Discover Jesus \ Topic \Family Ideals

Family Ideals 

Family life is vital for spiritual growth and societal progress. Rooted in love, wisdom, and enduring principles, it fosters compassionate individuals through child-rearing, marriage, and nurturing homes, supporting both temporal responsibilities and eternal development.

Family Ideals
  • Summary

    Family life serves as the cornerstone of human experience and spiritual development. A true family, founded on enduring principles, fosters growth, love, and wisdom that shape not only individual lives but also broader societal and spiritual connections. By examining the teachings of Jesus regarding the essential characteristics of family life, the importance of child-rearing, and the sacredness of marriage, we can better understand the profound role of the family in nurturing both personal and collective progress.

    The experience of child-rearing, the sanctity of marriage, and the nurturing environment of the home all contribute to the development of individuals who are capable, compassionate, and spiritually attuned. By embracing these ideals, families help individuals fulfill their temporal responsibilities and contribute to their eternal journey of growth and service.

  • The Seven Fundamental Characteristics of Family Life

    In April of 27 CE, a few months after Jesus ordained his apostles, Thomas asked: "Master, on the day we were set apart as ambassadors of the kingdom, you told us many things, instructed us regarding our personal mode of life, but what shall we teach the multitude? How are these people to live after the kingdom more fully comes? Shall your disciples own slaves? Shall your believers court poverty and shun property? Shall mercy alone prevail so that we shall have no more law and justice?"

    In response to Thomas, Jesus explained that the relationship between humanity and God was better understood through the lens of family life. He said, "The people of another age will better understand the gospel of the kingdom when it is presented in terms expressive of the family relationship – when man understands religion as the teaching of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, sonship with God." In this, Jesus illustrated how the earthly family served as an analogy for divine relationships that are grounded in love, unity, and mutual responsibility.

    Following this, Jesus turned to a detailed discussion of family life, offering a model for earthly families and for understanding humanity’s connection to God. He identified seven foundational characteristics of a true family:

    1. The Fact of Existence: Family relationships are bound to the inherent phenomena of nature. Children inherit traits from their parents and derive their personality existence from their origin in the parents. The relationship between father and child, reflective of all life, underscores the universal truth that existence itself is rooted in a familial bond.
    2. Security and Pleasure: A true father finds joy in providing for the needs of his children. Beyond meeting basic necessities, he takes pleasure in offering provisions that enhance their happiness, fostering an atmosphere of trust, love, and mutual care.
    3. Education and Training: Wise fathers thoughtfully plan for their children’s education and development, preparing them for the responsibilities of adulthood. This careful guidance ensures that children are equipped to face life’s challenges with confidence and competence.
    4. Discipline and Restraint: Farseeing fathers provide discipline, correction, and guidance, recognizing that immature offspring require structure to grow. This discipline is not punitive but constructive, aimed at nurturing character and responsibility.
    5. Companionship and Loyalty: A loving father engages intimately with his children, sharing in their joys and struggles. He listens to their petitions and supports their welfare, fostering a bond of trust and loyalty that strengthens family unity.
    6. Love and Mercy: Compassionate fathers are forgiving and patient, building relationships on tolerance and understanding rather than judgment or retribution. Real families thrive on a foundation of unconditional love, which reflects the higher ideals of divine mercy.
    7. Provision for the Future: Families are generational, with temporal fathers often leaving inheritances for their children. While death ends individual lives, it does not terminate the family. This continuity underscores the enduring nature of familial bonds and the lasting impact of parental care.
  • The Role of Child-Rearing and Early Home Life

    Jesus shared profound insights into the significance of child-rearing and early home life during a private conversation with John Mark while they were visiting in the hills during the week of his arrest. Reflecting on their respective childhood experiences, Jesus emphasized the formative impact of a nurturing home environment on a child's intellectual, social, moral, and spiritual development.

    Parents hold the sacred responsibility of creating a space where love and wisdom prevail. In discussing John Mark’s upbringing, Jesus pointed out how a balanced home, characterized by mutual affection and guided by intelligent discipline, fosters self-confidence, emotional security, and loyalty. These early experiences profoundly shape a child’s worldview and their capacity for dependable relationships later in life.

    Children’s first impressions of life and divinity come from observing their parents. Jesus noted that a mother’s care provides a foundation for understanding love and nurturing, while a father introduces the child to concepts of authority and provision. In this way, the home becomes the primary model for both human and divine relationships.

    When love is guided by wisdom, it prevents overindulgence or the distortion of a child’s personality. Jesus praised homes where wisdom tempers affection, ensuring children develop independence and resilience. Such a balanced upbringing equips individuals to face life’s complexities with confidence and grace, a theme that Jesus reiterated to John Mark, illustrating the long-lasting effects of a loving and disciplined home.

  • Marriage: The Sacred Partnership

    Jesus offered a thoughtful discourse on marriage and its spiritual significance during a private evening session with his apostles in Perea, following a public discussion about marriage and divorce. He exalted marriage as the most ideal and highest of all human relationships, explaining that it is the foundation of family life and a sacred partnership where two individuals unite to create and nurture new life.

    Marriage mirrors the co-creative relationship between humanity and the divine. Jesus explained that while his unique mission required him to remain single, this should not be seen as diminishing the value of marriage. He highlighted that men and women find their highest service and joy in establishing homes and raising children, thus becoming co-partners with the divine in the eternal enterprise of creation.

    For a marriage to succeed, mutual respect, shared purpose, and unwavering commitment are essential. Jesus exalted marriage as more than a mere legal agreement; it is a living relationship built on trust, love, and shared responsibilities. In this sacred bond, partners grow together, enriching their lives and the lives of their children. He also denounced any injustices to women and children and did not sanction any divorce practice that gave men an advantage over women.

    Jesus also emphasized how marriage elevates societal ideals, promoting respect for women, children, and the home. By fostering cooperation and mutual support, marriage strengthens family life, enabling parents to raise well-adjusted, capable individuals. As the cornerstone of family life, marriage embodies principles of unity, cooperation, and enduring love, which Jesus regarded as essential for personal and societal stability.

  • The Reciprocal Influence of Home and Society

    Jesus often spoke about the interplay between home life and broader society. He taught that a home grounded in love and wisdom not only enriches the lives of its members but also uplifts the community and fosters societal progress.

    In these teachings, Jesus underscored how a loving, well-ordered home inspires others, creating a ripple effect that strengthens society’s moral and ethical foundation. He noted that families embodying such ideals act as beacons of hope and stability in their communities.

    Conversely, Jesus acknowledged that societal values also shape family dynamics. He recognized the advancements in modern knowledge that offer parents greater resources for improving the home environment but warned against the dangers of neglecting intelligent discipline and love-driven guidance. Without these, families can struggle to nurture balanced and self-reliant individuals.

    Finally, Jesus emphasized the deep connection between religion and family life, teaching that a home enriched by genuine spiritual values glorifies familial relationships. At the same time, strong family bonds enhance the practice of true religion. This reciprocal influence serves as a model for the relationship between humanity and the divine, revealing how the home can act as both a sanctuary of love and a foundation for spiritual growth.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

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Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 47:1.6 No ascending mortal can escape the experience of rearing children.
  • 142:7.1 Thomas asks what to teach the multitude.
  • 142:7.2-3 Jesus reminds them of the uniqueness of being a part of a heavenly incarnation.
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