Discover Jesus \ Topic \Jesus' Bestowal Mission

Jesus' Bestowal Mission 

Jesus completed his final incarnation on earth as part of a cosmic strategy to achieve sovereignty. This mission involved living as a human to fully understand and represent both divine and mortal realms within his vast creation.

Jesus' Bestowal Mission
  • Summary

    Jesus of Nazareth, known in the universe as Christ Michael, undertook a transformative mission on earth, marked as his final act in a series of incarnations designed to attain full sovereignty over his universe. This mission was not merely a visitation; it was an essential part of a grand cosmic strategy, fulfilling requirements set by the divine rulers of the universe of universes to fully understand and represent both the divine and the creaturely perspectives. His time on earth was to live as a human, sharing and understanding human experiences and struggles, thereby bridging the divine and the mortal within the framework of his vast creation.

  • Incarnation and Purpose

    Imagine expressing a desire to deepen a relationship through personal experience to better understand individuals. This notion mirrors the divine strategy. The mission of God’s son was to intimately understand humanity and to enlighten us about our universal Father.

    Instead of inheriting an exalted position, imagine a son choosing to walk in the shoes of everyday people across different walks of life. By living through various ordinary experiences, from simple daily tasks to facing significant challenges, this son gains a profound understanding of all facets of human existence. He builds true connections and earns respect through genuine empathy and understanding, embodying his father’s intent.

    The decision of Christ Michael to live among humans in mortal flesh was pivotal. Before his arrival on earth, he had already undergone six different incarnations as various orders of created beings within his universe. Each of these bestowals was aimed at gaining firsthand experience and understanding of his creations, fulfilling the divine mandate that a Creator Son must fully comprehend his subjects to claim true sovereignty. earth was chosen for his final and most humbling incarnation – to live as a human, the lowest order of intelligent creatures in his universe. This was not only to experience human life but to achieve a deeper cooperative alignment with the Paradise Trinity, embodying the culmination of divine and experiential authority.

  • The Bestowal Process

    The specifics of Jesus' incarnation on earth were meticulously planned. He was to be born as a human child, growing up to learn about human culture, religion, and the challenges of mortal life firsthand. His mission involved more than just teaching or performing miracles; it was about revealing the nature of the divine through the lens of human experience, thus providing a new understanding of the relationship between God and humans. Throughout his life, Jesus demonstrated a perfect blend of divine attributes and human vulnerabilities, thereby fulfilling the dual role of divine revelation and cosmic sovereignty acquisition.

    This incarnation was unique because it required Jesus to voluntarily limit his divine powers and knowledge, fully embracing human limitations to genuinely represent human beings in the universe’s administrative council. This act of self-limitation was a profound demonstration of his solidarity and empathy towards his own creations. It was also a strategic move, ensuring that his rule was based not only on divine right but also on earned respect and experiential wisdom.

  • Bestowal Guidance

    When preparing for a challenging mission to live as a human, Jesus was given advice to help him navigate life on earth while showing divine qualities in everyday actions.

    • Balancing Roles: Jesus was asked to lead a normal human life while focusing on spiritual growth and helping others without using his divine powers to make it easier.
    • Ending Conflict: He was encouraged to resolve a major disagreement among celestial beings, proving his capabilities through human means rather than miraculous powers.
    • Teaching Role: Jesus should focus on teaching people, aiming to enlighten their minds and spirits and guide them through their daily struggles.
    • Living Among Others: He was advised to follow local customs and engage with the community without getting involved in politics or economic debates.
    • Leaving No Trace: Jesus was warned against leaving any writings or images that could lead people to worship him instead of learning his teachings.
    • Personal Life: Although living a normal life, Jesus was to avoid marrying or having children, in line with his unique mission.
    • Relying on Inner Guidance: Throughout his mission, Jesus was to trust his inner spiritual guide, blending his human experiences with divine insights to lead an exemplary life.

    This guidance was meant to help Jesus show the best of human and divine qualities, living as a perfect example for others without drawing attention to his supernatural origins. His mission was not just about his time on earth but aimed to inspire and teach people across generations.

  • Legacy and Implications

    Upon completion of his earth mission, Jesus not only solidified his sovereignty over his universe but also enhanced the relationship between the divine and all created beings. His experiences on earth added a crucial dimension to his understanding, allowing him to govern with unparalleled wisdom and empathy. The legacy of his bestowal continues to influence teachings about the nature of God and the potential for human beings to achieve divine connection through spiritual growth and ethical living.

    This mission exemplifies the depth of divine love and the lengths to which divine leadership will go to understand and guide its subjects. Christ Michael’s life as Jesus serves as a supreme example of living faith and demonstrates the potential within all humans to bridge their material existence with their spiritual destinies. Through his teachings, life, death, and resurrection, he illustrated that the path to divine ascension is open to all, fundamentally altering the spiritual trajectory of earth and offering new hope for a deeper connection with the divine for generations to come.

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References and Sources

  • 120:0.1 The Bestowal of Michael.
  • 120:1.1 The Seventh Bestowal Commission.
  • 120:2.1 The Bestowal Limitations.
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