Discover Jesus \ Topic \Necessity for Jesus' Departure

Necessity for Jesus' Departure 

During the Last Supper, Jesus prepared his apostles for his departure, promising the Spirit of Truth would come after him. He explained his physical absence was necessary for his spiritual presence to remain eternally. The apostles struggled to comprehend.

Necessity for Jesus' Departure
  • Summary

    During the Last Supper, Jesus had the sad task of telling his apostles that he would soon leave them. He tried to prepare them for the trials to come and let them know that he would still be with them as the Spirit of Truth. He told them that his physical presence had to leave the earth so that his spirit presence could come to them and be with them forever.

    He told them that the Spirit of Truth would glorify him, just as he had glorified the Father; that it would not speak of himself but would reveal things that God had shown to him and even things to come. He said that the spirit would come forth from him and would reveal his truth to them.

    He told them that they would be sorrowful when he died, but that he would come back for a short time and speak clearly to them. And he assured them that his triumphant resurrection from the dead would be a blessing for them and for all worlds. The consciousness of God’s salvation would be a joy that would be theirs forever. However, the apostles had a hard time understanding the meaning of what Jesus was saying.Jesus had to leave this earth for other reasons that were not readily known in his day or to his apostles. It is only after consideration of the impact that Jesus’ bestowal has had on the spiritual progress of our world that these reasons may be appreciated.

  • Why Jesus Had to Leave

    In his farewell discourse during the Last Supper, Jesus told his apostles that it was necessary that he physically leave the earth because if he stayed, he would not be able to send his Spirit of Truth to be with them. The Spirit of Truth, he said, would live in their hearts and help them to know how to distinguish wisely between sin and goodness and that this spirit would be their guide and helper when they pass on from this world.

    Jesus warned the apostles that they would likely face persecution, just as he had, but that his spirit would go with them and strengthen them in their trials. This good spirit would only speak of truth and goodness, glorifying the Master as the Master had glorified the Father.

    He told the apostles that he would die soon. He said he would return for a short time, but even then, he would already be on his way to the Father. He was trying to tell them about his death and resurrection and that he would be visible to them for a short time in his resurrected form. He knew that they would first sorrow over his death, and then they would rejoice to see him resurrected. And he promised that he would speak to them clearly about the Father and his heavenly kingdom when they see him in this form. He told them that they, and all the worlds of his universe, would be blessed to see his triumph of life over death. And this assurance of God’s salvation would be a joy that could never be taken from them.

    Even though the Master tried to help them understand, the apostles did not fully comprehend what he was saying because they were still conflicted in their ideas regarding the traditional Jewish idea of the Messiah and a glorious material kingdom here on earth.

  • Other Considerations

    The necessity for Jesus' departure from earth was based on several additional profound and interconnected reasons:

    1. Completion of Bestowal Missions – The bestowal of Christ, a Creator Son, on earth was the seventh and final bestowal of this divine Son in the form of a creature of the realm onto the various systems and worlds of his universe. Even though Creator Sons are naturally merciful and kind, the purpose of these bestowals is to provide these Sons an arena to personally experience the development of compassion, understanding, and just administration in the executive management of these vast creations. As a dual-origin being – divine and human – Jesus fulfilled the requirements of his bestowal by living a life that was a superb divine revelation of the nature of the heavenly Father and a matchless demonstration of a human being dedicated to doing the will of the Father in heaven. And when he had completed this seventh and final bestowal, he had earned the sovereignty of his universe.

    2. Demonstration of Resurrection and Eternal Life – Jesus lived a truly human life, and although his death was shocking and brutal, it was a truly natural, human death. By resurrecting from the dead and appearing to nearly one thousand people, Jesus demonstrated the reality of life after physical death, reinforcing his teachings about eternal life that believers could attain. Although different from the usual order of procedure (insofar as his resurrection was experienced here on the earth), his resurrection in a glorified, semi-spirit form was a pivotal sign to his apostles and followers and a direct demonstration of the Father’s power over death and the truth of his teachings. When we see the resurrection of the human Jesus, we can be certain that we will also experience much the same resurrection, albeit on a different world than this one.

    3. Transition to a New Phase of Universe Administration – With his physical mission completed, Jesus’ departure allowed him to resume his role in the celestial administration of his universe. Completion of his seventh bestowal as a mortal being on earth was a critical part of his responsibilities, but only one phase in the broader governance and spiritual oversight of the universe, which continues unabated.

    4. Making Way for Human Agency and Spiritual Growth – By leaving earth, Jesus enabled his followers to actively take up his teachings and spread his message of the kingdom of heaven without dependence on his physical presence. This empowered the early Christian community to grow, develop, and expand the new religion based on the principles he taught, fostering spiritual growth through faith rather than sight.

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