Discover Jesus \ Topic \Indwelling Spirit of God

Indwelling Spirit of God 

The Indwelling Spirit is a divine presence within the human mind, guiding individuals to know God. It sets spiritual standards for survival, fostering humanitarian fellowship, universe interpretation, and spiritual evaluation.

Indwelling Spirit of God
  • Summary

    The Indwelling Spirit of God, a divine presence that resides within every human mind, is a spirit gift from the Universal Father and constantly strives to lead human beings to God and to help them personally know God. The Spirit sets spiritual standards that are the basis for personality survival, and those who submit to its guidance are led towards God. The kingdom of God is within every person through this spirit presence, and religious faith enables individuals to bridge the gap between intellectual logic and spiritual affirmations of the soul. The spirit indwelling within the human mind reveals the Father-source of all that is true, beautiful, and good. Three separate pieces of evidence of the Spirit's indwelling in the human mind are humanitarian fellowship (love), interpretation of the universe (wisdom), and spiritual evaluation of life (worship).

    The Indwelling Spirit can be understood as a kind of inner voice or intuition that guides us towards spiritual truths. Following the guidance of the Indwelling Spirit is seen as essential for living a meaningful and fulfilling life. Although the Universal Father lives at the center of all things in the universe, God is not distant or inaccessible, but rather present within us and he can be communicated with through prayer, meditation, and worship. The Spirit provides a rich and complex vision of the nature of God and is a fragment of the infinite consciousness of the Universal Father that lives within each of us.

  • Divine Origin and Purpose

    At the heart of the understanding of the Indwelling Spirit lies its divine origin. It is portrayed as a direct and personal gift from the Universal Father to individual mortals. This divine bestowal serves a profound cosmic purpose, emphasizing the establishment of an intimate, personal connection between God and each human being. It underscores the notion that every individual is not only known by the Creator but is also indwelled by a fragment of God's own presence. The Indwelling Spirit is a divine presence sent by the Father all the way from the first source and center of all things on the Isle of Paradise, to dwell within all individuals of the earth and also other inhabited worlds. It represents a personal connection between mortal beings and the divine source of all existence.

    The purpose of the Indwelling Spirit is to lead us to God, and to share an intimate spiritual relationship with us. At the point of resurrection, it is this Indwelling Spirit that holds the memory transcripts and personality trust that is an essential element enabling the individual to awaken to a new eternal life.

  • When Does the Indwelling Spirit Arrive?

    The Indwelling Spirit arrives almost immediately when your mind has been made ready to begin the spiritual journey. The average age on earth is approximately five years old and occurs at the very moment a child makes their first moral decision. It is this decision that signals that the individual is ready to benefit from the ministry of the Indwelling Spirit. The evolving mind is able to discover law, morals, and ethics; but the bestowed Indwelling Spirit reveals to the human mind the Father-source of all that is loving, true, beautiful, and good.

    The great challenge for each person is to achieve better communication with the divine Spirit that lives within the human mind. As a person grows, it becomes easier for the Indwelling Spirit to make contact with a receptive mind. From childhood to about the age of twenty, the Spirit will be felt as a gentle invitation to the mortal mind to embrace heavenly ideals. From the age of twenty to the age of forty, the Spirit becomes more experienced in making contact with the maturing mind to inspire enlightened thinking, to realize higher meanings and values, and to discover a feeling of cosmic belonging. After the age of forty, the Indwelling Spirit becomes an even more effective source of light to the receptive mind willing to embrace the will of God and as a child of God.

  • Teaching and Guiding

    The Indwelling Spirit emerges as a profound instructor and guide in the spiritual journey of individuals. It enters the hearts and minds of those who have experienced a spiritual rebirth, offering divine wisdom and insights to navigate the complexities of life. This teaching extends beyond the mere impartation of intellectual knowledge; it encompasses a transformation of character and a deepening of spiritual understanding. It molds individuals into beings who possess knowledge and embody the fruits of the spirit.

    The soul that survives time and emerges into eternity must make a living and personal choice between good and evil as they are determined by the true values of the spiritual standards established by the divine Father in heaven. The intense struggle of this life is a learning experience in making dynamic responses to challenging situations and growing character strengths during the process. The true child of God rises to each new challenge with steadfast courage and spontaneity. Burdens become the blessings of the faith-children of God.

  • Spiritual Unity

    The Indwelling Spirit plays an important role in fostering spiritual unity. It instills a consciousness of unity among believers, transcending worldly divisions and emphasizing a sense of oneness with all of God's creation. This unity serves as a powerful catalyst for cooperation, understanding, and collective spiritual progress, ultimately leading to the realization of the family of humanity under the Fatherhood of God. It instills an awareness that all individuals are part of a grand, interconnected spiritual family. The Spirit intends that all humans are brothers and sisters. When we begin to search after God, that is evidence that God has found us. We live in God and God dwells in us. Only through, and by appeal to this Spirit, can we ever attain unity and familial bonds.

  • Empowering Prayer

    Through the Indwelling Spirit, prayer takes on a profound significance. It becomes a potent medium for communication with the divine. This divine presence of the Indwelling Spirit ensures that prayers are not just uttered into the void but are intimately received by the Father, establishing a profound and personal connection with the Creator. This dynamic interaction between the human soul and the divine presence underscores the immediacy and intimacy of the spiritual relationship. Revealed truth, personally discovered truth, is the supreme delight of the human soul; it is the joint creation of the material mind and the Indwelling Spirit. Faith acts to release the superhuman activities of the divine spark, the immortal gem, that lives within the mind of man. When a person hears God's spirit speak within the human heart, inherent in such an experience is the fact that God simultaneously hears that person's prayer. Knowing God's presence within is an extremely empowering truth for each individual.

  • Character Transformation and Love as the Motive

    The transformative power of the Indwelling Spirit is awe-inspiring. It possesses the capacity to reshape an individual's character, turning negative traits into positive values. It can replace anger with patience, intolerance with tolerance, and selfishness with selflessness. The Indwelling Spirit nurtures the development of the fruits of the spirit, cultivating God-like qualities in believers. It underscores the role of love as the primary motivating force behind actions inspired by the Spirit. Love becomes not only a commandment but a driving principle, leading to acts of kindness, compassion, and forgiveness.

    The Indwelling Spirit encourages individuals to act out of love for their fellow human beings, emphasizing love as the highest spiritual value. Your secret of the mastery of self is bound up with your faith in the Indwelling Spirit, which always works by love. Let your heart be so dominated with love that your spirit guide will have little trouble in delivering you from the tendency to give vent to those outbursts of animal anger which are so inconsistent with your divine destiny.

  • Divine Destiny and Communication with the Spiritual Realm

    The Indwelling Spirit imparts a profound sense of divine destiny to human beings. It kindles a deep longing to seek and fulfill God's will in one's life, encouraging individuals to embark on a journey of spiritual growth and to make meaningful contributions to the world. Moreover, it serves as the conduit for communication between mortal individuals and the spiritual realm, opening doors to experiences and insights that transcend the material world.

    It is possible for the devoted faith-child of God to reach a maturity and mastery of self that produces a complete embrace of the will of God, pure focus on being one with the Father, and willing to go wherever the Spirit leads. When the human mind truly cooperates with the Indwelling Spirit, it is possible to hear the thoughts and instructions of the Spirit. On rare occasions, some of our planetary brothers, such as Jesus, Enoch, and Elijah, have made history by arriving at this "sacred ground" of brilliant spiritual achievement of profound communion with the Universal Father through the ministry and influence of the Indwelling Spirit.

  • Ethical and Moral Enhancement

    Another striking facet of the Indwelling Spirit's influence is its capacity to enhance moral values and accelerate ethical understanding. It sensitizes individuals to the importance of living in harmony with God's will, promoting fellowship and unity among people of diverse backgrounds. It becomes a catalyst for the advancement of ethical behavior and the cultivation of virtuous living for all of humanity.

    When the Indwelling Spirit arrives, the child's mind has been prepared to be receptive to the further moral, ethical, and spiritual teachings they offer. The Indwelling Spirit lays out a divine agenda and gently leads the person to embrace that plan. Goodness is always growing toward new levels of increasing moral self-realization and spiritual personality attainment. An experience is good when it heightens the appreciation of beauty, augments the moral will, enhances the discernment of truth, enlarges the capacity to love and serve one's fellows, exalts the spiritual ideals, and unifies the supreme human motives of time with the eternal plans of the Indwelling Spirit.

  • Constant Presence and Uniqueness

    The Indwelling Spirit is portrayed as a constant and unwavering presence within the heart of an individual believer. It offers continuous guidance, comfort, and inspiration and helps individuals navigate the complexities of existence. This divine companion underscores the uniqueness of its presence. The Indwelling Spirit represents a unique and intimate connection with God that transcends human comprehension. It should not be confused with other spirits or mystical experiences. It represents a unique and personal connection with the divine.

    Plants and animals survive in time by the technique of passing on from one generation to another identical particles of themselves. The human soul survives mortal death by identity association with this indwelling spark of divinity, which is immortal, and which functions to perpetuate the human personality after mortal death overtakes us. Wherever we may go, we take with us ourselves and the spirit of the heavenly Father which lives within our heart. The personality of each mortal is unique and without duplicate in the universe. The only uniform thing about humankind is the Indwelling Spirit.

  • Does the Indwelling Spirit Ever Leave?

    While the Indwelling Spirit rarely leaves, even for a brief time, once assigned, there are certain conditions that result in the Indwelling Spirit of God to withdraw from a person, and those conditions that make it impossible for the Spirit to continue its ministry are physical death, spiritual death, or brain death. Each Indwelling Spirit volunteers for an assignment with a specific individual. Among many volunteers, the best-suited and most experienced Spirit is chosen to work with each particular candidate. The Indwelling Spirit is superbly devoted to offering guidance for a lifetime (and beyond) to the mortal for whom they were matched and will never abandon an individual who has the potential for spiritual growth and eternal life. Having been endowed with the living spirit of the Father, we are children of God. We can rest assured that our Indwelling Spirit is with us to the end, and then after faithfully holding our personality and memory transcripts in trust, the Spirit will continue on with us into eternity. We are destined to become one with the divine Spirit during our spiritual journey.

    The Indwelling Spirit is indeed a personal, divine gift from God, fostering spiritual unity, guiding ethical transformation, and empowering prayer. It remains a constant presence throughout our life, ensuring a unique, intimate connection with the divine, and leading us towards eternal unity with the divine.

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References and Sources

  • 2:5.5 Indwelling Spirit will help you continue to ascend.
  • 131:10.4 Indwelling Spirit creates a consciousness of spiritual unity.
  • 132:2.2 Indwelling Spirit is sent by the Father.
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