Discover Jesus \ Group \Celestial Messengers
During Jesus' life, celestial messengers, including Gabriel and a "mighty angel," visited him at significant moments, such as his baptism and Gethsemane, with some messages delivered through dreams and others via seraphim.
There were a handful of celestial messenger visitations during the life of Jesus. In some instances, the celestial messenger was Gabriel, the chief executive of our universe. In the case of Jesus’ visitation at age thirteen, his first celestial messenger visitation was sent by Immanuel. Jesus was also visited by representatives of the Lucifer rebellion while on Mount Hermon. The voice at Jesus’ baptism and the Transfiguration was the voice of God spoken through Jesus' Personalized Indwelling Spirit. In Gethsemane, a "mighty angel" came to Jesus and ministered to him. In other instances, and to other individuals, celestial messengers spoke in dreams facilitated by seraphic agency.
All instances of celestial messengers are presented in this essay in chronological order.
The "wise men" from Mesopotamia who visited Jesus after his birth in Bethlehem learned of this coming event from Chaldean priests led by Ardnon. Ardnon was informed in a dream that "the light of life" would appear on earth as an infant and among the Jews. The messengers, in this case, were seraphim who were once connected with Adam and Eve in the first garden, and they were assisted in communicating their message with the help of midway creatures. This message from the seraphim was the only supernatural occurrence linked to Jesus's birth.
Mary and Joseph had been married for about three months when Gabriel appeared to Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist. In June of 8 BCE, Gabriel came to tell Elizabeth that she would soon bear a son, who would be the herald of the prayed-for deliverer.
About the middle of November of 8 BCE, at sundown, while Mary was home alone, Gabriel appeared to her by the side of a low stone table. After she had recovered her composure, he told Mary that she was pregnant with a son who would inaugurate the kingdom of heaven on earth and that she and her home had been chosen as the dwelling place of the "child of destiny."
Joseph was naturally confused and uncertain about Mary’s report of Gabriel’s visit. But not long after she told him of Gabriel’s visitation, Joseph experienced a vivid dream in which a brilliant celestial messenger appeared to him. This messenger told Joseph that Mary was to bring a son into the world who would become "the light of mankind."
As a result of this impressive dream, Joseph stopped doubting Mary’s story about the expected "divine messenger to the world."
When Jesus went to Jerusalem with his parents in April of 7 CE, he experienced a deeply profound "spiritual illumination" that filled his heart with love and compassion for all those multitudes assembled for the ancient rituals of the Jewish Passover. On April 8, the day before the Passover Sabbath, a celestial messenger appeared to Jesus and said: "The hour has come. It is time that you began to be about your Father’s business."
This was one of only two celestial visitations made to the purely human Jesus of a supernatural nature. The second visitation occurred at his baptism in January of 26, CE. In the intervening nineteen years of Jesus’ life, Jesus did not use celestial guidance except that of his guardian angel.
In September of 25 CE, Jesus sojourned on Mount Hermon for about six weeks to achieve levels of mind and personality control of his human self. This sojourn was part of Jesus’ transition years and near the end of his year of solitary travel.
Near the end of his six-week sojourn on the mountain, Jesus asked the Father if he could have a conference with the spirit beings who had participated in the Lucifer rebellion. He wished to meet them as his human self, Joshua ben Joseph. His request was granted. This became known as the "great temptation" when Jesus was confronted by Satan, who represented Lucifer, and Caligastia, the traitorous planetary prince.
The human Jesus endured this time with these spiritual rebels, who tried their best to derail the mission of the bestowal with proposals and counterproposals, compromises, and improvisations. But Jesus prevailed, effectively ending the Lucifer rebellion.
On Monday, January 14, 26 CE, Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. In addition to Jesus and John, Jesus’ brothers James and Jude were also baptized. Suddenly, the four men heard a strange sound, and an apparition appeared above Jesus’ head. A voice heard by all of them declared: "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." A profound silence followed.
Jesus prayed: "My Father who reigns in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come! Your will be done on earth, even as it is in heaven." And the "heavens were opened," showing a vision to Jesus as he was before he came to earth and as he would be again when his incarnation was finished.
This was the final day of Jesus' purely human life. The voice that was heard by John, James, Jude, and Jesus was the voice of Jesus’ glorified inner spirit – the Personalized Indwelling Spirit – who remained with him as his constant companion for the rest of his life. The voice was heard by all the men, but the apparition was seen only by Jesus.
After his baptism, Jesus went into the hills for forty days. While looking for shelter, he came upon Gabriel, who now reestablished communications with him. Their last communication had taken place just prior to Christ our Creator Son submitting himself to the incarnation as the babe of Bethlehem. In this meeting, Gabriel assured Jesus that he had met the requirements of his bestowal insofar as his status in relation to his sovereignty and the Lucifer rebellion.
As Jesus and Gabriel conversed, a celestial administrator appeared before them and told Jesus that he was now at liberty to terminate his bestowal mission at the time of his choosing. This being also acknowledged the termination of the Lucifer rebellion and assured Jesus that he now had unlimited authority to deal with any similar upheavals in the future.
On August 15, 29 CE, Jesus took three of his apostles – Peter, James, and John – up to Mount Hermon for a pre-arranged conference with celestial personalities involved with the progress of Jesus’ bestowal mission. During this experience on Mount Hermon, Jesus had a three-hour meeting with Gabriel and Father Melchizedek while his three apostles waited for his return. Later that evening, when the apostles had been asleep for about half an hour, they suddenly awoke upon hearing a strange crackling noise. As they looked around, they saw Jesus having an intimate conversation with two beings shining with spiritual light; Jesus was also luminous and shining.
Although Jesus and the other beings were conversing in a language that was foreign to the apostles, Peter assumed that the two beings with Jesus must be Elijah and Moses. But in reality, they were Gabriel and Father Melchizedek – the same beings Jesus had met with earlier in the day. The apostles were permitted to see these celestial visitors because Jesus had requested it.
Soon, the vision faded, and the visitors departed, but In place of the departed visitors, a silvery cloud appeared and enveloped the four of them. A voice – the same voice that had been heard at Jesus’ baptism – spoke, saying: "This is my beloved Son; give heed to him." And then the cloud vanished, leaving Jesus alone with the three apostles.
The voice that was heard by all four was the voice of Jesus’ Personalized Indwelling Spirit, bearing witness to Jesus of the Father’s love for him, but not that the bestowal was finished.
After this momentous experience, Jesus decided to live out the rest of his earth life to its natural end.
Shortly before Jesus was arrested, he found a secluded spot in a ravine above the Gethsemane camp to pray. He took Peter, James, and John with him for support, but they could not stay awake, so he endured this time of sorrow and decision alone.
It was a time of great anguish for Jesus as he reconciled his human will with the will of the Father; he prayed to God: "Father, I know it is possible to avoid this cup—all things are possible with you—but I have come to do your will, and while this is a bitter cup, I would drink it if it is your will." And a mighty angel came to Jesus to minister to him in his hour of great need. The angel touched him and spoke to him, conveying the message from the Father that it was his will that Jesus go through the natural process of death as a mortal of the realm.
A host of angels hovered over the scene, waiting for a signal from their Master to intervene should he order them to do so. But each time Jesus prayed, his human will became more aligned with the Father’s will. Finally, Jesus’ spirit overcame his human anguish; his faith triumphed over his doubt, and the Son of Man was able to regain his composure before Judas and the soldiers came to take him away to his fate.
MaryJo Garascia, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge