Discover Jesus \ Topic \Why Are We Confronted With Unfair Life Situations?
Life's challenges stem from our imperfect world, where free will allows us to choose between good and evil. While unfairness can be bewildering, God's love and guidance help us find strength and meaning in adversity.
Life can sometimes seem unfair and challenging. It is natural to wonder why we face difficult situations. The truth is, we live in an imperfect and evolving world that is designed to provide each of us with free will and the ability to choose between good and evil. This freedom is vital for gaining experience and learning, even if it means that we will be confronted with unfair life situations. However, it is important to remember that we are not alone in facing these challenges. Throughout history, many people have also experienced unfairness and adversity. Even Jesus faced many difficult situations during his time on earth.
Unfairness and suffering are not punishments from God. God loves each and every one of us unconditionally. He does not cause our suffering, but he can help us find strength and meaning in the midst of it. We can find comfort in knowing that God is always with us. He understands our pain and is ready to offer us guidance, comfort, and strength. Through prayer and seeking a personal relationship with God, we can find solace and the ability to overcome life's challenges. It is a well-known fact that people grow in strength of character when rising to the challenges of adversity.
Because we live in a world of time and space where we have the freedom to make choices, sometimes the choices we make, or the choices made by others, can affect us in negative ways. We are equally faced with challenges created by living life in the midst of an imperfect world. Remember that even in the face of unfair situations, we have the power to choose how we respond. We can choose to grow stronger, to show kindness and compassion, and to seek justice. By doing so, we can make a difference in the world and bring about positive change.
It is a rare human being who has not asked this question at some point in their life. It is usually asked when we are confronted with a tough situation: when we are sick or weary, when we see good and innocent people hurt, when we see hunger and pain, when we experience loss, when the weak are exploited by the cruel or unjust, and when we realize we don't have all of the answers. We feel pain when we see the disparities of the human condition. We want to believe in God, but when looking at the world, it can be hard to see the perfection in it or a Creator's divine plan. When we view the world from this perspective, it is natural to ask, “Why does life seem so unfair?” But if we take a look from a wider view, we can make better sense of it.
Life can appear unfair because our world is not the type of planet that is created in perfection. There are only two types of worlds: 1) those which God creates in perfection at the center of the universe and are inhabited by perfect beings and 2) those which are created out in the galaxies of space by the creation technique of intelligent design – evolution. These planets are inhabited by beings who gradually evolve over a long period of time. Mortal life is a brief, intense struggle. Life isn't fair, but through experience, challenge, and the desire to do God's will, the people who live on these worlds can, over the course of millions of years, gradually become perfect.
Can you tell which type of planet we live on? Be assured that God creates, nurtures, and controls the imperfect worlds just as he does the perfect ones. Our distinction is having free will. And the price of having the gift of free will is the potential choice of evil. Allowing for free will facilitates the unfettered and paramount importance assigned to the acquisition of experience through living. It is by design for us to gain experience and to do so in an environment that allows us to choose between good and evil. We will all make mistakes and, ideally, we would all learn and grow from them. However, we are inevitably impacted by the consequences of our own or other’s mistakes that can cause life to seem unfair at times.
It may surprise you to learn that beings created as perfect in the central universe actually envy those of us in the outer galaxies and the chance to choose to do good in the presence of evil, to experience joy with the stark contrast of pain and darkness. They would love to have the opportunity to choose God and to prove themselves, but they have no alternative. They are perfect. Their life is perfect. They are perfectly worshipful and never have failed to be so. They live eternally in the presence of God. They are a glory to God and a pattern of perfection. It is not strange that we want the perfection that they enjoy on their worlds, and someday we will stand on their worlds as we travel through on our path to Paradise.
Many ages from now, we will have gradually become more and more spiritual, perfect, poised, gracious, knowledgeable, sincere, faithful, eager to serve, humble, peaceful, tolerant, joyful, and devoted. Eventually, we will stand in the presence of the Universal Father and perceive him as he really is. The long wait will be over. We will worship as those eternal beings do, but with the fervor of those who have crawled up through the ages from the imperfect worlds of space to the bright lights on the shores of Paradise – with every fiber of our being filled with gratitude for the grace, salvation, and eternal life that has been bestowed upon us.
Beings from worlds like ours are often trusted with the most important tasks and mobilized into an impressive corps of perfected beings. Knowing what you know now, would you still ask why things are so unfair? Would you wish to live in a perfect world right now without the benefit of helping to create that perfect civilization? Would you give up your free will? Would you really want to abandon the service adventure of your eternal destiny?
Learning how to live justly and fairly is not so hard when we know what we are trying to achieve. We refer to inevitabilities as sound and common-sense reasons for making good choices. All of this effort helps to build strong and trustworthy characters, something crucial to our future perfection. The experience we attain helps us to become our better selves.
The inevitabilities of life are many. For example, change is a natural part of life, and it helps us to learn and grow. We will experience challenges – life is full of them. Loss and grief are other inevitabilities that we all go through, including times of sadness and mourning when we lose someone or something dear to us. Aging is inevitable as we journey through life, and we may face physical limitations and health issues. Death is also a part of the natural cycle on this planet. It is the end of our physical existence here, but death is not the end of our spiritual journey. It is merely a transition to the next higher phase of our eternal life.
The uncertainties of life and the hardships we encounter don't contradict the concept of the power and control of the Creator. All creature life is affected by certain challenges. Many desirable character traits, including courage, altruism, hope, faith, love of truth, idealism, loyalty, unselfishness, and contentment, develop in light of the challenges that we face. These challenges include living in a world that provides hardship and contrasts, such as the possibility of disappointment, situations of social inequality, insecurity and uncertainty, incomplete knowledge, the potential of error and falsehood, the possibility of the lure of betrayal and desertion, the implied danger of default, and suffering and pain.
While the inevitabilities may seem daunting, remember that we have the capacity to navigate through them with grace, strength, and faith. With God in our corner, we can find peace and purpose in the midst of life's inevitabilities.
Burdens can indeed become blessings. In life, we all face challenges and difficulties that can feel like heavy burdens. We also can not know what burdens others may bear, even though they may seem to have many blessings. Burdens can come in various forms, such as physical ailments, emotional pain, financial struggles, or relationship problems. They can weigh us down and occasionally they make us feel overwhelmed. However, it is important to remember that even in the midst of our burdens, there is always an opportunity for growth and transformation.
Hardships can be valuable experiences that help us develop our character and strengthen our faith, while providing an opportunity for growth and learning. When we face hardships with courage and resilience, with faith and perseverance, we can develop inner strength, wisdom, and compassion. We can transform our burdens into life lessons, and appreciate the blessings we often take for granted.
When we face difficulties with courage and resilience, we can learn important life lessons and develop qualities such as patience, compassion, and perseverance. These qualities not only help us navigate through our current burdens but also prepare us for future challenges.
Furthermore, our burdens can also lead us to seek help and support from others. By reaching out for the love and assistance of friends, family, or even professionals, we can find comfort, guidance, and practical solutions to our problems. This process of seeking support can deepen our relationships and create a sense of community through service. Our hearts can also be opened to the suffering of others and inspire us to make a positive difference in the world. When we have experienced pain and hardship ourselves, we become more empathetic and compassionate towards others who are going through similar struggles. This can motivate us to take action and contribute to the well-being of others. Adversity is the maturing school of the soul.
While unfairness can be bewildering in the worlds of space, God's love and guidance can help us find strength and meaning when confronted with unfair life situations. By facing adversity, we grow in character and make positive changes that help us grow in our long journey toward perfection and Paradise. Most importantly, we can have faith and trust that we are in good hands for our future eternal life. Jesus promised that we have the hope of eternal life, a life of purpose and adventure in the heavens.
Susan Lyon, Roland Siegfried, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge