Discover Jesus \ Topic \Rebellion – Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia
Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia, high-ranking celestial beings, rebelled against God's universal order. Lucifer issued a manifesto challenging God's existence, abetted by Satan and Caligastia, who disrupted our world's spiritual progress and opposed Jesus' mission.
Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia are higher spiritual beings who rebelled against God's universal order. Lucifer, a high-ranking celestial administrator, led the rebellion with a manifesto challenging God's existence and sovereignty. Satan, his lieutenant, and Caligastia, our planetary administrator, joined him. Caligastia's betrayal about 200,000 years ago plunged our world into confusion and sin. He corrupted schools, opposed the Adamic mission, and later attempted to derail Jesus' mission.
Jesus faced temptation on Mount Hermon, rejecting the rebels' offers of power and spectacle. After his baptism, Jesus considered how to use his divine powers but chose to teach and reveal God's love through human methods rather than miracles or force.
Since Pentecost, Caligastia's power over human minds has been greatly diminished. The final judgment of Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia is pending while earth continues to progress spiritually through the Spirit of Truth and the indwelling spirit of God in each person.
Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia are higher orders of spiritual beings, above the angels, who were directly created by God. Lucifer was a high-ranking celestial administrator, Satan was his first lieutenant, and Caligastia was the Planetary Prince of our world, a celestial governor appointed to oversee a planet's development. All three were well regarded and served admirably for more than five hundred thousand years until, in their hearts, they began to array themselves against the Father’s will, thinking they should be in charge and do things better.
Lucifer was brilliant and distinguished himself for his wisdom, sagacity, and efficiency. From such a magnificent beginning, through evil and error, he embraced sin and became one of only three in the entire universe who defaulted on his duty to help others. He thought more of himself and fell for the sophistry of doing your own thing, the full expression of self, and of being number one, no matter what. He turned his back on his responsibilities and a blind eye to his fellow servers. He pledged allegiance only to himself.
Lucifer led a revolution to overthrow the government of the universe. His manifesto, which he called a Declaration of Liberty, contained three lies:
Under the guise of desiring liberty for the good of all, these falsehoods would deprive all beings of true freedom: the opportunity to make personal choices and obey laws. Lucifer’s lawless approach still haunts our society.
Satan was Lucifer’s first assistant. Satan taught that allegiance should only be given to Lucifer, the true leader among us. Lucifer’s slogans were the “friend of men and angels” and the “God of liberty" as propaganda.
Caligastia was a superb administrator and manager of our world. In our historical language, the "devil" is in reference to Caligastia. He was trusted to represent and uphold the Universal Father's purposes and plans. About two hundred thousand years ago, the traitorous Caligastia cast his lot with Lucifer, vowing a permanent war. His first act was to proclaim himself the God of Earth and supreme ruler over all.
As a result of his tragic betrayal of trust, our world was darkened by rebellion and has pursued a stormy course ever since. Some of Caligastia's specific actions and impacts on our world include the following:
At the time Jesus was on earth in the flesh, Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia ganged up in hopes of getting Jesus to fail in his bestowal mission by any means possible. They waited to face him as a human, at the weakest he would ever be.
Jesus climbed Mount Hermon to meditate and be alone with God for forty days to complete his task of human perfection and the experience of living as one of his creations and mortal on an inhabited planet. He asked his Father’s permission to meet his disloyal enemies alone, as a man, and without any help from above. God granted his request.
Satan (representing Lucifer) and Caligastia were present and made fully visible. Jesus was "tempted" by their Declaration of Liberty and, as a human, remained loyal to the Father’s universe and the way it was governed. They mentally and spiritually attacked Jesus with clever and spurious proposals and counterproposals. These have been symbolized as not having to work for one’s bread, the glamour of temple pinnacles, and walking unharmed off a cliff to help us fathom the mighty struggle Jesus endured, remaining determined to live just like one of us who cannot do any of these things.
To all of the suggested compromises and makeshifts and specious proposals of utilizing fear and worldly power, Jesus confirmed he would only do the will of his Paradise Father. He then addressed his rebellious sons: "I am your Creator-father; I can hardly judge you justly, and my mercy you have already spurned. I commit you to the adjudication of the Judges of a greater universe.”
When the vicious attack failed, Jesus’ guardian seraphim returned to his side and ministered to him.
When Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan, his Indwelling spirit of God said, ‘This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.’” Jesus saw a vision of himself as the Son of God, as he was before he came to earth and as he would be again when his life here was finished. So, Jesus went away for forty days to formulate his approach of further revealing God to man. Since God can literally do anything, Jesus had to consider which of his powers he should now utilize. What Lucifer had tempted Jesus to do, when Jesus resolved to live as a man, Jesus could now legitimately utilize these powers as a Creator Son of God, the ruler of the universe. He considered the following:
Judas alone made the decision to betray Jesus, but this traitorous act pleased Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia in their desire to disrupt his bestowal mission.
Jesus’ decree of death originated in the councils of the rulers of the Jews. Their nefarious schemes had the full approval of Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia. When Jesus was crucified, wicked mortals ensured that the Master suffered cruelly to satisfy their hatred. The archenemies of Jesus could not sign a death sentence, but they worked the mob to ensure unthinking mortals would reject him and then scream to have him killed.
The mistakes of our early world rulers plunged our planet into a state of confusion and isolation, aggravated by evil and sin. Had our leaders remained loyal to the Father's plan, our world would have progressed more rapidly in physical, intellectual, and spiritual development. And yet, this very background of darkness so appealed to the Son of God that he selected earth as the arena wherein to reveal the matchless love, mercy, and patience of our Paradise Father.
Since Pentecost, Caligastia has absolutely no power to enter the minds of men, neither can he draw near to our souls to tempt or corrupt us unless we really desire to be cursed with his wicked presence. Faith is, and always has been, an effective armor against sin and iniquity.
The final adjudication of Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia is still pending, awaiting the completion of the current dispensation. Until then, our world continues to progress spiritually, gradually overcoming the lingering effects of the rebellion through the ongoing ministry of the Spirit of Truth and the indwelling spirit of God that resides within each of us.
Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge