermon since Jesus’ death and resurrection.

  • The Sixteenth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Sixteenth Appearance: Jesus appeared on Friday, May 5, at nine o’clock in the evening to the eleven apostles, the women's corps and their associates, and about fifty other leading disciples of the Master, including a number of the Greeks who were assembled in the courtyard of Nicodemus.

  • The Seventeenth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Seventeenth Appearance: On Saturday, May 15, at four in the afternoon, Jesus appeared to Nalda and about seventy-five Samaritan believers near Jacob's Well, at Sychar, where he once had declared himself to be the Deliverer to Nalda.

  • The Eighteenth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Eighteenth Appearance: Jesus appeared at Tyre at nine o’clock in the evening on Tuesday, May 16, at the close of a meeting of believers. They quickly recognized him when he spoke, and the next day, carried the news of his resurrection to the surrounding areas.

  • The Nineteenth Post-Resurrection Appearance

    Jesus' Nineteenth Appearance: In this final, appearance on Thursday, May 18, Jesus appeared to the apostles in the upper room at six-thirty in the morning. He led them to the Mount of Olives, where he spoke his last words on earth and vanished from their sight at seven-thirty.

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Related People

  • Abner

    Chief of John's apostles

  • David Zebedee

    Brother of John and James, directed messenger service.

  • James

    Brother of Jesus, second child of Mary and Joseph.

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