
Satan, Lucifer’s ally in the rebellion, advocated for self-rule over divine authority, disrupting spiritual order across worlds. Jesus’ loyalty during his ministry marked Satan’s defeat. Both Lucifer and Satan await final judgment, likely ending their existence.

  • Summary

    Satan, originally Lucifer’s assistant, was a central figure in the Lucifer rebellion, advocating for unchecked personal freedom and a rejection of divine authority. Alongside Lucifer, Satan challenged God's rule and disrupted spiritual order by spreading their doctrine. This impacted earth and many other worlds.

    Jesus’ bestowal on our world marked a significant turning point in the rebellion. During his ministry, Jesus resisted their attempts to corrupt him, decisively ending their influence by remaining true to the divine will. This ultimate triumph signaled Satan's defeat and reinforced universal loyalty to God. Today, Satan and Lucifer are contained on a prison world, awaiting final judgment, which is anticipated to end their existence.

  • Beginning of the Lucifer Rebellion

    Lucifer and his first assistant, Satan, had reigned on our local universe system for more than five hundred thousand years when, in their hearts, they began to array themselves against the Universal Father and Jesus (Christ Michael), our local universe Creator Son.

    There were no peculiar or special conditions in our system that suggested or favored rebellion. Lucifer first announced his plans to Satan, but it required several months to corrupt the mind of his associate. However, when once converted to his theories, he became a bold and earnest advocate of "self-assertion and liberty."

    Lucifer's manifesto challenged the authority of God and questioned the necessity of loyalty to any higher divine governance, advocating for complete personal freedom and self-determination. He rejected spiritual hierarchy and encouraged beings to pursue self-interest without moral or divine restraints. This rebellion disrupted the spiritual order, promoting a vision where allegiance to God was seen as unnecessary.

  • The War in Heaven

    As referenced in the book of Revelation, "Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael (Jesus) and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But the dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any place found in heaven for him and his angels."

    This "war in heaven" was not a physical battle as such a conflict might be conceived on earth. In the early days of the struggle, Lucifer held forth continuously in the planetary amphitheater. Gabriel conducted an unceasing exposure of the rebel sophistries from his headquarters taken up near at hand. The various personalities present on the sphere who were in doubt as to their attitude would journey back and forth between these discussions until they arrived at a final decision.

    But this war in heaven was very terrible and very real. While displaying none of the barbarities so characteristic of physical warfare on the immature worlds, this conflict was far more deadly; material life is in jeopardy in material combat, but the war in heaven was fought in terms of eternal life.

    In many respects, this rebellion was the most widespread and disastrous of all such occurrences in the universe. It is to their everlasting dishonor that the emissaries of Lucifer and Satan spared not even the infant-training schools on the heavenly cultural planet and sought to corrupt these developing minds in mercy salvaged from the evolutionary worlds.

  • During the Rebellion

    Lucifer and Satan freely roamed our system until the completion of the bestowal mission of Jesus on earth. They were last on this planet together during the time of their combined assault upon the Son of Man.

    Formerly, when the planetary administrators were periodically assembled, "Satan came also," claiming that he represented all of the isolated worlds. But he has not been accorded such liberty on our local universe system since Jesus' terminal bestowal. Subsequent to their effort to corrupt Jesus when in the bestowal flesh, all sympathy for Lucifer and Satan has perished throughout our local system, apart from the isolated worlds involved in the rebellion.

  • Jesus Meets Satan

    A few months before his baptism, Jesus spent six weeks of unbroken communion with his Paradise Father. Near the end of his sojourn on Mount Hermon in September of 25 CE, Jesus asked his Father if he might be permitted to hold a conference with his enemies as the Son of Man, the human Jesus. This request was granted.

    During the last week on Mount Hermon, the great temptation, the universe trial, occurred. Satan (representing Lucifer) and the rebellious planetary administrator of earth, Caligastia, were present with Jesus and were made fully visible to him. This "temptation," this final trial of human loyalty in the face of the misrepresentations of rebel personalities, had not to do with food, temple pinnacles, or presumptuous acts. It had not to do with the kingdoms of this world but with the sovereignty of a mighty and glorious universe. The symbolism of our records was intended for the backward ages of the world’s childlike thought. Subsequent generations should understand what a great struggle the Son of Man passed through on that eventful day on Mount Hermon.

    To the many proposals and counterproposals of the emissaries of Lucifer, Jesus only replied: "May the will of my Paradise Father prevail, and you, my rebellious son, may the Ancients of Days judge you divinely. I am your Creator-father; I can hardly judge you justly, and my mercy you have already spurned. I commit you to the adjudication of the Judges of a greater universe."To all the Lucifer-suggested compromises and makeshifts, to all such specious proposals about the incarnation bestowal, Jesus only replied, "The will of my Father in Paradise be done." When the trying ordeal was finished, the detached guardian seraphim returned to Jesus’ side and ministered to him.

  • Jesus Accused of Being in Partnership with Satan

    During Jesus’ final visit to the synagogue in Capernaum on April 30, 29 CE, one of the Pharisees stood up and charged that Jesus could perform miraculous healings only because he was in league with devils; that Jesus had admitted he and the devil he cast out were known to each other. The Pharisees went on to state that the religious teachers and leaders at Jerusalem had decided that Jesus did all his so-called miracles by the power of Beelzebub, the prince of devils. Said the Pharisee: "Have nothing to do with this man; he is in partnership with Satan."

    Then said Jesus:

    "How can Satan cast out Satan? A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand; if a house be divided against itself, it is soon brought to desolation. Can a city withstand a siege if it is not united? If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then shall his kingdom stand? But you should know that no one can enter into the house of a strong man and despoil his goods except he first overpower and bind that strong man. And so, if I by the power of Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore shall they be your judges. But if I, by the spirit of God, cast out devils, then has the kingdom of God truly come upon you. If you were not blinded by prejudice and misled by fear and pride, you would easily perceive that one who is greater than devils stands in your midst."

  • Ending the Rebellion

    The bestowal of Jesus terminated the Lucifer rebellion aside from the planets of the defecting planetary administrators. This was the significance of Jesus’ personal experience, just before his death in the flesh, when he one day exclaimed to his disciples, "And I beheld Satan fall as lightning from heaven."

    Jesus was confident of success, and he knew that his triumph on our world would forever settle the status of his agelong enemies, not only in our own system but also in the other two systems where sin had entered. There was survival for mortals and security for angels when Jesus, in reply to Lucifer's proposals, calmly and with divine assurance, replied, "Get you behind me, Satan." That was, in principle, the real end of the Lucifer rebellion.

    Sometime before Jesus' death in the flesh, Satan sought to attend a meeting of celestial leaders. The solidification of sentiment against him and the other rebels had reached a point where the doors of sympathy were so universally closed that there could be found no standing ground for these adversaries. The doors of the hearts of universe leaders were closed against Satan, and he was unanimously rejected by those assembled.

  • Present Status

    The current status of Satan and the Lucifer rebellion is one of containment and pending judgment. Thousands of angels and other beings did repent and were rehabilitated following Jesus’ resurrection; they now await final judgment.

    Lucifer and Satan have been isolated on a prison world to prevent further spread of rebellion within the universe. No beings have chosen to join the rebellion since Jesus' time on earth. While the rebellion’s leaders are no longer active, remnants of their influence linger within the minds and decisions of those who followed or were affected by their doctrines.

    Notwithstanding the long delay (as time is reckoned on earth) in adjudicating the Lucifer rebellion, the first hearing in the pending case of Gabriel vs. Lucifer has been heard. The final judgment, led by universe authorities, is expected to bring about the rebels’ permanent end of existence.

Suggested Reading from this Essay


Related Locations

  • Mount Hermon

    Location of the universe trial and transfiguration event.


Christopher Selmek, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 43:4.9 The Son of Man beheld Satan falling as lightning from heaven.
  • 53:2.1-5 The causes of the rebellion.
  • 53:3.1-7 The Lucifer Manifesto.
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