Discover Jesus \ Topic \Jesus' Personalized Indwelling Spirit

Jesus' Personalized Indwelling Spirit 

Humans, including Jesus, receive an Indwelling Spirit of God called the Thought Adjuster. Various traditions recognize the presence of a divine essence within humans. Jesus' Adjuster was personalized at his baptism.

Jesus' Personalized Indwelling Spirit
  • Summary

    Jesus, and all normal-minded humans, are provided an Indwelling Spirit of God at an early age. This Spirit is also known as the Thought Adjuster, the Mystery Monitor, the Spirit Adjuster, the presence of God, the indwelling spirit, the spark of infinity, and God fragment. Most spiritual traditions recognize that humans have a soul, and they are also host to a divine essence. The Chinese refer to them as the yang and the yin, the soul and the spirit. The ancient Egyptians named them the ka and the ba. Hindus call the God residing within the Atman. In the Bible, Jesus described it as the kingdom within.

    Adjusters are not endowed with personality as is a human, but certain of them may be personalized, granted personality status by God. Personalization can occur after an Adjuster has had an unusual experience, such as indwelling an exceptional being. Jesus’ Adjuster was personalized on the day he was baptized.

  • Jesus’ Adjuster

    In order to understand how indwelling Jesus created the circumstances that led to his Adjuster becoming personalized, Jesus’ background needs some explanation. Unlike humans, Jesus had life before incarnating; he was, and still is, Michael, the creator of the local universe of Nebadon. There are many thousands of local universes in time and space, each with its own Michael. These Creator Sons design and create the inhabitants of their universe according to God’s plans. To attain full and unlimited sovereignty over their universe, Michaels are required to incarnate seven times as various types of creatures of their making. Our Michael’s seventh and final self-bestowal was here on earth and in the form of a human male who came to be known as Jesus.

    While he lived, from the time of his first moral decision at age five, up to the time of his baptism, at age thirty-one, he was indwelt by an Adjuster with the potential to be personalized. That potential became actual when Jesus had attained complete consciousness of his previous existence and status as a local universe Creator Son. When perfect synchrony and full communication between the human mind of Jesus and the indwelling Adjuster occurred, the Adjuster returned to its source, God on Paradise, to become personalized.

    Before departing during his baptism, Jesus’ Adjuster spoke these words: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Jesus’ now Personalized Adjuster returned immediately and remained at his side for the rest of his life.

    His presence is also recorded in the Gospel of John 12:27-29, where it is stated: "An angel spoke to him." It was in fact Jesus’ Adjuster speaking, fortifying him a few days ahead of his arrest and crucifixion.

    When Jesus had thus spoken, the Personalized Adjuster of his indwelling during pre-baptismal times appeared before him, and as he paused noticeably, this now mighty spirit of the Father’s representation spoke to Jesus of Nazareth, saying: "I have glorified my name in your bestowals many times, and I will glorify it once more."

    While the Jews and gentiles here assembled heard no voice, they could not fail to discern that the Master had paused in his speaking while a message came to him from some superhuman source. They all said… "An angel has spoken to him."

  • The Adjuster’s Mission

    Humans are given non-personalized Adjusters at the time of their first moral choosing, usually around age five or six (this event also marks the birth of the soul). Every human who is able to conceive of God is given this same type of indwelling spirit. As their name suggests, Thought Adjusters guide their hosts in attaining the highest and most sublime thinking. They adjust and "spiritize" the thoughts of the ones they indwell. This they do not by force, but with cooperation and willing acceptance of the divine leading.

    Jesus taught his followers to know and do the "will of God." The Adjusters attempt to convey to the mind what God’s will is. Through sincere prayer and genuine worship, humans can and do come in contact with their Adjusters, as did Jesus 2,000 years ago. Many people have done this, throughout history; men and women of faith who have "knocked, and the door was opened."

    Once bestowed, the Adjuster leads their host personality through the spiritual experiences that mature the soul. This mutually cooperative process culminates in fusion, sometimes called translation. This is the goal of the Adjuster – to fuse with the soul, an event where the two become one. Two men mentioned in the Bible, Enoch and Elijah, achieved this lofty goal. Instead of dying, their lives ended in "chariots of fire" or fusion. When this "eternalization" of the soul occurs, death is no longer a factor and immortality is assured. Fused beings awake to eternal existence on the mansion worlds. Jesus referred to them when he said: "In my Father’s house there are many mansions." All mortals who choose survival are destined to fuse with their Adjusters, if not in this life, then the next.

  • Personalized Adjusters

    Thought Adjusters are not true personalities; they are true realities and realities of the purest order known in the universe of universes. They are the divine presence venturing out into time and space to bestow themselves and the gift of eternal life upon newborn souls. It is their mission to attain personality by becoming one with the souls of their indwelling partner. Personality is the birthright of human beings, a unique and God-given gift that is distinct from the soul. God’s plan is for the soul and the Adjuster to share this personality by fusion. If the human host rejects the plan and does not choose survival, the Adjuster is assigned to another being. In situations where Adjusters do not fuse after indwelling various beings, they can acquire the equivalent of personality by divine decree.

    Adjusters are created by God, they are of God, and share his perfect divine nature. They are created identically and differ only in experience. Jesus was host to a highly experienced Adjuster, but regardless of classification or experience, Jesus’ indweller served him as they do all humans – directing thought into divine realms. There was, however, a difference: Jesus’ Adjuster was on loan and was a temporary indwelling. As such, Michael was able to experience the full spectrum of life as it is lived by humans, including being host to a Thought Adjuster.

    When Jesus was baptized, he had achieved perfection in the doing of the will of God thanks in part to his Adjuster. As a result, this Adjuster was detached, personalized, and put in charge of all Adjusters in the local universe. Michael, a being of divine origin, and the creator of millions of worlds and their inhabitants was created perfect, and he was therefore able to achieve perfection of being in one short human lifetime. And he did not require an Adjuster to attain immortality, this he had before incarnating as Jesus.

    Humans, who take origin on lowly planets become perfect over long stretches of time. God has pronounced the goal: "Be you perfect." With the help of a perfect Indwelling Spirit, and the attainment of eternal life, this is possible. Such are the profound mysteries that humans may know and ponder. There is much more to existence than can be realized in one short life. To compensate for this deficiency, God in his infinite wisdom, sends revelations. Humans can come to realize there is a fragment of God indwelling them through internal revelation, but it requires external revelation to know that Jesus was given an Adjuster who achieved personalization. And there was at least one other being this Adjuster indwelt before assignment to Jesus and being personalized.

  • Indwelling Melchizedek

    Two thousand years before Michael incarnated as Jesus, another celestial being took up life in flesh and bone. His name is Machiventa Melchizedek, and he appeared fully grown in the likeness of a man. Melchizedeks are an order of beings who are created to minister to the inhabited worlds. They are immortal teachers whose wisdom exceeds all other orders in the local universe, except, of course, Michael. They can and do incarnate when a situation requires it. They are often assigned difficult missions, such as salvaging truth on worlds that have gone astray. Machiventa’s mission was to pave the way for Michael, to lay down a foundation of truth for the sublime teachings that Michael, as Jesus, would soon present to the world.

    Melchizedek is mentioned in the Bible as "one who is without mother or father," and the one who "brought bread and wine" to Abraham. However, there is so much more to know about him. He established a school in Salem, later Jerusalem, that taught the truth of one God and that humans are God’s beloved children. To assist him, Melchizedek was indwelt by an Adjuster, the very one who returned to indwell Jesus two thousand years later. This preliminary indwelling experience with Melchizedek, and others before that, prepared the Adjuster to indwell our Creator Son, Michael, after which this Adjuster was personalized.

    Much of world history has been forgotten, lost, distorted, and mythologized because humans did not understand it or failed to record it. The fact that the same Adjuster indwelt the minds of both Jesus and Melchizedek and was later personalized could only be known by and through revelation.

Suggested Reading from this Essay


Rick Warren, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 0:5.9 Adjusters are “prepersonal” and are destined to become part of the personality of their human hosts.
  • 45:4.13 Enoch’s fusion.
  • 45:4.15 Elijah’s translation.
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