Discover Jesus \ Topic \Jesus' Resurrected Morontia Body

Jesus' Resurrected Morontia Body 

After resurrecting, Jesus left his physical body and rose in a semi-spirit morontia form. This non-physical state demonstrates the transition after death and represents a key stage in spiritual evolution, offering tangible evidence of eternal life.

Jesus' Resurrected Morontia Body

Table of Contents

  • Summary

    When Jesus resurrected, he left his physical body in the tomb and rose in a new form: the non-physical substance that makes up our souls, called morontia. Paul knew of this material when he wrote, “Knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance" (Hebrews 10:34).” Jesus continued to experience life as a mortal immediately after death, showing us the transition into a morontia form. This form, while not physical, is a real and vital aspect of our spiritual evolution and a tangible demonstration of the promise of eternal life.

  • The Morontia Soul

    Philosophers have long recognized that there is something more to us than our physical body. As early as around 440 BCE, Socrates called this something our soul. Metaphysics inquiries of the essences of things with a higher degree of existence than matter. To spirit beings, the spirit world is a reality, and the material world is almost entirely unreal; it is merely a shadow of the substance of spirit realities. Spirit can freely pass through ordinary matter. We now know more about the spirit world through Jesus.

    The philosophers were correct in identifying a different substance they called the soul. It is also called the morontia soul, giving this different substance the name morontia. Our next body is our morontia soul, housed in a morontia form that will increasingly reflect our inner nature. These morontia bodies are non-physical; they do not need circulating blood and do not partake of ordinary material food. Still, these forms are real. We surviving mortals will rise on our resurrection morning with the same type of transition or morontia body that Jesus had when he made his nineteen resurrection appearances on earth after his death.

  • The Soul After Death

    Jesus went through the human experience of life on earth, death, resurrection, and life immediately after death. Afterward, he returned to his position as sovereign of the universe. We shall continue our spiritual advancement until we stand before God the Father in Paradise as perfected beings. Our transitional bodies, no longer physical and not yet spirit, literally transition towards the spirit side, like sliding a bar to make a light brighter, as we progress through the mansion worlds. Jesus may have been referring to our homes on the mansion worlds when he said, "In my Father's house are many mansions…I go to prepare a place for you" (John 14:2).

    We do not return to earth. Jesus, also being fully divine, did return, and nearly one thousand believers saw Jesus in his resurrection appearances after he died. And they did really see Jesus. They were not the self-deceived victims of visions or hallucinations. As Jesus continued through the same morontia career that we will experience, parting for a short time to visit his friends, it became more difficult to visualize him through material eyes.

    No mortal in the universe can claim that Jesus lacks understanding of their experience. As the Son of God, Jesus lived a mortal life and continued his existence beyond death and resurrection. In the same way, we live a human life and will continue our existence beyond our mortal death after resurrecting.

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References and Sources

  • 30:4.17 There are many mansions in my Father’s house.
  • 44:0.15 To spirit beings the spirit world is a reality; the physical less so.
  • 47:9.5 You are a mortal minus a material body on the first advancement world.
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